Fire Lord Sofie 12 An Energetic Senior Sister Appears! And Disappears...

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Both Sofie and Ling Yue turned around the moment they heard elder sun's voice from the front of the group announcing their arrival at the sect ground. Sofie was especially interested, as she really wanted to see what the sect ground looked like.

What she saw did indeed not disappoint her, as a beautiful entrance appeared in front of her. The entrance was sparkling red and had a few simple designs on the side, making it look way more ordinary than all the grand shops and other buildings inside the city.

The only thing that make it stand out was the size of the entrance being big enough for a few dozen people to enter side by side and finally the giant letters on top of it spelling out 'Scorching Sun'.

Sofie tried to look at the simple, but domineering words on top of the entrance and felt like she was staring directly at the sun in the sky, making her look away again.

Why would you write out words that hurt to look at? Do they even want other people to know what was written? Sofie could not really understand the idea behind doing something like using the mystical 'will' to write out letters, as it made the letters painful to look at. Sofie really wanted to meet the 'genius' who came up with that brilliant idea…

"Sofie, I will leave for now, we can meet again to get food outside the mission hall." Ling Yue said, as she quickly entered the sect grounds through the entrance, quickly disappearing from sight.

Seeing Ling Yue disappearing into the sect grounds, Sofie decided to remember asking for where the mission hall was after she finished registering.

As Sofie thought about her meeting with Ling Yue later and what she was going to eat after meeting up with her, a person in front of her finally called out for her to come forward to be registered.

"Please state your name, age and birthplace." A man sitting in a chair with a small wooden table in front of him said, as he looked towards her with a serious look in his eyes.

"S-S-Sofie, 1-10 y-years old, I-I'm from River v-village." Sofie nervously said, becoming more and more nervous, because the man from the scorching sun sect starring at her with an extremely serious look.

The man soon looked away from Sofie, to her relief and began writing something down on a piece of paper laying on the table.

A few seconds pa.s.sed and the man finished writing on the paper and turned to look at Sofie once again, before starting to talk. "You can go to the gathering hall to get a key to the room you will be staying in, a sect badge and a tier 1 disc of fire. You will be informed about the basics of cultivation and get a qi gathering manual tomorrow at the gathering hall, so show up. NEXT!"

The man informed her about what he should and called for the next new disciple to come forth.

Sofie tried to remember everything the man said, as she quickly entered the sect grounds.

W-where is the gathering hall…?

Sofie really had no idea how she forgot to ask where the gathering hall was and panicked slightly looking around herself, trying to spot someone who might know where the gathering hall was located at.

"Are you lost…?" A voice sounded from behind her asking.

"Y-yes, I-I was going to the gathering hall, b-but forgot to ask where it was…" Sofie said, as she felt her cheeks light up with a slight blush from embarra.s.sment.

Turning around, Sofie looked towards a slightly 'big' senior sister smiling enthusiastically at her.

"Let me show you the way, just follow this big sister!" The 'big' senior sister said full of energy, as she grabbed onto Sofie's hand, starting to pull her towards a big building in the distance.

Sofie felt herself talking to the 'big' senior sister one moment and rapidly moving towards a big building in the next moment, almost dragging her along the ground, as Sofie felt it hard to keep up with the enthusiastic senior sister dragging her along.


"We are here! See, this senior sister is amazing right? Right? W-wait, why do you look so exhausted…?" The 'big' senior sister asked, as she blinked her eyes confusedly.

"Haaah… t-that's because, haah, you ran so fast." Sofie said panting in between sentences with an exhausted look on her face, as she gasped for air. Ever so slowly, Sofie began to develop a certain dislike towards this 'big' and energetic senior sister in front of her. Forgetting all about how she had helped show her the way to the gathering hall.

"Well, we are at the gathering hall now, so I will take my leave. If anything ever happens, you can just call this big sister and she will come help you out at any moment~" The person in question had no idea that the little junior she helped starting to dislike her, as she energetically responded full of energy before running off into the distance.

"W-what was that just now…?" Sofie muttered quietly to herself.

She had no idea what just happened and did not feel like ever repeating it again. The 'big' senior sister had shown up out of nowhere and disappeared soon after. Not even giving her a chance to ask her name.

That senior sister was really different from the calm and kind Ling Yue, that she knew.

Putting the 'big' and energetic senior sister to the back of her mind, Sofie entered the gathering hall and saw a lot of disciple walking around the building with some sitting in groups at tables chatting together about all kinds of things.

Looking around the gathering hall, Sofie quickly spotted a few other people from her village who came together with her lining up in front of what looked like a desk. The one in the front got a fancy badge, a key and the tier 1 magic weapon disc of fire.

The old lady sitting behind the desk said something, pointed in a direction and the person who got the badge, key and din- magic weapon disc of fire, quickly left in the direction the old lady pointed.

Sofie saw this and quickly moved towards the line of people, silently standing at the end of the line waiting for her turn.

Luckily, she did not have to wait for more than a few seconds, as all the old lady did was give the other new disciple a badge, key and disc of fire, before pointing them in a direction. Moving on to the next one in the line soon after.

"name?" the old lady asked.

"S-Sofie!" Sofie nervously answered, as the old lady looked down at a piece of paper on the table.

The old lady soon crossed out a word, most likely her name, before handing her the three items like the rest of the new disciples got.

"Your room is number 0603, it is in that direction." The old lady said, as she pointed towards somewhere outside of the gathering hall.

"Ah, c-can I ask you where the mission hall is?" Sofie asked, as she recalled her promise to meet up with Ling Yue to get something to eat after she had finished getting registered.

The old lady looked up at Sofie, before she pointed in another direction.

"T-thanks." Sofie said, while quickly leaving to make sure the other new disciples could get their items.


Exiting the gathering hall, Sofie looked towards the location the old lady pointed towards and made her way over. Both excited, nervous and curious about what the place she would live from now on looked like.

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Fire Lord Sofie 12 An Energetic Senior Sister Appears! And Disappears... summary

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