Tales Of New World: The Magus 20 Grigory Romanov

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Romain and Volya are sitting at one the table at Belcrest together with Helena Estrudiantes, the Queen of Haegia, and Ludmila Karychenko, one of the Great Knight of Haegia. Both of them are wearing a different outfit from usual, rather they look like the adventurer around them.

Helena is wearing a pair of gauntlets, with an iron breastplate, pauldron, and iron greaves. She also brings a pair of a sword with her. Meanwhile, Ludmila armours are lighter than Helena as she only uses a breastplate, vambraces, and iron greaves.

Helena then looks at Volya and Romain for a while and then smiles at them. She then says,

"It seems that both of you officially become an adventurer."

"Yes... We just finished filling the form and hearing the rule from Lucia," answer Volya

"Good to hear that. It will make me easier when both of you already know the basic of the rule."

Volya and Romain then look at each other and nod. Volya then ask Helena,

"Your Excellency, why are you here? I believe you should be at Onryx..."

"I just feel really bored there. And I immediately run to this place after hearing that both of you going to register to become an adventurer," answer Helena

Volya looks at Romain in empty eyes and Romain only gives him a sign to let it slide for a while. Volya then sighs and understand how carefree the queen of that country is. And he is really surprised that the Knight can't do anything about it, even one of the Great Knight is following her.

Ludmila knows what inside Volya's mind and says,

"Right now, Lady Helena is running away from Sir Villias and Sir Mikhail. She feels that their lecture will be really long and boring."

"Huh? Sir Villias giving our Queen a lecture? That's really strange..." says Romain

"Wait... Ludmila... Don't continue..." says Helena that becomes panicked.

"It's because Lady Helena tried to sneak out to follow all of us in the last mission."

"Last mission? Oh, the mission where I meet you again..." says Romain

"That mission... Where I dragged into a bigger mess..." says Volya as he looks away from them

"Yes... And Sir Mikhail says that..."

Helena suddenly covers Ludmila's mouth and says,

"Just... forget everything Ludmila says... Ok?"

"A... Alright," answer Volya and Romain


Volya then looks at Helena's hand and could see the same bracelet as Romain and him. Not only her, but Ludmila also have one. Before Volya asks anything, Helena says,

"Before I become a queen, Ludmila and I are a partner as an adventurer. That's why we become really close like this."

"But, I didn't see the difference when you are a Queen and an adventurer. Still clumsy. Still carefree without thinking anything. Like a fool," says Ludmila that makes Helena cover her mouth once more

Volya and Romain only could laugh a little after hearing that. Volya then asks Helena about from who she knows that they are registering as an adventurer. Helena then answer,

"From Sir Albert, he always informs me when there is something interesting at Belcrest."

"So... Two Great Knight is behind her... Really..." says Volya as he looks on the ceiling

"You don't need to sweat that! I believe everything will be fine..."

"But, you are Our Queen... Of course... That's really..." says Volya that suddenly see a knife on the table with Helena that smiles at him.

"What will happen with me?" asks Helena with a smile.

"No... Nothing..."

"Good... And please don't say that I am a Queen when we are on our mission. Just call me Helena Petrov."

Romain and Volya looks hesitant with that until Ludmila says,

"You don't need to worry about it, Romain... Volya... Helena always likes this when she is acting as an adventurer."


"I say... Don't worry," says Ludmila once again with a sharp gaze.

Romain and Volya nod at her and then looks at Helena. They started to think if their idea will backfire soon enough. Helena then smiles at them, and asks them,

"So, have you choose any mission with you?"

"Err... Not yet, as I am still learning which one that suitable with both of us alone," answer Volya

"Well, judging on how easy you are on walking through the terrain, especially when you are helping Helena back then... I believe a capture or hunt mission should fairly enough for both of you and it will be easier for you to know the system by doing this," says Ludmila as she looks at Romain

"Hmmm... Three knights with one mage... Hey, Volya could you use some healing magic?" asks Helena

"Yes... I could do some small-scale healing magic," answer Volya

"Good to hear that."

"Then, I will find one mission for your first mission," says Helena as he stands up

Helena walks towards the board, leaving Romain and Volya with Ludmila. Volya then looks at Helena for a while and then asks Ludmila,

"My lady..."

