Tales Of New World: The Magus 14 Orbarrow

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Romain and Volya gather at the main room of their lodging at Orbarow Village. Volya looks around him and casts a spell that will cause everyone to disoriented when they entering their lodging or eavesdropping their conversation.

Meanwhile, Romain looks outside while sitting on the chair and observes the village from there. He then says,

"Just as I thought, something fishy is happening here."

"But, we didn't have any proof of it or any sign of bandit activity at this village except the destroyed building and the story from the villager," says Volya as he finished his spell.

"Either the bandit really gone from this place completely or they already establish something in this village."

"Hopefully it's not something bad."

Volya takes out all every clue that could help them there. Meanwhile, Romain looks at the sky and then says,

"That hawk... Will it find something at the forest?"

"I don't know... The village and the forest here near the border of Wildespring. But because of the location quite far from where I live, none of us knows anything around here." answer Volya

"I just hope it will back with good news."

"Don't worry... That pesky hawk will find something and back in one piece. It's good for it to fly before we enter the village."

Romain only sighs and trying to remember what really happened yesterday. When they arrived at the gate of the village, they could see something fishy there. Especially when the hawk that follows them suddenly fly really high.

Volya looks at the hawk that gone and then mumbles,

"What happened with this village? This village looks deserted... And this smell..."

"Huh? What did you smell?" ask Romain

"Smell of blood... d.a.m.n it, I should have decline back then," says Volya as he curses his decision back then.

"Blood?... But from the road and everything here, I didn't see any foul move here."

"Err... I don't know how to describe it... It's just..."

Before Volya could say anything, Romain gives a sign that they need to enter the village to reduce any suspicion from the villager or bandits that eyeing the village. Volya nods and follows Romain.

When they enter the village, they could see a barren land where all of the agricultural equipment already broke with their field didn't have a chance to bring something for their villager. The situation really contrasting with the forest near them.

Some of the building has been razed, with the building around the middle of the village that still intact. Both of them stops in front of the biggest home in the middle of the village and observe around them. Volya could feel a lot of people are watching them from the four building around them.

Romain looks at Volya and nods after seeing Volya's sign. Romain then step down from his horse and shouts,

"I am Romain Ambros, the adventurer that accepting mission from the Guild at the Haegia Kingdom. Right now I am in the middle of escorting this Royal Mage back to his residence on the other side of the forest. Because night will fall soon, would lend us lodging for one night for him?"

None of them answers him. Romain then looks at Volya and then they acting like Volya ask him for lodging as it's not good for a royal to sleep in the wilderness. But, none of the villagers come out from their hiding.

Romain and Volya look at each other and then they tried another thing in order to lure them away from their hiding. Until they could hear someone calls them weakly,

"Young traveller... Hurry up... Come here..."

Volya and Romain look around them to find the source and could see an old man that calling them to one of the building. Romain looks at Volya and then they enter the building after Volya gives him a sign to follow it.

When they enter the building, they could see the room isn't that big and the lighting only from the candle around the room. It has one big table in the middle with six chairs around there. At the side of the room, there stand two broken cabinets near there. The entire room looked like being looted by someone else for a long time ago.

Romain and Volya walk towards the table and they notice one old man stand at the walkway near the stair. Romain didn't lower his guard when the old man walks towards them. The old man then asks them,

"Young traveller... Lord Mage... Why both of you pa.s.sing through this village?"

"It's me the one who asks him to wander off a little bit and wondering the area around here when we are taking our leave from Haegia. The reason is really simple, I want to see a new thing in order to help me in my study of new magic when observing nature," answer Volya.

"But, did you know this place is really dangerous?" asked the old man full of fear.

"I didn't fear that as I found one brave adventurer when I am staying at Haegia. I believe that he could protect me from them."

"But... Their number is enormous..."

Volya continues to lie at the old man in order to convince them, and Romain quite impressed with him as he knows that it's hard for him to lie when it is necessary. Volya continues to ask the old man until he asks him,

"What happens with this village? The condition of this village is really worrying especially with the razed building and broken tools around here."

"About that..." says the old man

Romain and Volya could see that the old man scared of something. There is a long pause there until the old man gives a sign to someone. Two minutes later, both of them really surprised to see a lot of men there. It's around 20 peoples there and they look hostile at Romain and Volya. Until the old man gives a sign and all of them put down their weapon.

