Fire Lord Sofie 13 The Red Crab

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Walking along the sect grounds, Sofie soon came to stand in front of a row of houses lined up side by side with each other.

Looking around, Sofie discovered a sign in front of the house in the front reading 'room 0550 – 0554'.

Remembering her room being number 0603, she looked into the distant and saw the houses going on for what looked like forever, so with a goal in mind, Sofie made her way down the row of houses.


"F-finally here…!" Sofie let out an exhausted breath, as she looked at the house in front of her.

The distance to the house from the gathering hall would normally not be that long, but Sofie went down the wrong row of houses and ended up at a dead end with a house having the numbers 'room 0596 – 0600' in front of it. Apparently, each row of houses had only went up till the 50 rooms per row, from the lowest number to the highest… Meaning she had to go back all the way to where the houses started.

Standing in front of the room, Sofie entered and looked around.

The house was empty, and it was simple to the extreme with only a kitchen, bath and four personal rooms. There was not even a living room and only four personal rooms inside the house. Maybe the time to meet with others was not spent at home but outside?

Thinking this, Sofie remembered how many disciples she saw chatting together with each other back in the gathering hall. Maybe the name 'gathering hall' had this meaning to it, a place where the disciples would gather together, spent their free time and chat together.


A loud rumbling sound interrupted her train of thought, as Sofie's stomach started rumbling in protest, demanding to be fed.

"Waah! I almost forgot about senior sister Ling Yue!" Sofie remembered her promise with senior sister Ling Yue to go out and get something to eat and quickly found room 0603 and opened up the door with the key she got from the old lady at the gathering hall.

Entering, Sofie brought forth the backpack she packed before leaving home and quickly opened it up on top of the bed.

Sofie's favourite plus.h.i.+es were all in full display, as she had clearly forced in quite a few of them when she left.

Sofie did not pay much attention to them as she quickly inspected the room and soon found a closet located in the corner of the room. The clothes in her backpack was soon picked up and transferred into the formerly empty closet.

Sofie was just about to leave the room, as she looked back and saw her cute and fluffy plus.h.i.+e laying disorderly on the bed.

Sofie could almost feel the pain of her plus.h.i.+es laying randomly on the bed, having been thrown to the side when she took the clothes beneath them in the backpack.

With an apologetic and slightly painful expression, Sofie turned around and moved out of the room while murmuring how she really could not waste even more time to herself.

Closing the door to her personal room, Sofie locked the door and walked out of the house towards the direction the mission hall was located at according to the old lady.


Not much time pa.s.sed, as an exhausted Sofie found herself in front of the mission hall. Today, she had really run around a lot more than she used to and did not feel like moving around so much anymore. The only thing that kept her going was the thought of food, that senior sister Ling Yue said she would get her.

"There you are! I thought you would show up much sooner, but maybe you are not that hungry?" A teasing voice came from behind her and Sofie turned around, just to look directly into Ling Yue's face.

Ling Yue had a teasing smile on her face, as she looked at her. "So… Are we going to get something to eat? I will show you a great place to eat! By the way, did you get lost on your way to the gathering hall?"

Ling Yue said, as the smile on her face slowly widened slightly more than before.

"Y-yes, I-I got lost on my way, b-but how did you know?" Sofie felt ashamed, as she asked in a stuttering tone.

"Most of the new students forget to ask where the gathering hall is after getting registered, it is always fun to watch all the new disciples walking around confused, not knowing what to do~." Ling Yue said, while her countenance slowly changed from a teasing expression into one filled with laughter.


Sofie had no idea what say, hearing what Ling Yue said. All she could do was speechlessly look at Ling Yue filled with disbelief at this different side of her.

It looked like senior sister Ling Yue was not all good…

"So… Are we going to get something to eat?" Ling Yue asked, while attentively observing the little junior sister in front of her.

"Ah! Y-yes." Sofie answered nervously.

"Good, then let's get going." Ling Yue said, as she grabbed Sofie's hand, before dragging her into the direction of the sect grounds entrance.


"By the way, did you remember to bring the sect badge?" Ling Yue asked, as both of them walked through the streets of the scorching sun city.

"Yes, why?" Sofie answered with a somewhat confused look appeared on her face.

"Ah? Well you can't enter the sect grounds without the sect badge unless you are escorted by a elder. Like back when you registered into the sect, elder sun was the reason you could enter before getting the sect badge!" Ling Yue said smilingly.

"But why did you ask whether or not I brought my sect badge when we already left the sect grounds?" Sofie asked suspiciously, as her eyes narrowed slightly while looking at Ling Yue.

"Ahahaha, I might have forgotten it, but no matter. You had the badge with you after all, right?" Ling Yue said while letting out a somewhat guilty laugh, as her eyes darted around the street.

"What would happen if I didn't have my badge on me and en-"

"Ah! Look over there, it's the restaurant we will be eating at!" Ling Yue interrupted Sofie in a hasty manner, as she pointed towards a building a little further down the street.

Sofie, could not understand that Ling Yue dodged the topic and forgot about everything that happened before upon hearing about their sudden arrival at the restaurant Ling Yue wanted for them to eat at.

Soon enough, Sofie rushed to the entrance of the restaurant and before the bewildered eyes of a waiter standing in front of the restaurant entered without waiting in line. Ling Yue soon rushed after the energetic little junior of hers and quickly noticed the bewildered waiter in front of the restaurant.

"My junior sister is new to the city, I hope you can forgive her this once on behave of the scorching sun sect." Ling Yue said in an apologetic tone.

"N-no no, it's fine. Someone will come and take your order soon." The waiter regained his composure the moment he heard the words 'scorching sun sect' and answered in a humble tone, before signalling to someone inside the restaurant.

Ling Yue nodded and quickly entered the restaurant.

Sofie on the other hand sat on a table in the centre of the restaurant and saw Ling Yue coming over from the entrance.

"Are we going to eat now?" Sofie asked smiling widely.

"Yes… Just don't run in on your own next time…" Ling Yue said, while a waiter soon came over and took their order.


A few days after Ling Yue and Sofie ate at the famous restaurant. Red Crab. A rumour about a certain little girl eating more than her own weight in food at the Red Crab, spread into the different restaurants of scorching sun city.

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Fire Lord Sofie 13 The Red Crab summary

You're reading Fire Lord Sofie. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): PurpleSpring. Already has 302 views.

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