Most Powerful Sect System 15 Rising Sun, Falling Tears

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"Identify Yourself, or you will be arrested!" Yelled the one behind him.

Time to show my true Tier 99.0 Bulls.h.i.+t Skills!

"Please officers, I am Sect Leader Keleman. I have just raised the wall for my sect. Is there a problem with this?" I said while trying to stand straight.

"Sect Leader… How did you manage to make such a giant wall? We got a report from our watchmen on the wall that suddenly a giant portion of the land outside the castle had a wall around it!"

"Officers before I explain this, may I ask who you are?" I asked

One of the men behind snorted and said "We are the Crimson Dragons of her highness Alaya Radiant! We are the most elite forces of the city that can react at a moment's notice to any type of danger!"
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 "Oh, it is the Crimson Dragons? I am very humbled in your presence. The wall I have constructed came from a certain item I created. Rest a.s.sured the wall is within the land that I own. I have only just registered my new Sect today!" I‌ said pompously.

The foremost guard had doubt written in his eyes "An item… at any point, we will return to ask about whether or not you are actually a Sect Leader. We have our ways to find you if you are not telling the truth! If you are not telling the truth you will be caught and executed today."

He stood at a more casual stance instead of his combat-ready pose and added: "What is the name of your sect so we can identify it?"

Dam system hurry up and use the Naming card! I got it as a reward didn't I? Hurry up and use it or I will -

[Naming Card Activated]

[Input Sect Name: ____ ]

I will name it…

Sealing The System Sect…. Uhm

[Host please choose an appropriate name!]

Rising Sun Sect.

I choose the Rising Sun Sect!

I will cultivate all of the disciples that choose to follow me into the perfect fighting machine!

Even if you have zero talent, it doesn't matter! You will still become the Rising Sun of tomorrow if you join my sect!

"The name of my Sect is 'The Rising Sun Sect'," I said proudly.

They showed no reaction to the name and simply jotted it down on a slip of paper.

Soon after they did so, they left and used a slightly less blinding speed to go back into the city.

All is well again!

Wait, I didn't give them the name when I registered in the city hall…

. . .

I was about to start crying when the system said:

[The reason the naming card is a reward is that the system will input the name using mana! Right when you used the naming card they received a message using their manlines that you have chosen that as the name.]

System… What would I do without you?

I would most likely be having fun and laughing through the streets while drinking.

I might have even started to make my own training center here as well! Not some stupid sect where my little life might end at any moment!

[Host you have just made your own 'Training Center' This sect is many times better! The host will be able to cultivate disciples until his death!]

For some reason, it sounded like it was trying its hardest to cheer me up.

Maybe the system has upgraded itself with AI Learning and has learned how to cheer people up?

[Host also please remember to use the lottery, The tickets will only last for one day!]

. . . Forget I said anything.

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Most Powerful Sect System 15 Rising Sun, Falling Tears summary

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