Romain really surprised with that and look at Volya that as cool as a cuc.u.mber. Even though he looks really calm, inside his mind he praises the wheel of fate to let him alive again after his bad acting. The old mand then says,

"I'm sorry... Young traveller... Lord Mage... It's just a lot of adventurer that lies to us..."

"That's alright. I understand after seeing the condition of this place," answer Volya after hears that.

"We are really sorry about that..."

"Then, could you tell us what really happens at this village."

The old man looks around and then he tells him about several bandits that act like an adventurer. After they accept them in an open arm, they ransacked the place and leave them. Not long after that, another band of bandit come and asked them very high demands in order to protect them from another bandit. Volya then nods and asks them,

"Could you describe it to us the leader of the bandit that make a mess here? Or maybe his name."

"Why do you want to know that? That's really dangerous for you, Lord Mage." says one of the villager.

"After hearing all of your stories, I can't keep a blind eye for your problem. And if I didn't help all of you here, it will taint my family name."


"You don't need to worry about payment as I don't care with payment from helpless people like all of you."

The old man looks really surprised after hearing what Volya just says. The old man looks at the people behind him and then walks away with them. Romain then walks towards Volya and whispers,

"Do you find anything strange around here?"

"I don't know as it's really gloomy here..."

"Do you think we could believe them?"

"Probably we could believe them. But, we still need to stay vigilant," answer Volya

Romain nods and then looks around them once more. Suddenly, the old man comes back together with one young maiden. The young maiden looks at them with a frightened face, with Romain looks at her for a while and then looks at Volya. She is wearing a dark brown maid outfit and she looks at Volya at Romain for a while before the old man says,

"I will introduce her to all of you... She is my precious daughter."

"He... h.e.l.lo..." answer her.

"Why did you bring her here?" asks Volya

"Because you said that you will help us... I just... want to tell you something." answer the old man

"Go on... I will hear it out."

"The bandit leader says that he will take my daughter away if we didn't pay anything the next time he visits this village."

"What kind of payment did they ask?" asks Romain

"Any kind of food... or some money."

"Food... With the condition of this village, I doubt all of you already meet your quota," says Volya

"That's why we can't do anything and lives in fear," shouts one of the villagers.

"Then, what about the other woman? Why I only see one here?" asks Romain

"They already take them."

Both Romain and Volya look at each other and they understand something. Volya then closes his eyes and asks them,

"When will they ask for their share?"

"Around one week from now," answer the old man

"Then, I will change all of my plan for the next week. I will pay you with extra money later because of this," says Volya

"Sir, yes Sir!"

All of the people there really surprised and they want to say something about Volya's decision. He then smiles and says,

"Did you think I will let the chain that holds this village stay still like this? I will break them... For the greater good."

All of them really jubilant to hear that and they jumping together as if they happy with Volya's decision. And after that, they send Romain and Volya to their lodging there and today they just trying to find some clue.

Romain then sighs and asks Volya,

"I remember that you sneak out around dusk. What are you doing?"

"As a mage, you need to prepare something if there is a battle. Preparation is everything and we need to use our wits to put them to our advantages," answer Volya as he continues to look at the information that he gathers.

"In another word, you use this village as a trap."

"Yes. That's the only way to lure them. After all, I have a sneaky feeling that the villager also an accomplice."

"Is that so..."

"But, just like I said before... I don't have any clue about it."

"Alright... I know... I know..."

"Good to hear that."

"Then, the one that you did this morning is..."

"Yes, I am making several magics circle around the village to make a bigger one. I need some time to make them around the village."

"How long did you need to make that circle?"

"Two circles a day."

"How many did you need?"

"Probably around ten or twelve of them."

"And what kind of magic you will use?"

"That's a secret... Ahahahahaha"

Romain nods and then walks towards the desk. He takes one of the doc.u.ment that he got from Albert. He then says,

"From this report, there is stated that a lot of adventurers that died from this mission. Is this the reason that you think they are an accomplice?"

"More or less. All of them act innocent, but I have a sneaky feeling that they are lying," answer Volya

"There also a possibility of the number of the bandit is enormous."

"I know."

Suddenly they hear someone knocking on the door and they know it the old man's daughter from the voice that calls them. Romain then says,

"Let's we stop for a while. We have a guest."

"I agree."

Volya then cleans up the desk, while Romain walks towards the door. Before Romain opens the door, Volya snaps his finger to stop his magic. Both of them nod at each other and Romain opens the door. When he opens the door, they could see the woman looks at them full of hope and hears she says,

"Please... Save me..."

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Tales Of New World: The Magus 14 Orbarrow summary

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