Most Powerful Sect System 30 Filling Up The Empty Sec

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After making sure every disciple was able to properly go through the sect entrance, I had a plan to inspire them a bit.

A show of great power would spur their minds into cultivating diligently.

Who wouldn't want to become strong when they have a goal to work towards?

Walking towards the entrance they walked behind me, chatting away, they were all excited to become apart of the sect; I would too if I were them hehe.

They are the first generation of the Most Powerful Sect in history!

As you become older in this world you will die of old age like any other, that is if you are without a Tier.

The Vitality stat doesn't only relate to being able to survive through a beating, it also expands your lifespan.

Although the ratio isn't so much as being able to live 200 years if your stat becomes 2. It is still on average about 40 years.

Right now if I were to stop cultivating, I would be able to comfortably live for at least 140 years.

Due to this, the average Tier 1, if they were a warrior that focuses on their Vitality and had the proper Cultivation Manual.

They would be able to live for about 500 years. If they used their vitality as a means to break through to the First-Tier that is.

But as I said before, you must have a balanced body. The average Tier 1 should be able to live from anywhere from 200 years to 500.

The moment one of your stats break-through a set of 10, they push you into a new Tier.

As they followed me like children, I watched their faces as they saw the Main hall and the other buildings.

It was now closer to the evening, and the sun was setting gently over the horizon. And as it did, it gently floated down towards the main hall, it made it the atmosphere even more majestic.

Good timing! I did a thumbs up in my head.

Before I got close to the Main Hall, I was in the 'outer ring' of the sect. I was going to divide it up into the Outer Sect, Inner Sect, and Core. They would be living inside of the‌‌ Outer Sect for now.

If they performed admirably, I would a.s.sign them to a profession once we got more tools for the Professions Hall.

As of right now, the profession hall had a few pill furnaces and forges. As well as a few crafting tables with tools.

There wasn't much because I had yet to upgrade any of the buildings. As soon as I reach Tier 1 I would soon be upgrading them. Especially the wall.
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 "I will now create some nice houses for you all to stay at!" I said as I pointed to the ground.

While doing this I silently opened up the bronze-b.u.t.ton.

With my left eye, I could see them slightly confused and a bit judgemental.

d.a.m.n, do you think this Handsome Wizard is not powerful!

[Sect Control: Building Mode Housing Feature]

[Outer Disciple Barracks (T0, Holds 25) - 2 MPS Points]

[Outer Disciple Individual Housing (T0, Holds 2) - 2 MPS Points]

[Features Locked]

I thought there would only be one…

Looks like I can put some more rewards in their face if they want to be on top!

I used the crosshair and created two Barracks and three Individual Houses.

The air was silent as they materialized from nothing and within seconds came into existence.


I could hear quite a few of them letting out gasps and starting to whisper.

Hahaha! See how powerful your Sect Leader is!

The structures were put in a way so that eventually more could be built, around the entire outer ring of the sect.

These only filled up a bit of s.p.a.ce.

I would also see how I could put down some roads or paths later on.

"As you all can see, there are two Large housing apartments, as well as Five houses."

"Those of you who got two wins will be able to stay in these Houses. You can choose to share it or keep it for yourself. As for how you decide who stays where; you can duel for the privilege of having your own house." I continued

"These houses while providing more privacy, will also have softer beds, and a private cultivation s.p.a.ce where you will not be interrupted."

"If you want to grab one for yourself you can challenge any of the house-holders on the first of every month. If you feel you don't have the strength, you can only stay in the large apartment."

I said this without mercy; the strong would prosper and grow their talents more. While the weaker ones will strive to grow strong enough to get into one of the houses.

I could tell some of them were already getting ideas as their faces turned vicious, they glared at each other.

"However I hope none of you will make enemies with each other! You must not do any harm outside of this Dueling Platform!" I said as I pointed my finger a bit away from the houses

[Outer Disciple Dueling Arena (T0, Maximum: Four on Four) - 4 MPS Points]

[Purchase Confirmed]

I purchased one of the new things that popped up in the regular Sect Control Building menu.

I was going to ask the system, but it seemed to already have it in the store.

I watched them as their mouths opened a bit, they were less surprised than before.

"Does everyone understand?" I asked.

"Ha! We understand Sect Leader!" They Bellowed.

"Good! Follow me to find a proper Body Cultivation manual that suits you. Everyone will get one even if they only got one win. For those of you that got two, you can come to see me when you feel that you are ready to study a Martial Skill"

After I said it their eyes turned red, this would be the first time they would be able to cultivate!

They could become cultivators and unlock their manhearts!

They immediately lined up straight and followed towards me, we were headed to the Treasure Exchange Pavilion.

System, would it be possible to copy some of these to hand out? They wouldn't spread them around since they took the oath.

[Host if you would like to have this function, it will cost you 5 MPS Points!]

Fine I wouldn't want them to have to study it one at a time since there are only so many of the manuals.

We arrived at the Treasure Pavilion, they were truly mind-boggled by the sight of the sect so far.

Although it was a bit empty, what was there was extremely exquisite!

Furthermore, it seems that these were all personally constructed by the Sect Leader. How strong would someone have to be to construct something from thin air?

They were starting to feel lucky that they were able to find the flyer on such short notice, their stroke of luck led them to be able to change their lives in one day!

If Keleman knew, he would have gotten much more than the 80 or so people that turned up. He might even have gotten thousands!

"Go ahead and choose what manual you want, you all have been given the appropriate amount of merit points to purchase one Body Cultivation Manual permanently," I said

They looked like kids in a candy store as they started to scramble to look at what there was; soon they seemed to turn slightly startled as they realized there wasn't much.

"Oh, I haven't had the time to get all of the manuals and skills sorted out yet; if the ones here do not satisfy you. Wait a few days and they will get here."

I said while clearing my throat. I had to bulls.h.i.+t my way out of this poor display…

After I told them to go back and sort out their housing when they get their manuals and start cultivating.

I left to go to the main hall.

I reached the steps and looked back and some of them have already picked out their copies; the Treasure Exchange Pavilion was automatic. I wonder how startled they were when I suddenly left!

Their merit point count is stored in their manheart along with the oath. When they try to see how many Merit's they have they wouldn't be able to yet. But, when they start unlocking their mana they will be able to read how much they have.

This was a tough day, I ended up being unlucky and losing the Tier 4…

I still got a Tier 5 and I should be able to host the next entrance exam within a few months to draw that little guy back out.

I stretched and sat down in the chamber part of the Main Hall, the Main Hall split off into two sections through a door which led to the office areas. While the other led to a large bedroom where I would call my new home.

I won't sleep tonight! I will cultivate all night long. I will take a break and let them open up their mana hearts while I start cultivating. I need to start appointing some leaders also. I can't let them run around as they please just yet.

While reminiscing on the day I opened the Library Function and started cultivating according to the Golden Dragon Suppression Series.

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Most Powerful Sect System 30 Filling Up The Empty Sec summary

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