Most Powerful Sect System 39 Duvet Jumping Over The Dragons Gate

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I didn't plan to stay around for the whole thing after I was sure that Phorbes was alright, the only other interesting thing that happened since the Grand Elder talent was a cheater!

This person left and came back, and I suspect, while he was back home he also picked up another item. Once he saw that there would be a combat exam.

The moment he stepped into the area of the formation his forehead gave away his ident.i.ty as a cheater! In such a flashy way, he himself didn't notice until some of the people around him started giving him strange looks.

Of course, the system notified me the moment it branded someone as a cheater, and I wanted to see how long it would take Phorbes to notice. This guy couldn't cause any harm without going up to the talent meter.

Surprisingly, Phorbes noticed the reaction of the crowd very fast! I had informed him of what would happen if a cheater with a forbidden item were to appear while taking the exam, and how to handle it. I wouldn't want to leave my little employee without good instructions!

After this, he immediately said in a loud voice:

"You are henceforth banned from entering the Rising Sun Sect's grounds, please leave immediately or you will be forced out of the grounds." He looked like a stalwart mountain glaring down at the small 19 or 20 your old boy below him.

The poor little guy didn't even know his forehead was glowing with that message, and after Phorbes came up and intimidated him he scurried off without a word. I was secretly disappointed; because I also wanted to know what kind of item he had with him to be cla.s.sified as against the rules.

After this, however, I left after making sure everything could be taken care of smoothly. And if need be, all he would have to do is yell to get my attention. With his super-human body, he could produce a very large sound with his vocal cords at this point. At least, 10 times louder than the regular human could.
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 After going back inside, I could actually see most of the disciples hanging out near the wall that separated the sect from the entrance examination, they appeared to be trying to listen to what was happening.

Speaking of my disciples, I'm going to be in quite a lot of trouble if I don't have somewhere for all of them to sleep! These guys must be relaxed thinking my powers don't come at a cost to use it! They aren't even my powers. They are the scamming systems!

The Sect Entrance Examination started early in the morning so we could properly handle everyone that came, because of this I started thinking about how we could make it more efficient in the future.

One of my main ideas was that we could have an open exam all the time! Going into more detail; this would mean that I would have dedicated disciples working at measuring the candidate's talents and giving them the exam at all times. Instead of the combat exam, I could just do a written test and try to find the best way to curb any unfavorable people from joining.

If possible, I would create a more structured and fleshed-out hierarchy system to put in place. At the top it would start with me, then the Grand‌ Elders and so forth. It would end at the bottom with Outer Disciples, simply because I believe that the guards who are retired Outer Disciples should be able to give orders to them. It wouldn't create a good image if a retired Outer Disciple were to be ordered around by their junior.

In this world seniority still matters quite a bit, it is just tuned down simply because cultivators ages are not well known, because they live for such a long time and keep such a youthful look.

After sitting nervously, testing out my mansense in the Main Hall I waited diligently for the exam to come to an end, if something serious were to happen I would be notified by the system.

I heard a large cheering sound outside of the sect near the end of the evening, I hurriedly got up thinking that there was some kind of situation and I frantically ran towards the entrance. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that my disciples looked at me strangely!

I didn't take into account that if someone was strong enough the system might not notify me! If they were able to bypa.s.s the system's defenses somehow and start to wreak havoc on my poor disciples… I would go insane from guilt!

Running over and keeping my body very low to the ground I glided towards the wall and sprung up from the ground, jumping over the wall entirely and landed in the middle of the exam.

At my entrance, I looked around and… A group of almost two thousand people was crying?

{Phorbes View}

This is the last combat duel for the exam! Pair number 809 please step up to the arena for your duel!

Wiping a bit of sweat from my face, I looked up at the setting sun and knew the time was almost over. I hope Sect Leader would be pleased with all of the disciples that he has gained in the sect.

After this, we should have a lot of fellow brothers and sisters! I didn't realize that there would actually be so many people that could become strong in this city…

I would indeed have a lot of rivals and need to protect my house for the longest time possible. I'm not sure how I can though… What Sect Leader calls a Projected Level long ago became a concept of measuring strength and talent when our small group had discussions.

He looked back up and saw Alrun standing on the other side of the arena with a bloodied face, staring at his opponent with a face I have never seen him make before.

His opponent was near the same size as him and had no injuries to speak of. In the previous round, he had faced a small and clumsy girl that nearly fell into his outstretched fist and got an easy victory. This person even took pleasure in the act of hurting such a frail girl, he laughed and mocked her!

This type of person… To hurt someone so weak that had the courage to attempt the combat exam, even after seeing how hard it would be to win with such a physique. This type of person deserves death!

If it was me instead of Alrun up there I would gladly kick this guy's thick face in so that he will live in humiliation for the rest of his life for what he's done!

I watched Alrun's body tense up and the other guy had a smug look on his face that seemed to say "Come try me."

"Begin!" I shouted this much more loudly than any of the other times I have, in the blink of an eye the old Alrun I used to know didn't exist anymore.

He had become even stronger! His eyes shown with a light that longed to bring justice! This is my friend Alrun, I can proudly say this!

When we used to play this little guy would always shy away from any type of public activity, simply because he would get bullied in the school. I would always beat any type of bully coming towards him… But, in the end, he still became even more withdrawn. Now, however, He is a new man!

The man with the smug look on his face seemed to be over 35 years old, he stood there lazily as if watching a baby run towards him.

His arrogance would be the end of him, end it Alrun!

I watched Alrun speeding like a dart towards him, once he got close the old guy feinted towards the left but then spun with the momentum he had to the right and tried to swing his palm into Alrun's face!

This guy actually had some combat experience, this isn't an easy move! Alrun didn't fall for the feint and simply followed him and while he was spinning around towards him… He crashed right into him and started to push him on the ground!

However, unexpectedly the old guy was teleported out. Everyone in the crowd looked towards the old man and even though the arena had teleported him out. His wig had fallen off! This old guy was actually bald! It seemed that he could have broken his hip fatally if he actually fell down to the ground, haha!

The crowd looked at it and roared with laughter at the contrast of the old man that loved to hurt little girls, into a sorry state like this where his wig fell off and showed his true side.

Many laughed simply because they felt satisfied at seeing this old creep on the ground, however, some of them found it truly funny and some tears from crying slowly welled up in their eyes.

Right when I was about to lose the ability to hold back and gently started to smile…

A loud bang was heard! Everyone in the middle of their laughing looked over and…

"Greetings Sect‌ Leader!"

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Most Powerful Sect System 39 Duvet Jumping Over The Dragons Gate summary

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