Purple Lightning Emperor 50 Henry's Diary Ii

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As soon as Shad got in his room, he quickly opened the small book.

"Henry's Diary."

Four big and clear characters were on the first page. It was the same as the previous book, but the handwriting was different. Unlike the book that he had bought from the auction house that was an original and was written personally by Henry himself, this book was clearly a copy because the handwriting of that person was a little crooked. Henry had a nice handwriting and everything was so clear, as, for that person that had copied this book, it was obvious that he had a terrible handwriting.

Shad quickly turned to the next page and saw the large and small familiar words. it made him feel relieved to know that the person that had copy this book was able to copy everything as it was from the original despite having a bad handwriting.

Shad was so curious that he did not care how messy that person's handwriting was. He sat on his bed and began to read the notes left behind by Henry.

Moreover, what surprised Shad the most was the fact that this book seemed to be the 2nd volume of the Diary. Shad was worried that Lisa might have sent him the 3rd of the 4th volume instead of the second one because she had no idea which one was which, shad was the only one that could differentiate between them but he couldn't just tell her that. Luckily, She had sent him the 2nd volume.

Half an hour later, Shad went through every page of the book. Currently, he was laying down on his bed, trying to a.s.similate all the information he got from the dairy.

According to the information left behind by Henry in his diary, after the black hole had appeared in the sky accompanied by all the other anomalies such as spatial crack etc, they estimated that It wouldn't take a month before the Earth was swallowed whole.

At that time, the most powerful and richest people on earth knew that there was no saving earth, as such they had boarded their aircraft and s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p trying to escape the impending doom. However, no matter how powerful and durable their airs.h.i.+p was, they got torn apart as soon as they got close to the black hole or some spatial crack.

As for Henry, he had used a pod found in the airs.h.i.+p that they had discovered deep within the ocean and contained all those futurist techs. he had managed to fix it by taking some part from the mothers.h.i.+p. As for the mothers.h.i.+p, it was beyond repair as most of the parts needed to fix it could not be found on earth, especially the metals. As such, he was able to make it past through the black hole and found himself in this new world.

He had spent a month in a cave in the forest after he had arrived in this new world. His pod was damaged and he couldn't find any fuel or repair tools here. Even if he was able to repair it, there was nowhere he could go as Earth was probably destroyed at that time.

After finished eating all the food as he had saved, he had left the cave. However, before he did, he made sure to hide the pod and covered it with a bunch trees and dirt. He had met some mountain people which spoke a language he had never heard before, he was a genius that had learned more seven languages, yet he couldn't understand a word they were saying.

Nonetheless, as time goes by, he started to learn the language bit by bit. Everything in this world was new to him. He had encountered cavalries which were things from ancient time. Soon, he found out that this was a world where magic truly exists. Some people in this world were able to control fire and all sorts of magical elements while others had superhuman strength without using any potions to enhanced their genes. According to him, this world looked like medieval Europe.

Even though this world was truly backward compared to earth as the army here only knows how to use their swords, charge forwards and slash aimlessly. It was truly fascinating, especially the mages, they were like atomic bombs. Their presence in a war could change everything.

He also mentioned that he had been attacked once by a group of bandits, but he quickly had taken care of them by using his laser gun. they believed that his laser gun was a magical artifact. Aside from that, his body was very strong as he used the best-enhanced genes potions while he was on earth. His strength was comparable to a 3rd rank warrior on this world.

The following records described how Henry has spent most of his time doing research about the energy in this world and how people were able to call upon fire and wind by chanting a magic spell. Unfortunately, he couldn't do any of them as he could not absorb the energy of this world like the others or even possessed a mana pool, but it didn't stop him from studying and researching this type of energy that was new to him. He was a scientist through and through, this new world was like a treasure trove as it was filled with wonders.

Even though all this information was fascinated, the thing that caught Shad's interest the most was at the end of the book, Henry had mentioned where his pod had crashed and it was within the small mountain range that located between the Mulan kingdom and the Nicholas Empire.

After he took a good look at the map that Roman had given him, he had found the approximate location where he had landed. Also, from what he could infer, there was no information about whether this pod had been destroyed by Henry or given to someone else, which means, It might still be there.

Even though he didn't know the exact time Henry had come into this world or how long it had been since he died, Shad still wanted to go look for that pod, who knows, he might even find something useful inside.

As for the other volume of the book, Shad was more eager to read them now because he desperately wanted to know the result of Henry's research about the energy in this world. Who knows? he might even create some new powerful spell or some other things.

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Purple Lightning Emperor 50 Henry's Diary Ii summary

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