Most Powerful Sect System 24 Grand Opening

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{Alternate View: Somewhere in Radiant City}

Alrun: "My haven't been going so good recently, what have you guys finished for your inscription cla.s.s?"

Phorbes: "You need to step it up Al, if you want to get into a good college you can't have these normal-looking scores!"

Phorbes: "I won't follow you if you pick a small college in this city, my sights are to move into the Sunstar Empire's Colleges!"

Alrun: "Hehe, you talk big words for someone that barely got a higher score than me in History."

The two stopped while walking and noticed a crowd gathered around the side-walk;

Phorbes: "I'll ignore what you just said if you go check it out. Hmph!" He cracked his knuckles

Alrun: "Fine, don't make such a big deal about. Even though you might be a bit stronger than me, you won't be able to make me admit defeat!"

Walking towards the crowd, he pierced through the dense mob and found them gaping at a poorly written flyer that stated:

(Gather around in the evening for a Grand Opening Exam, for the Rising Sun Sect. Tier 0 accepted, no previous experience required!)

It almost looked like a job flyer with how simple it was, yet it stated something extraordinary.

It also stated a location outside of the city.

Alrun dashed out of the crowd and ran to his friend and said:

Alrun: "Phorb! There's a new sect that is opening. It seems like someone is finally standing up to the two bullies."

Phorbes: "What!? No one would dare open a sect while those two sects rule the city."

Alrun: "It said the location was where that big wall showed up a yesterday, They must not be tricking us! Someone is finally standing up to them."

Phorbes: "School, College these are just for the weak! If we can become strong inside of a sect we won't need to be office workers. We can take what we want with our strength!!"

{Alternate View: Radiant City Mansion}

Gulwryn: "Missus…"

A man clad in a completely black suit kneeled in front of a young girl;

Alaya: "I am already aware Gulwryn. However, we must not touch that sect for now. Father recently informed me of something about it."

Alaya: "However, the second we have the chance I will personally crush it beneath my hands."

Gulwryn stood up and put his hand to his chest, and walked away. In his aged eyes, you could see the faintest hint of worry.

{Keleman View}

Cackling like a madman I was reveling in my master plan.

I would soon be able to cultivate the first talents of the Rising Sun Sect!

As it is now, it a few minutes before the examination starts. While I was waiting I left to go into the city and bought some nice formal wear that could even protect against Low-Cla.s.s Tier 0 attacks.

It cost most of what I had left, and I would have to wait until I went back to the Martial Hall to make some more money. But, to look good in front of my future disciples will be worth it.

Standing a bit away from the entrance I tidied my hair up a bit, almost wis.h.i.+ng to ask the system for a mirror function to check how I looked.

However, I knew better. It would probably even ignore me now that I am broke.

I made sure the switch was in my pocket before I would make my first debut as the Sect Leader.

Hehe, they would most likely applaud me as I walk out since I am so handsome.

I walked towards the entrance and it turned into a faint mirage as I walked through. My faint yellow and red robe that had the faintest accents of golden threads seemed to s.h.i.+ne as I walked through the entrance.

"The Grand Opening Sect Examination will start now!" I raised my voice towards the crowd I could now see.

As I said this, my brain instantly rendered at least 50 people in this crowd. They were all mostly men with about a 1:10 female ratio.

Now that they've seen my handsome face, I am sure the ratio will increase as time goes on.

I flipped my arm a bit to make the robe flutter and said: "For Future Disciples, I welcome you."

"I am Sect Leader Keleman Richtof, of the Richtof family. I welcome you all to attempt to become the first pillars of the Rising Sun sect and make a name for yourselves."

I said with clarity, I am thankful I never had stage fright.

They all were staring at me as if I were some kind of immortal being, however, if all of them were to attack me I would fall pretty easily. The last time I cultivated was only this morning.

"We will begin with the examination, please step over here."

I said this while walking towards my bulls.h.i.+t device. A smug smile crossed my lips as I thought about grooming all of the potential talents.

"This device will measure your talent, if you are to be an immortal in the future it will radiate light as blinding as the sun! If you are to become a farmworker it might not light up at all."

I felt a bit bad saying this because in the future I could take in anyone regardless of their talent. For now, I had to do this to keep up an image.

I could see their faces begin to harden, a few of them even looked at ease. A few were actually arrogant and thought they could pa.s.s with ease.

These types of faces…

I wonder what face they would make when they realize they have no talent. Although I want people in the future of all talents to join, it doesn't mean I want people with bad character!

They started to line up in front of the device.

"Come forward, and test your ability," I said to the first candidate.

Surprisingly it was actually a girl that went first, everyone in the crowd seemed to be under 25. Some of them even looked like they were younger than 17!

This girl wore common clothing and had a mad glint in her eye that seemed to say "I will pa.s.s this at all costs!"

Good optimism, but let's see how you compare…

Activate the Limit Sensor!

[Activating Limit Sensor]

[Talent Levels]

[Body: D]

[Mind: H]

[Maximum Projected Level: Tier 1.2]
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[Other Features Locked]

[Please strive to level up host! More features can be unlocked!]

I gripped the switch slightly and the lamp on top of the pole started to emit a faint yellow light, which surprised me. I expected it to be white, but it contrasted nicely with the antique pole.

It was a faint light but it was nonetheless there.

I could see the sadness on her face, it was quite apparent.

"This is not too bad, you should have the potential to reach Tier 1. You Pa.s.s."

I said while looking at her.

In this world, Tier 1 is still almost 10 times stronger than a regular human!

Her face beamed when I said this and started to go back when‌ I also stated:

"Stand over here to the left of me while you wait for the others"

I stopped and looked at the rest of them and continued:

"And if you also pa.s.s go stand near her and chat a bit while you wait. It would be good to greet some possible future Sect Brother and Sister!"

My minimum requirement for this time was Tier 1. If they were below that they would have to wait until I unlocked the 100 MPS Point upgrade from the store to upgrade their talent.

I'm still not sure what the upgrade ability does, but I will find out when I buy it.

I looked at the next candidate, he was tall and had a good build. His face was stern and uncaring as he walked up towards the device.

[Limit Sensor Activated]

[Talent Levels]

[Body: B]

[Mind: H]

[Maximum Projected Level: Tier 5.1]

[Other Features Locked]

[Please strive to level up host! More features can be unlocked!]

My expression nearly gave away my surprise as I gripped the switch again and it shone out a more brilliant light. Although it wasn't too much; it was a qualitative jump from the last.

Haha! This will be my first big catch!

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Most Powerful Sect System 24 Grand Opening summary

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