Fire Lord Sofie 57 Incomplete Qi Vessel

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Having secured a safe place to sit, Sofie ignored the two newcomers and returned to waiting for a waiter to come over with more food. Not forgetting to try and s.n.a.t.c.h some of the food remaining on Yang Meng's plates.


Seeing Sofie ignoring her, Yue Wan was immediately depressed as she sat down beside Xiao Yao. Hugging her tightly to recharge to recover from her depressed state of mind.


Indeed, hugging a cute girl always helps~

Thinking this to herself, Yue Wan started smiling foolishly as her hug started getting more and more intimate.

"Could you release me?"

Just as Yue Wan was enjoying herself, a voice coming from the depths of h.e.l.l woke her up.

Turning around, Yue Wan looked directly into the cold eyes of Xiao Yao and felt a chill going down through her spine.

Not getting any time to react, Xiao Yao used her qi to directly throw Yue Wan off her and into the distance. Luckily for Xiao Yao, there was a window in the path of the flying Yue Wan, so it didn't end up disturbing the other people eating at the dining hall in any way.

Most of the disciples looking at the scene were a little shocked upon seeing someone flying through the air, but soon ignored it upon recognising the infamous Yue Wan.

Sofie and Yang Meng had no time to pay any attention to Yue Wan, as the waiter had arrived with their food. Resulting in both of them resuming their earlier food fight, though this time a little harder as the food they got this time around was a soup with some meat pieces in it.

Hard to s.n.a.t.c.h meat pieces right under another person's nose, especially when that person paid attention to your every move…

Time pa.s.sed quickly while eating, even Yue Wan calmed down and decided to just eat after she returned from wherever Xiao Yao's attack ended up sending her.


Letting out a satisfied sigh, Sofie looked down at her bloated stomach with a satisfied smile creeping up on her lips.

Eating while you are hungry really does make the food taste better than normal...

Thinking about such nonsensical matters, Sofie turned and looked towards Yang Meng, who had a similar satisfied smile on his lips.

"I'll go back the day, see you later, junior sister Xiao Yao, Sofie and junior brother Yang Meng."

A voice sounded out all of a sudden, interrupting the blissful moment, both Sofie and Yang Meng were having after enjoying a good meal.

Looking in the direction of the voice, Sofie spotted the muscular man she had seen back in the underground forest.

When did he come? Has he always been here? Leaving? Is it that late already?

Filled with questions, Sofie only stared at the slowly disappearing back of her senior brother Chen Long, who had no idea he had been ignored by two of his juniors the entire time.

"Should we get back as well?"

Xiao Yao looked at Sofie and asked.

"Yes… I-I am getting a little tired…"

Answering the question with only a little hesitation, Sofie turned and looked a Yang Meng. "Are you going back as well?"

"Not yet. My big sister said she would meet me at dining hall today and she haven't shown up yet, so I will stay here and wait for her… Hopefully she won't be delayed by too much…

A helpless look showed up on Yang Meng's face upon mentioning his big sister getting delayed. From the looks of it, she was quite to getting late…

"Okay, I will meet you again tomorrow to turn in the mission. We meet at the entrance to the dining hall?"

Not bothering to question about him about his big sister, Sofie turned the subject towards the sect mission they completed.

"Yes, I will meet you at the entrance of the dining hall tomorrow, bye!"


Standing up from the chair, Sofie remember to say her farewells before turning towards Xiao Yao and following her out of the dining hall.

"By the way, what about Yue Wan…?"

Sofie asked in a confused voice as she looked back at the slowly disappearing silhouette of the dining hall.

"Ah? It's her own fault for falling asleep…"

Xiao Yao smiled brightly upon remembering Yue Wan, who was currently sleeping somewhere on the floor of the dining hall.

How she ended up falling asleep? Only Xiao Yao knows…

Returning to the comfort of her room, Sofie did not go directly to bed, but instead sat down cross legged on her bed as she slowly started to cultivate according to the [Fire Lord Qi] cultivation manual.

Trying to condense the fire qi inside of her dantian into a flame seemed much easier than it had in that past. Most likely because she was extremely close to fully condensing her fire qi into a permanent qi vessel in the shape of a flame.

Slowly condensing the fire qi for the next hour, Sofie noticed that the fire qi inside of her dantian had fully entered her incomplete qi vessel. Meaning there was no qi outside of the little flame, all of her fire qi had been concentrated inside of the small flame. This also meant that she had reached the peak in the qi gathering realm, all she needed to do now was shape the flame according to the [Fire Lord Qi] cultivation manual and she could freely breakthrough to the first stage of the qi condensation realm.

This excited Sofie to an unfathomable degree as she started laughing loudly to herself, overcome with joy over how close to breaking through to the next realm she was.

Rolling around on her bed for a few minutes with a few plus.h.i.+es in her embrace, sharing the joy with her, Sofie finally calmed down and closed her eyes to try and shape the flame according to what the cultivation manual wanted her.

This… Was not as easy as Sofie had imagined it would be, causing a frown to show up on her former smiling face.

Every time she tried to manipulate the fire qi to form the shape of the flame, it started resisting her and even broke free of her control. Quickly returning the almost complete flame to its former incomplete shape.

Sofie did not understand this, as she thought condensing the qi into an incomplete qi vessel was the hardest so far… At least she found out that she might have been wrong regarding that…

Trying again and again, Sofie felt like she was going nowhere, no matter what she tried to do.

So, without thinking about it anymore, Sofie laid back on her bed and closed her eyes to sleep.

Whatever… I will try to form the flame vessel again after completing the sect mission together with Yang Meng tomorrow… Maybe I should ask him if he knows something about it? So far, he seems to know something about anything…

Thinking about the all-knowing little dumpling Yang Meng, Sofie smiled to herself as she decided to ask him, if he knew anything about how to make it easier for her to shape her incomplete qi vessel and making it a permanent one.

Having found a solution to her problem, Sofie slowly drifted off to sleep.

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Fire Lord Sofie 57 Incomplete Qi Vessel summary

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