Fire Starter At White Day High 19 Lamia High's Festivities

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This noon, there was not a cloud in the clear bright sky. Following Lyns's lead, the selected partic.i.p.ants headed for the Lamia High's Feast.

It was a rural place far from the city. The selected partic.i.p.ants' chartered bus circled along the winding rural road, the paths between the ridges are half concealed and the lakes are flowing continuously.

Viewing the scenery from the road, one could easily spot the picturesque disorder of the cl.u.s.ter from the huge buildings, the clean and beautiful lines of the architecture dim against the mist, creating a wonderful aura.

Every scene along the way seemed like the result of nature's work, yet it was all an ingenious creation by no less than an expert.

Lucas couldn't help but ask, " Lyns, where's this place?"

Moon also wondered, "The houses in the neighboring views seem to be uninhabited, only this place we are on has a huge school. Is it a newly-developed tourist attraction?" he asked. Lyns, who was in front of the bus, rolled up bunch of paperworks in her hands and patted the head of Lucas and Moon who asked the question.

"Have you ever seen a tourist attraction with so many students? Let me tell you, this is Lamia High. This place," Lyns gestured. "and the neighboring places —any area within sight— is theirs."

"Whoa…" A unanimous gasp of envy echoed through the bus.

Lucas looked out the window and saw roads after roads, their peaks a dark grey in the distance —the territory was indeed big. However, he wasn't as excited as everyone else. He had seen similar estates of Aspho High's before, but they were mostly private schools and universities. Thus it was no novelty to him anymore.

The others were in high spirits, gathering around Lyns and asking, "Are these Lamia High's property?"

"What rubbish, of course! Which other school do we actually heading on?" Lyns sarcastically laughed.

That was enough to crack everyone else up as well.

Lamia High —unlike their school— which had a long history, was a fairly new university. Lucas remembered the time when it was just established. He was already studying at Aspho High back then. Even so, it was just within the little amount of time that it bloom from a small, unremarkable fry into a huge and established university. Even an enormous School in the industry like White Day High was shaken.

All of Lamia High's achievements were said to be their's credit.
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Lucas had never seen their in person, and everything about it was impressions he formed through hearsays.

In his Aspho life, he never focused for rumors, she couldn't even remember the face of Lamia's at this point.

Thinking of all these he rested his head on the back of his seat and fell asleep in the midst of all the murmurings around him.

Later, it was Moon Martin who shook him to be awakened. The bus had parked at the parking area inside Lamia High.

They had just settled down when Moon looked for him to grab their usual journey snacks, and then gathered everyone —students and evaluators — to the main gymnasium for the Lamia High's Feast.

The feast was hosted by Shawn Lamia, the and owner of Lamia High.

Almost all the selected students were expressionless of the festivities, and with their mouths gasped, they quickly scribbled all the important spots.

Lots of colorful strips of papers and plastics were all scattered and tied to make a fiesta like ambiance. Then, fireworks were blown and make every viewers become ecstatically amazed.

Every second and every minute, all of the happenings constantly innovating. Fireworks gone more aggressive every time it exploded. Songs and dances become more intricate and more exciting.

"Lamia High sure was wealthy.." Doll whispered to herself, clanging with Moon on his left arm. Her head sat down his shoulder. Moon happily let Doll do that way.

Lucas, on the other hand, was wandering around to look for more information surrounding the tournament. He ran and b.u.mped multiple students, panic sighting there. That is until he ended up to Winter again.

"L-Lucas..?" Winter gasped. "Have you seen that little girl Ghaile?"

Lucas turned his head. He haven't turned so much attention to everyone at the time he stepped inside Lamia High. Who knows how many people he unknowingly b.u.mped to.

"Why are you looking for her?" Lucas inquired. "Sorry but I have to go!"

Winter has to utter a word to Lucas, but the boy already run away, wandering the huge school without clear purpose.

The whole time that was left on the day were all spent by the wandering students around the school and watching the festivities. All was exhausted and faintly go inside the bus for the second time. But this time, they will be heading back.

Looking aback, they journey again to the winding rural road from before. But now, the whole area were drove dark because of the mist of the twilight. As the sun settled, the bus returned back to what they are from. At White Day High at last.

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Fire Starter At White Day High 19 Lamia High's Festivities summary

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