Most Powerful Sect System 38 I Can Scam Too?

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{Outside of the Rising Sun Sect}

A crowd that spanned more than ten-thousand stood chattering outside of the giant, grand-looking walls of the Rising Sun Sect.

Many of them were quite nervous while looking towards the Arena that sat outside of the sect, these people have not gotten into any fights in their lives. They did not know, however, was that in order to pa.s.s as a mage you would need a B or higher Mage talent to be admitted immediately.

A single in-uniform disciple of the Rising Sun Sect gracefully stepped out of the archway onto the light red path that went towards the crowd, as he stepped out it caused the first wave of people in front to go quiet which soon quieted the entire crowd.

Some were grinding their teeth, some looked to the sky and prayed while saying a few words. A couple of them even started crying!

Many of them, no matter where they were in the crowd could see the large majestic board on top of the arch in mesmerizing calligraphy "Rising Sun".

As their spirits were starting to come to a boil in compet.i.tive action, a voice sounded out above the walls. A man was standing on the top of the giant walls and said with a voice that resonated throughout everyone said:

"Let the Rising Sun Sect second Entrance Examination Begin!" The ethereal voice spread through the crowd and pushed their spirits to the limit as they became extremely excited!

{Keleman View}

Hehe, how was that for a grand display? Go ahead and take it from here Phorbes.

I stood on the top of the wall and scanned the giant crowd and realized there were, indeed, too many people. For once I hoped that not too many pa.s.sed.

If even a thousand pa.s.sed they might have to sleep on the ground tonight!

I jumped down from the wall, in plain sight and landed with a light bang. I gave everyone a nice smile and leaned against the wall and nodded towards Phorbes.

Just as I did so I started scanning the crowd, trying to find any good talents that looked outstanding. It seemed most of them had no talent at all, I found a couple of Tier 2 and Tier 3's but no one else yet. Although I had only scanned nearly 20 people.

I watched two lines of people begin to form in front of the Talent‌ Meters as Phorbes came up to the front and start to explain to them in a calm and deep resonating voice:

"In order to test your future talents, step in front of this machine and place your hand on the crystal, and the crystal ball-" He took a breath and pointed towards the small crystal ball resting at the bottom. "Will rise according to how formidable your talent is."

He finished explaining and what transpired; it took quite a long time…

I didn't think I would actually get bored in the time of testing people, luckily Phorbes was quite efficient in the way that he handled it. He got through quite a lot of people in the time he had!

After a long time, he had blown through what I estimated to be around eight thousand people. Of these, there had been actually quite a few that had talented minds. One of them even had an type Mind Talent!

After they were let through and went to stand near the people that pa.s.sed, I quietly scanned them and saw the following;

[Talent Levels]

[Body: H]

[Mana: ]

[Maximum Projected Level: Tier 12.9]

[Other Features Locked]

[Please strive to level up host! More features can be unlocked!]

d.a.m.n, to think I would get this lucky early on! I had a Grand Elder talent! I even saw the rare occasion of Phorbes being fl.u.s.tered!

When he saw the Crystal ball rise to such a high height, his mouth slightly dropped and he looked over to me as if he was a child in need of a.s.sistance!

Luckily, he pulled himself together just in time and told them that they had pa.s.sed.

The type talent was actually a small girl, she looked to be only around 18 years old. While I was listening I heard her name was "Yves". It was quite an interesting name, it seemed she was from a different place on the continent.

She looked calm as she walked towards the winner's circle, but I could see the slight smile and happiness on her face. It seemed she had a good character. I don't know if she would pa.s.s the combat exam, however.

Speaking of the combat exam, how in the h.e.l.l are they going to finish in time!

I was prepared to have an extra day to do the combat exam, but this… There were simply too many people! I had to raise my standards!

I had a few options at this point. I could either let them go on with the combat exam as planned and have it last about a month of non-stop fighting.

I could make the matches four versus four, but this would cause the unlucky ones who could get accepted by one versus one matches to lose because of a bad team. Or it may cause people with a bad character to be carried along by their great team.

There was also the option that I had thought would be the best, albeit, the sc.u.mmiest option.

I‌ could charge an entrance fee...

In order to take the combat exam, they would need to pay 10 Gilded Coins. While this was a bit high; because most of the people here were farmers. I would also add in the rule that body refiners and mages that have a talent of at least B+ type, could be pa.s.sed.

Of course, the talent meter won't detect whether it is mind or body talent, it only shows the projected Tier.

In this way I can say that from now on if they are above Projected Tier 8, they will be allowed to enter for free. This would mean that if they were Core Disciple or Mid-Cla.s.s Elder material they could enter immediately.

Although it might be a sc.u.mmy move, I will be able to h.o.a.rd some money in the Treasure Storage. I can also get rid of the problem of time!

While Phorbes was testing them, I went over and informed him of the new rule. The people that have been pa.s.sed already will be asked to pay the entrance fee. And every future person that comes to be tested will be asked to pay after they are tested and fail to meet the projected level requirement. Of course, they will be informed before-hand so they cannot say they will not pay even after. If they choose to try and scam us. Hmph! Come and try! I will see how Phorbes beats you!

As for how we will collect the toll, I can just purchase one of those small bins from the system with the bit of MPS Points I have.

System, can I purchase a bin that will transport currency immediately into the Treasure Storage while giving out a unique manmark that people will be branded with if they meet the conditions?

[This type of thing you have asked for will cost 4 MPS Points, due to having a teleportation formation inside of it. Do you want to purchase this?]

Alright, scammer, I don't really have a choice in the matter. I confirmed the purchase and I stood a bit behind the Talent meter and had the bin materialize in my hand.

As for why I wanted to give them a mark to be branded with, the mark on their skin would only be able to be given by this bin so they wouldn't be able to replicate it; it would be made out of a special property of mana that Phorbes should be able to properly sense.

When they insert the correct amount of coins inside the coins will be transported to the Treasure Storage while dispensing out a manmark onto their wrist.

Only with this specific mana mark will they be able to continue on to the combat exam! But the people with already higher than Projected Level 8 or higher will be immediately accepted.

While Phorbes started to explain the new rule in his deep voice I placed the bin next to him and the talent meters, it had some nice designs on it, even if it was a glorified toll booth.

After Phorbes finished explaining the new rule, the people that have already pa.s.sed and some of the faces that were about to come to test scrunched their faces up in agony. Some of them would have to leave and come back with the money!

Some would not have enough money at all! The average farmworker would only have about 2 Gilded Coins that they have saved up!

Although some were lucky they stored more, there was a significant amount of people that started to leave.

Haha! It seems I will get the desired amount of people I want now! Although… why do I feel like a certain greedy system inside? Is this what the system feels like when it scams…
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 While I felt very guilty, I simply wouldn't be able to accept every single person that came. I hope I could remove this rule in the future and come up with a better method! But for now, this is all I can do.

I looked towards the crowd and found that there still remained some people that had even expected this, free food doesn't fall from the sky. I could roughly estimate that at least more than two thousand people haven't left.

It could either be due to their arrogance that they believe they are above Tier 8 quality and can instantly be admitted, or they simply have the money on hand already. Not everyone is a simple farmer, some of these are wealthy city workers.

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Most Powerful Sect System 38 I Can Scam Too? summary

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