Purple Lightning Emperor 51 The Mysterious Herald

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The Dark forest

It was already noon, and the sun was already high up in the sky. In the northern part of the dark forest, there was a huge mountain. it was one of the highest mountain peaks within the northern part of the forest.

On top of the mountain, two men were standing facing one another without saying a word as though they were having a staring contest. One of them had a huge black cloak making it almost impossible to see his feature despite the heat.

The other person was middle-aged man in a green gown. He looked very happy, but his fiery-like eyebrows reaveled an extremely sharp aura. Unlike the other person, this men did not seem to give any sense of oppression. In fact, he looked like a scholar from the secular world.

If one looked closer, one might realize that this man looked almost exactly like the Emperor of the Djage Empire. However, despite not giving any n.o.ble aura, this man seemed carried a distinguish vigor that the Emperor of the Djage empire was not yet able to achieve.

" There's nowhere to run, you'd better tell me where you hid the girl." Asked the men in a green gown in a commanding tone with a playful smile on his face. Nonetheless, the men wearing the black cloak could clearly feel a strong killing intent behind this playful smile.

" Haha, who said I was running Herald. It seemed like you haven't forgotten your days as the Emperor of the Djage Empire. You are talking to me as though as I was one of your subjects." Answered the men with a sneer on his face.

" It seemed like you have no intention of telling me where you hid the girl." the men in green gown also known as Herald seemed not to care about the other's man comment. The only thing that was on his mind was the girl.

" What girl?"

" Enough with the mindless talk 5th Eye. You clearly don't believe that your master was the only one that knew about Henry's ident.i.ty as well as why he was able to accomplish all those things despite not being a mage or a true warrior."

Just saying that name made sweat ran down Herald's spine. Henry was a mysterious person that appeared on the continent three hundred years ago. n.o.body knew where he came from, he just popped out in the continent out of nowhere.

However, his knowledge of mana, magic spell, and weaponsmith, or potions were things out of this world. Despite not being able to use magic, There was no expert in the entire continent that would dare go against him and no nations would dare to antagonize him. Luckily he was a man of peace who only cared about his research and nothing more.

This man was so heaven-defying that he was able to create a potion that would give any regular mortal the power of a 3rd rank warrior. Even if that person had no apt.i.tude for practicing a martial art or being a warrior. This was something that every empire and nation sought after but they did not dare to show their greed.

Imagine if one were able to ma.s.s produce that potions and create an army with it, they would able to storm the entire Egul continent with such an army. Most soldiers in the army are regular mortal that only practiced some swordsmans.h.i.+p etc. As for the ones that were able to use battle qi and breakthrough the warrior rank, they were considered an elite and were a.s.signed to the special company.

Cultivate to the 3rd rank warrior demanded a lot of resources and time, so if the empire were able to create more than ten thousand 3rd rank warrior instantly with just potions, imagine how powerful that empire would be.

Henry knew the danger of the potions as well as the creed of the influences within the Egul continent which was why he created the Eye to spy on every nation within the continent just in case they were trying to make a move against him. Each of the members of the Eye had the strength of a minimum 3rd rank warrior, even though they were mages or void mages. It did not take long before Henry had made them one of the most powerful organizations in the continent until they had a fallout and turned against him.

Some believe his followers wanted him to unite the whole continent under his banner while Henry did not care about that but his research. Just like Henry was wary of the powers within the continent, the influences within the continent were wary of him as well. As such, they had implanted many spies within his organizations. Because of that, they were able to uncover many things about Henry which lead them to two conclusions. One was that Henry came from the center of the Eidrin world, and the second was that he came from a different world entirely.

After Henry had left the Eye that he had created, he went on to live in hiding. There he found love and have children, Before he died, he had left a book that most believed contained his secrets as well as the locations of his treasures.

Unfortunately, the book had landed into the Eye's current master. luckily he wasn't able to understand as it was written into a language that only Henry understood. As Such the Master of The Eye had come up with his long scheme of splitting the book into 5th parts and made sure each of them fell into the hand of one of the most powerful families with each of the four Empire.

Only a handful of people were aware of that fact but they played stupid and let the master of the Eye carried out his plot while waiting quietly to s.n.a.t.c.h the food from the tiger's jaws. However, After the Eye's master was taking back all the copies that he had purposely released, it alarmed all the people that were aware of that plot and they began to take action.

"There are many ways that one can extract information from someone, I just need to bring you back alive In Kalin city and my old man will get that information out of you."

As soon as he said that, Herald walked in big strides toward the men in a black cloak, as if a dragon or tiger. His body suddenly released an oppressive pressure.

" With that meager skill of yours, Let me show you why I am the 5th Eye."

As the 5th Eye said that, He sliglty raise his hand and a huge blue magic circle materialized, at the same time, ten long swords came out of them and flew towards Herald at a lightning speed.

5th Eye's swords were too fast. it was so fast that even Herald who was a peak 8th cla.s.s fire mage had trouble seeing the trajectories. Even if one could see the moves of the other party, it did not mean that one could dodge the attacks.


In a split moment, dozens of swords beam pierced through Herald's body. Before the 5th eye could even cry in victory, he saw Herald's figure slowly dissipate before completely vanis.h.i.+ng.

" 5th Eye, also known as a hundred blades. The fifth most powerful void mage within the Eye. I know about your ability, do you think I was going to expose myself to you like that without making some preparation ahead of time." Hearld's voice reverberated behind the dense trees that were on top of the mountain.

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Purple Lightning Emperor 51 The Mysterious Herald summary

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