Tales Of New World: The Magus 13 Chapter 13 - Team Up

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Morning comes around the forest, two-man are on their horse moving towards the road. One of them is a magus that supposedly going back to Wildespring, but because of a certain event, he needs to help the other on the way. His name is Volya Portar.

Meanwhile, The other man is wearing a brown cloth with grey long shorts. He also wears chainmail behind the cloth and wearing a shoulder pad with a leather gauntlet. He brings his sword and put it on his belt, and also several knives. He is one of the knights that Volya's helped in the last two occasions and now he is appointed by his leader to investigate one village together with Volya. His name is Romain Ambros.

Both of them got an a.s.signment from Villias to help nearby village from a band of bandits with Volya a.s.signed to blend them and gains trust from the villager.

Volya then looks at the sky and says,

"By looking on the map that you show me yesterday... Around this time, I should have arrived at Wildespring..."

"Ahahahahaha... If you don't want to help, you should be said so," says Romain

"But, I don't want to owe something from the other. You already give me some time to rest and some food. That's why I must repay that to all of you."

"Alright... Alright... I get it."

Volya then looks around him and mumbles,

"But, I can't believe this forest hide a lot of outlaws... Why did my forest critters didn't tell me about it..."

"Your forest critters?" ask Romain that overhear that.

"Ahahahaha... You know, I could communicate with animals. If I didn't have someone for me to communicate... Of course, I will become insane."

"Wait. You could talk with an animal?"

"Yes. My pesky hawk is the one that informs me that you enter the forest with a band of bandits back then. If he didn't tell me, maybe it will become a bigger problem at the forest." answer Volya as he laughs a little bit.

"Wow... A hermit and a magus... You are really something, Volya."

"Ahahahahaha... It's nothing."

Both of them laugh together and then suddenly Romain says,

"But, it's really strange for Sir Villias and Sir Albert only appoint us for this mission."

"I have a sneaky feeling, that appointment to keep both of us low profile." a.s.sumes Volya.

"Is that also including me using this civilian outfit?"

"In order to make us blend more with the villager, we need to act and wearing the same thing as them."

"You got the point there."

"But, actually... What are we according to plan?"

"Huh? Didn't you hear what Sir Villias says last night?"

"No." answer Volya without any guilt and full of pride.

"Haaa... Really?"

"Ahahahahaha... So, what are we going to answer if the villager asks us?"

"Just say that I am an adventurer, while you are a mage that I need to escort," answer Romain

"Alright... I believe that should make them believe us."

Romain only sighs after hearing Volya answer that cheerfully. After a while, Volya then asks Romain,

"For some reason, you loosen up a bit. Is there something happen to you?"

"Huh? Did you even ask that?! You are the one that asks me to loosen up a bit." says Romain quite surprised

"Ah... Yes... I am the one who asks you for that. I forgot."

"You are really something, Volya... Really something."

"Oh come on... Not everyone has a good memory." protest Volya

Romain only laughs a little bit, but his mind is full with something else. Right before they left, Albert and Ludmila calls him and gives him another mission. He also remembers the face that shown by both of them back then as they appoint him to look and observe Volya for a while. Even if they believe what Volya explained last night, they still not fully convinced as it looks like a coincidence.

Romain sighs and then hears Volya asks him,

"Huh? What is it, Romain? Something in your mind?"

"Ah... Nothing," answer Romain

"Hmmm... Is it about a woman? I believe someone on your stature will have one or two admirers, right?"

"Ahahahaha... Unfortunately, no."

"Then, what about the maid and the counter clerk at Belcrest? I remember that you have a chat with her."

"You know that girl... Eh... Wait, you say that your memory isn't that good."

"Well, my memory could remember some of the useless things or juicy stuff. A lot of it to be honest... Ahahahahahaha."

Romain only could sigh once more and feels that both Albert and Ludmila concerns are baseless. Until he hears Volya says,

"Haaa... I can't believe all of you could believe me to this extent..."

"Huh? What do you mean, Volya?"

"You know... Most of the people that I met will always cautious everytime I act like this... Especially when I tell them something."


"I know... That they will not believe it if they didn't see it by themselves. And that's the hardest part."


"But, all of you could easily believe me without any proof... I'm quite relieved as it's something a drag for me to show it to them. Especially in this case."

Romain could see Volya's disappointed smile. And from that smile, he knows that Volya isn't the type that could easily refuse any request. And from that, he will tell Albert and Ludmila about that.

