Fire Lord Sofie 14 The Dining Hall

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Morning came and Sofie woke up in her room at the sect ground, completely surrounded by her beloved plus.h.i.+es.

Yesterday, Sofie got a lot of good food to eat at the restaurant. After she got back to the sect, she immediately went to bed without seeing if someone else had moved in while she was gone with Ling Yue.

Looking around the room, Sofie saw that 2 of the rooms were open with only one looking the same as before.

Sofie did not really feel like greeting her fellow disciples at the moment and exited the house, moving towards the dinning hall to get some breakfast before she needed to go to the gathering hall for an introduction to the sect and cultivation.

Although she already had a little knowledge about cultivation, she was still excited to learn more about it.

With that in mind, Sofie quickly made her way towards the dining hall, as she excitedly hummed a song her mother used to sing her back at home.


Walking through the sect grounds, Sofie soon made it to the dining hall.

The building itself was way bigger than even the gathering hall she saw when she first got her sect badge and other items.

There were disciples entering and exiting the building like a flowing stream, with someone constantly entering or exiting the dining hall.

Sofie felt amazed and quickly entered the stream of disciples entering the dining hall, soon finding herself inside.

The dining hall itself looked even bigger on the inside, with tables and chairs scattered everywhere around the inside of the building. Off to the side, what looked like a buffet was lined up with people taking something to eat before leaving soon after to sit down and eat.

Sofie was amazed at all the different foods lined up and couldn't stop herself from moving towards the buffet.

Quickly picking up the biggest plate she could find, Sofie soon started to fill it up with all the delicacies she could find. Resulting in a small mountain forming atop her plate.

"S-Sofie… You, what are you doing?" A somewhat helpless voice sounded out from behind the little girl, who was still building on her mountain top with a happy smile on her face.

Turning around, Sofie looked directly into Ling Yue's helpless eyes.

"I'm getting something to eat of course! Look at how many delicious things there is in here, I need to taste all of them!" Sofie said righteously, like she was stating an obvious truth.

A few black lines appeared on Ling Yue's face, as she looked down at the greedy junior sister in front of her. Did she not learn moderation?

"You know that you can take more than once, right?" Ling Yue asked in a somewhat irritated voice, as she started at the confused face of her junior sister. Clearly not having any knowledge of being able to take food more than once.

"B-but everyone else is only going up once and taking food…!" Sofie said with a hesitant voice, she thought her observation skills were great and had even seen the other disciple only going up once to get food, eat the food they got and then leave the dining hall soon after.

Thinking she was smart and had discovered a trick to get more food, Sofie was a little proud of her mountain filled with food. That was, before her senior sister Ling Yue showed up and ruined her illusion.

"Normal people can't eat as much as you…! And even then, there are still people going up for more…" Ling Yue really had no idea how to respond to this junior sister of hers. Was she stupid? Or maybe just an airhead?

Ling Yue thought about many different ways to describe the junior sister in front of her, but the only real explanation she could come up with was Sofie being a naturally born airhead with no equal, at least from the people she herself knew.

looking up at her lost senior sister, Sofie finally seemed to get what Ling Yue said and with her cheeks flus.h.i.+ng slightly in embarra.s.sment, she slowly sneaked towards an empty table behind her.

Sitting down at the table, Sofie decided to drown her embarra.s.sment in the good food and started eating away on the mountain before her. All under the speechless look of Ling Yue.

"You… haaah… Whatever, the elders did say to take all we can eat… it's their fault, not mine…" Muttering a few incomprehensible words, Ling Yue quickly got some food herself, before she planted herself in a chair directly in front of Sofie.

The next few minutes pa.s.sed by quickly.

Ling Yue and the rest of the disciples present in the dining hall all started at Sofie like they were looking at a monster in human skin, as she finished the giant mountain of food before her.

"Wha… What the h.e.l.l was that, how can someone eat so fast…? Is she even human anymore!?"

"How did all of that food even fit inside that tiny body…"

"Now that you say it, that mountain of food was bigger than her body, right?"

"hmm… indeed, but how did she even carry it? She is clearly a new disciple who still hasn't started cultivating yet…"

The surrounding disciple discussed among themselves, as a cheerful atmosphere enveloped the dining hall. All the disciples were wondering about this 'unique' little junior sister they got.

"Let's leave, I will go with you to the gathering hall…" Ling Yue said, as she looked at the disciples all over the dining hall looking their way while cheerfully chatting with each other about Sofie.

"Huh…? B-but I haven't gotten my second portion yet… You said I could go up again for more, so I didn't take anymore…" Sofie, completely oblivious to her surroundings said out loud, her voice filled with grief over suffering a great injustice.

"W-wait, did I just hear right…? The little girl said she wants more food?"

"Haha, surly you heard wrong! There is no way… R-right?"


Ling Yue felt a great headache coming her way, as she started swaying a little from side to side.

This d.a.m.nable foodie!

Feeling the situation would get worse if they stayed any longer at the dining hall, Ling Yue grabbed the hand of her little junior sister and dragged her out of the dining hall.

"W-what is it, senior sister Ling Yue…? Y-you are acting weird! Is something wrong?" The little airhead still had no idea she had become the centre of focus for all the disciples in the dining hall and was confused when her senior sister suddenly started dragging her out of the dining hall.

"You… You still need to get to the gathering hall on time, if you spent more time eating at the dining hall you might be late." Wanting to teach this airhead of a junior a lesson, Ling Yue was about to say a few of the things on her mind. However, she soon decided not to.

This little junior sister of hers probably wouldn't even understand why she was taught a lesson in the first place.

"Haaah…" Feeling the days ahead were not going to be as quiet as they were in the past, Ling Yue let out an exhausted sigh.

"Is something wrong?" Sofie asked, as she confusedly looked up at Ling Yue.

"N-no, it's nothing." Ling Yue answered in a slightly fl.u.s.tered voice, as she felt like being caught doing something she should not.

"Okay, then let's go!" With a smile on her face, Sofie turned from the one being dragged towards the gathering hall by Ling Yue, to the one dragging Ling Yue towards the gathering hall.

Well, this is fine I guess… Ling Yue thought to herself, as she couldn't help a smile from creeping onto her lips while looking at the little junior sister in front of her.

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Fire Lord Sofie 14 The Dining Hall summary

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