Most Powerful Sect System 5 Contac

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As I rounded the corner I could see a bright blue sign sticking out hovering over the street giving me the sign that I've got what I came for.

"The Lazy Lizard"

It even had a small spotted lizard with a bubble on its nose as if it were sleeping!

I walked into the store and an old man greeted me "Hey young man how long are you staying?"

I dug into my pocket and laid the silver on the table and asked: "How long will this last me for?"

I still currently have no idea about this world maybe this old man can give me a clue on how much this is without seeming suspicious.

The old man's eyes brightened when he saw the coins come out of my pocket and said: "For a week you can have the Dragon Lair!"
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 This must be worth quite a bit, the Dragon Lair sounds really powerful! I wonder if I can get any longer

"Come on old man can't you go anymore? I have to stay here for a while." I pushed the coins towards him a bit more while smiling.

"Maybe if my wife were here she would be nice enough, but I'm not!" he said almost playfully.

"Take this and go to the third floor, it will be at the end of the hallway. You'll know when you get there of course," he said.

He put a greenish colored rod on the table and pointed to the staircase.

I guess this is the key then?

I headed upstairs and went to where he said, and the rod began to grow. It grew quite fast as I approached the door to the point where it was twice its size!

"Such a fast-growing rod.." I mumbled as I looked at the round hole in the door.

I stuck the rod into the hole as a white flash of light came out into my eyes and almost blinded me!

As soon as I blinked I realized that the door had become transparent, only the place where the hole was still solid. Pretty strange. I won't question it yet.

I got inside the door while pa.s.sing through the now not-solid door as if I just phased through a wall. Once I reached the other side it turned back into its non-transparent form as it once was.

The rod smoothly left the hole and I put it back in my pants. How convenient!

I looked around the room and it was quite bright with a single light coming from the ceiling from something that looked like a glowing orb. It radiated enough light to evenly light all sides of the expansive room.

On the wall I was facing when I walked in the room was a mural of a dragon that had two windows where its eyes were.

Haha! Who knew that soldier would give me such a bounty of coins! Such a fitting place to stay after that experience.

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Most Powerful Sect System 5 Contac summary

You're reading Most Powerful Sect System. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): StingLikeAMountain. Already has 838 views.

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