Most Powerful Sect System 41 Concocting And Foreboding

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{Alternate View: Yves}

As the sun once again peeked over the wall, it shone on the Rising Sun Sect's barracks and houses which seemed so small in comparison. In the right-wing of the section stood a small area that didn't have gra.s.s growing. Only a light golden sheet of flooring which had small benches and lamp-posts around it.

The radiant glow of the light-post faded into obscurity as the sun landed on it, and finally blinded the eyes of three friends sitting on the bench waiting for the rising sun.

Yves: "It's my first day as a cultivator!!" The small girl stood up and said while laughing merrily.

Violet: "You don't need to get so excited Yves since when haven't you watched the sunrise. You used to do it every-day!" She helplessly said

Violet: "Sylna, have you picked out a Mage cultivation manual yet? You're going to quickly fall behind Yves if you don't soon! She must be a one in a billion talent…"

A girl who seemed a bit younger than violet, with emerald green hair and blue eyes, perked up next to Violet;

Sylna: "You don't need to tell me that! Hmph, I can also catch up to her if I really tried. Did you even see me beat up that guy in the combat exam? He was no match for me."

Violet: "Pff, you think you beat that guy up? He was twice your size! He most likely pitied such small girl and let her pa.s.s." She said while laughing

Yves: "Why don't we go see the profession hall? I heard some of the others talking about it. Maybe we inherited some of papa's powers!"

Sylna: "For this G.o.ddess, it will be too easy to make a few High-Cla.s.s Tier 7 Pills…"

Violet: "Hehe, you would be lucky to even be able to fuse the capsule Sylna, but we can try. I was just going to go back and start cultivating after you called us out here Yves."

At this, she got up and grabbed their hands and yanked them up with a playful smirk. At this time they noticed some others starting to come out of the barracks they had stayed in. Once they caught sight of one person they scowled and began to walk towards the Profession Hall.

Violet: "That guy is coming, we need to go quick. You heard all of the rumors about that guy right?" She said while dragging her sisters.

Sylna: "Hah! So what if he is an ogre or a demon or what-not. I can still beat him up! This G.o.ddess would only need a single kick and a punch."

Violet: "Keep dreaming, that guys arm is bigger than your fat head!"

Yves: "Pff, hahaha!" She broke out in laughter while turning her head away from Sylna.

Once the three sisters reached the glittering Profession Hall they all stopped in amazement and looked at it. In the early sun, it seemed as if it were a sparkling lake; reflecting the sun off of its surface.

Violet: "You two better not break any of the cauldrons, or I'll go tell that Disciple Head that you are going to pay for it!"

Sylna: "What kind of cauldrons could compare to papa's anyway, papa even concocted for the Radiant Family! He could make more than a few Tier 5 Pills every day!"

Yves: "Papa once said he could even make a Tier 7 pill, and that is how he pa.s.sed his 7-star apothecary test!"

After gossiping about their family they made it inside and found a long hall with marked plaques on each door, like a small schoolhouse.

Looking around they saw varying different profession courses;

(Weapon Forging)



(Pill Concocting)


Violet: "Wow, this is pretty impressive. Do you guys want to check out the other places first before we go and see the cauldrons?"

Yves: "I want to see what formations are! I have never heard of it!" She giggled and started to run towards the door.

Violet: "Hey, don't run!"

After yelling at her sister, the door lightly forced her back once she tried to touch the handle. As it did the small girl's face grew blank for a second before staring at her sisters looking as if she was going to cry.

Yves: "It says I need to pay 1000 Merit Points to enter! I don't have any money!" She exclaimed looking like a teary-eyed doll.

Violet: "What do you mean 'it said' there is no one here! Just walk in, come on Sylna go help her."

Sylna huffed and puffed a bit trying to act tough, but she gave in and follow after the small girl's footsteps like another lemming and got reflected off of the door.

Violet: "Are you two trying to play tricks on me? Just go and open-"

She said this angrily while walking towards the same door as the others and as she placed her hand on the handle, a voice resounded in her head:

[Outer Sect Disciple Violet Renegar, in order to access the Professions Hall you must pay 1000 Merit Points. Would you like to confirm this purchase?]

Her head blanked out and the other two stared at her with fiery expressions that said 'Told you so!'
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 Violet: "The door… can speak? What was it?" She said while she tried to grab the handle again.

However, the same thing happened and the voice once again resounded in her head to purchase access into the room. She even tried to talk with it in her head but to no avail.

Yves: "I don't have any points, I spent all of it on my mage manual… Big sisters, you have to help me get in this room!" She was acting even more depressed than before, with a single tear threatening to fall.

Sylna: "Stop! I told you before doing that kind of thing is not allowed! You look way too adorable and pitiful when you do that. We don't have any money to spend either!" She helplessly stated.

Violet: "I really want to know how this thing works, but, Sylna is right. We don't have the points to get in so we just in. So let's just go make some points! Sylna, you said you were a strong G.o.ddess earlier right? Just go to the dueling arena and bet some merit points."

The girl's face quickly shrunk down to the floor as if she were trying to find a corner to hide in.

Sylna: "I- I just… I need to have breakfast before my powers come to their full potential! I might face a mighty enemy!"

Violet: "Yeah, right… let's just head back for now and get breakfast. We should maybe ask some of the others about it for now. You two need to start making friends! You both came so late." She pulled both of their hands and started to head back.

Violet: "Brother couldn't make it because of what happened, Durandal used to always protect us when we were younger but he didn't pa.s.s the screening… We have to protect ourselves and grow strong to protect him in the future!"

Yves looked away for a bit and started to pout while thinking of their brother, Sylna kept her head down and allowed herself to be pulled back towards their new home…

{Iron Journey Sect}

??: "Although the time coming up in the duel is a bit long, we should do as we can for now. Do you two understand what the mission is now? I won't explain it anymore."

"We Understand, Sect leader! It is just… what if we are found out? We don't even know how to get to their treasure."

Two fatties sitting across the room were on their knees, almost begging for their life in front of a ma.s.sive man that was covered in body hair.

??: "I don't care how you do it! For what you two have done is unforgivable and could even be punished by execution. Raiding the meal hall is a very extreme offense."

"Sect Leader we are sorry! We will try our best to raid their coffers for as much as we can get. Are we allowed to kill them?"

??: "Hmm…"

The man with who looked like a yak was thinking with his hand on his chin, while the fatties were helplessly trying to crawl even deeper into the floor.

??: "They need to know that there can only be two sects in Radiant City, we have an agreement with Lady Alaya. What do they have? They have nothing. If need be; you can kill some of the disciples if you have to. Just… don't go too overboard or we will be found out!"

The two fatties licked their lips when they heard they were allowed to kill. Faint energy radiated off of them as they asked for permission to leave and prepare.

The overgrown yak gave a slight sigh and mumbled to himself

"If we were to be actually found out by Lady Alaya… We would be destroyed before we could even get up and scream."

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Most Powerful Sect System 41 Concocting And Foreboding summary

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