Volya looks in front of him and asks Romain,

"What about you? Do you need proof to believe something?"

"Me... Sometimes I need it... But if I already believe the person, I don't need any proof." answer Romain

"Then, do you believe what I tell you about those zombies?"

"Some of me shouts to find out the proof... But ever since you help us at Wildespring back then, it's enough for me to believe that you are an honest person."

"Thank you for believing me."

"No worries."

Both of them continues their journey in silence until Romain asks him,

"Volya, I have one question."

"Go ahead."

"If the zombies attack us, is there any possibilities for them to infect us too?"

"Depends on the type of magic cast on them. If they include a curse, then yes it could infect us," answer Volya

"Then, how to differentiate those who have a curse and don't from an eye of a commoner?"

"That's quite difficult. But, if the caster wants to use them as an outbreak, they will protect the one with a curse or maybe use them as the spearhead."

"So, there is two possible condition. How about the last time?"

"None of them have that curse."

"Is that so... Then, what is their master plan for this?"

"To be honest I don't know because I just saw this yesterday."

Romain nods a little bit and then looks around him. The dense forest really reduces the visibility around them and that really worries him. He later stops his horse, steps down from the horse, and looks on the map that he brings. Volya also stops and looks around him.

Volya feels someone is watching them from the forest, but he can't locate the location. But, that feeling suddenly was gone as if the one that watching them didn't have any intention on them that vulnerable at all.

Romain then calls Volya and says,

"From here, we will find a crossroad. There are three villages from each road. If we walk straight the road, we will arrive at Woodcrest Village. The village is well-known as the village of carpentry."

"As stated in the name, huh?" says Volya as he looked at the map.

"Yes. But, we will not take that road because we didn't find any bandit activity around there."

"Hooo... Alright. What about the other paths?"

"If we take the right path, we will arrive at Orbarrow Village. We once sent several messengers there, but the moment they return they told us something fishy there."

"Hmmm... What about the other paths?"

"The other one is a village under the protection of Wraitus Kingdom. So, it's better if we didn't make any mess there."

"Do we have permission from them?"

"No... This is Haegia's expedition after we receiving a lot of requests around this area."

Volya nods and then they agree to continue again. But before they start moving again, something really fast hit Volya's head and makes him fall to the ground. Romain looks behind and immediately runs at him. He helps him to stand up and looks at his face. From there, he knows that Volya really mad and then he says,

"Volya, are you alright?"

"Well... Before I fall, it's alright," says Volya as he keeps looking on one tree.

"Err... Then, we need to proceed with caution as..." says Romain that interrupted by Volya,

"No. I must make this even with that pesky hawk."

"Huh? Hawk?"

Romain looking around him and spots one hawk sits on one of the branches and looks like laughing at Volya. Romain peeks at Volya that show disgust at the hawk and then hears,

"I will definitely roast you, pesky hawk..."

"Err... Volya, calm yourself."

"Like h.e.l.l, I could calm myself after what it did to me!"

The hawk suddenly flies again and hit Volya on the head once more. Volya once again falls to the ground, with Romain this time only laughs after see it. The hawk flying around Romain a little bit and then sits on Romain's shoulder pads. Romain pats the hawk and then says,

"In my opinions, I think it's quite tame."

"For stranger! But not for me the one who looks after it for many years!" shouts Volya will full of frustration.

"Just calm down, Volya. Ahahahahahaha."

The hawk nods as if its agree with Romain. Romain then looks at the hawk and then says,

"I think this hawk want to join us... What about we let it follow us?"

"Let it follow us? After what it did to me?" protest Volya

"Well, I believe this hawk could help us in our mission. Am I right?"

The hawk nods at Romain and then looks at Volya. Volya only could sigh after sees the hawk looks at him and then stands up on his own. He then looks at the hawk with disgust and then says,

"Alright, you could join us... As long you didn't make any mess with us!"

The hawk looks really happy and flies around Romain several times. Volya then says,

"Then, how long will it take for us to arrive at our destination?"

"Around 1 hour from here. We should have arrived there before nightfall," answer Romain

"Alright, let's move now... I don't want to arrive there quite late."

Romain nods and the two of them together with a hawk start to walk again towards their destination, Orbarow Village.

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Tales Of New World: The Magus 13 Chapter 13 - Team Up summary

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