Fire Lord Sofie 58 Food Stalls Inside The Sect Grounds

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Opening her eyes to a brand-new day, only to be blinded by the sunlight coming in through a window in her room the next moment. Sofie quickly narrowed her eyes and looked around her room.

Everything was still the same, the only the difference being that her plus.h.i.+es were laying all over the place instead of surrounding her. There was even one plus.h.i.+e laying on top of her closet. How it got there, n.o.body will ever know…

Jumping out of her bed, Sofie quickly picked up her plus.h.i.+es and rearranged them on her bed. The one laying on top of the closet included.

Looking down, Sofie quickly spotted a small mountain of dirty clothes in the corner of her room. Ignoring it, Sofie made her way to her closet and picked some clothes to put on… Sadly, she quickly discovered that there was no more clean clothing left.

This caused Sofie to turn and look at the dirty clothes laying in the corner of the room with extra attention. How was she going to clean them?


This was question Sofie had no answer to at the moment, so letting out a quiet sigh, she made her way out of her room. Today, she had to somehow find a way to get her clothes cleaned…

Both Yue Wan and Xiao Yao's rooms still had their doors locked. Meaning that both of them were most likely still asleep… Now that Sofie thought about this, she remembered that Yue Wan had fallen asleep on the floor back in the dining hall…

Had she returned?

Thinking this, Sofie was just about to go and knock on Yue Wan's door to find out, but quickly refrained from it. No matter what, if Yue Wan truly was in there, she would not be able to meet up with Yang Meng today…

With this in mind, Sofie swiftly made her way out of the front door and made her way towards the dining hall where she was meeting up with Yang Meng.

Walking through the sect early in the morning, Sofie was a little shocked when she realized how many people were up and walking around from place to place.

To be honest, it hurt her pride a little as she thought she got up super early… But from the looks of it, that was not the case…

Looking at the early morning bustle, Sofie felt herself getting livelier and waking up a little more.

This was even more the case when she came by a place she had not seen before.

"Pancakes! Good, warm and big pancakes! Come and get yours now!"

The voice was like a wakeup call for Sofie, as she soon found herself standing in a line leading to a small stall by the side of the path leading towards the dining hall.

"h.e.l.lo young lady, what could I get you?"

Having entered a trance like state, Sofie woke up the moment she heard the question from the middle-aged man standing in front of her.

Looking around in a slight panic, Sofie pointed at something random at the menu.

"Eh, that is- C-chili fire bat wrap! are you sure you lady…? It's quite spicy… I don't know if a young lady like you could handle it…"

The moment the middle-aged man looked at what Sofie pointed at, he paled slightly as he looked down at Sofie with an uncertain look in his eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure!"



Feeling her pride challenged all of a sudden, Sofie decided that she would get the chili fire bat wrap no matter what. As a foodie, how could there be any food that she could not eat!? Now that the kind looking middle-aged man even said it was something she couldn't handle; how could she not eat it!

"O-okay then, but be careful young lady, if it is too much for you, just say the word and I'll get some water for you to wash it down with.

Sofie decided to ignore the middle-aged man in the stall and waited for her chili fire bat wrap to be finished.

"Here you go young lady."

After waiting for a few minutes, Sofie was handed a wrap by the middle-aged man in the stall.

Looking curiously at the object in her hand, Sofie slowly lifted it up and took a bite out of it under the watchful eye of nearby disciples and the middle-aged man in the stall.

"Hmm… Tastes good…"

Feeling the slight p.r.i.c.king sensation from what she thought was the chili, Sofie wholeheartedly enjoyed the chili fire bat warp. This was the first time Sofie got to taste fire bat meat and it most definitely wouldn't be the last.

"T-that's it…?"

With a surprised expression on his face, the middle-aged man in the stall asked the question, which was on both his and the surrounding disciples mind.


Tilting her head confusedly to the side, Sofie looked up at the middle-aged man. Not understanding why, he was so surprised that she thought the chili fire bat wrap tasted good.

"D-do you want to try something else…?"

Not knowing what to say to the little girl in front of him, the middle-aged man tried to ask whether she wanted more or not.


Eager to try more delicious food, Sofie nodded her head vigoursly, while trying to stop herself from suddenly screaming in delight.

To think I found such good food on my way to the dining hall!

"Hmm… Then try this one next, it is called a waffle and is a desert of sorts."

Saying so, the middle-aged man took up what Sofie guessed was a waffle and started decorating it with all sorts of things like berries, fruits and so on.

"Here you go young lady."

Saying so, the middle-aged man handed over the waffle filled with fruits on top to Sofie.

Feeling herself drooling just looking at the appetizing waffle in a small plate in her hand tempting her with its flavourful fragrance, Sofie could no longer hold herself back as she started digging in.

Having long finished eating almost everything on the menu in the middle-aged man's stall, Sofie had asked him why there was food out here instead of the dining hall.

The middle-aged man had answered saying that the scorching sun sect paid them to make food in their stalls and give it to the disciples of the sect. This was done because a lot of disciples had no time to stop by the dining hall and get something to eat, therefore the stalls were brought in as a way for them to grab something to eat quickly before heading off to either training or a mission from the mission hall.

Finding out that there were more stalls around the sect, Sofie quickly set out to search for them. Forgetting that she should meet up with Yang Meng early in the morning.

"So… The reason you are late is because you went on an eating-spree through the stalls within the sect…?"

Yang Meng narrowed his eyes as he looked down at Sofie, who was blus.h.i.+ng furiously at the moment.

"Hah… If I hadn't heard some rumours going around about some devilish little girl seemingly emptying one stall after another, said to have an endless appet.i.te that could not be satisfied, I really don't know when I would have found you…"

Hearing what Yang Meng said about her, Sofie blushed even harder… She… Might have gone a little overboard earlier…

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Fire Lord Sofie 58 Food Stalls Inside The Sect Grounds summary

You're reading Fire Lord Sofie. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): PurpleSpring. Already has 348 views.

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