"Call me, Ludmila... Please," says Ludmila

"A... Alright..."

Volya then takes a deep breath and says,

"Ludmila, could you tell us why our..."

"Helena..." says Ludmila with a sharp gaze

"... Helena really eager to help us..." says Volya as he looks away as he feels really pressured with that.

Volya then looks at Romain and makes a sign that Ludmila never acts like this when he meets her. Romain only answers that this is the Ludmila that every knight know.

When Volya looks at Ludmila again, he could see that Ludmila still think the answer to that question. She then says,

"I believe she is interested in you..."


"In the last few incidents involving our country, you always there... It's like you will attract something interesting in Helena's eye," continues Ludmila

"Err... Isn't that a bad sign? It's like I will bring calamity, no?" says Volya with a surprised face

"But, for her... That's something interesting..."

"Really... For someone around that age..."


Volya could feel another intense glare from Ludmila and looks away once more. When he looks at Romain, he could see that he is drinking a cup of tea without care of what will happen to Volya next. Ludmila then sighs and says,

"I must agree with you, as every time you are around... There is a problem occurs... With addition her age..."

"Ye... Yes..."

"But, I think this is a good exercise for me to protect her more."


"And probably... I could understand other people more... And hopefully, know the other better."

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Ludmila then realizes what she just said and immediately says with a red face, "Ahhh... Please forget about that..."

Romain and Volya look at her with a blank stare and thinks the same thing, 'She is cute when fl.u.s.tered'.

Ludmila then tried to drive the conversation to something else, until Helena comes back with a mission on her hand. Volya could see that it is a level D rank mission. She then says as he observes Volya for a while,

"Because both Ludmila and I are level S adventurer, of course, you could takes this mission."

"A... Alright... Huh... What is it, My Que..." says Volya

"Helena..." interrupts Ludmila as she kicks Volya under the table weakly

"... Helena..."

Helena at first quite surprised to see what happened there and then she burst in laugh. She then looks at Romain that looks away from them and then asks him,

"So, Romain... Could you tell me what happens here?"

"Err... Something where Volya didn't want to say your name casually..." answer Romain

"Then, what about you?"

"About me... As long I didn't get reprimanded later, I think I will be fine... After all, you already ask me to do that... Helena..."

"Good to hear that ahahahahaha."

Helena then looks again at Volya and mumbles,

"Hmmm... I forget what I am tried to say before..."

She then looks at Volya once more and nods. She walks towards Ludmila and whispers something to her, meanwhile, Volya and Romain looks at the mission that Helena choose and they could see the mission,

'Hunt or Capture the bear at the top of the mountain'

Volya then looks at Romain and immediately says,

"No... I don't know about this bear demeanour nor this bear name... I never meet with any animal around Haegia..."

"I know you will say that, as you are a secluded hermit that only lives around Wildespring," says Romain

"Good... And judging by the mission and its rank... Isn't it dangerous for a new one like me?" says Volya with restless face

Romain could see Volya's face, immediately taps his back, and then says,

"You don't need to worry about it, Volya. I will become your s.h.i.+eld for this mission... After all, I am used to protecting someone while I am under Sir Albert."

Volya looks at Romain for a while and then he smiles at him. He then says,

"Thank you very much, I really appreciate it."

"Then, it should be safe if I say that you will be fine at this mission..." says Romain with full of confidence

"Romain... Do you remember that Lucia says a lot of people died because of that? Because of someone full of confidence and they will slack off soon enough..." says Volya as he says something

"Well... At least I am confident that you will be saved."

Volya and Romain continue to chat about what they should do before the mission started until they notice that Ludmila that looks like daydreaming and Helena that smiles at them. Volya then says,

"Ah... I'm sorry about that, it's just I am really eager to start my first mission..."

"That's alright, I understand that. A lot of young people also looks like you when they will tackle their first mission," says Helena as he tried to wake Ludmila from her daydream.

"Is... Is that so..."

"Yes... Hey, Ludmila... Wake up... Don't daydream about them..." says Helena as she shakes Ludmila

"Huh... Huh? Eh?" says Ludmila that surprised to see them again after daydreaming.

"Alright... Because everyone is already back to your sense... Let's go to one of the armouries," says Helena

"Armory? Why are we going there?" asks Romain

Helena then looks at Volya and points at him. She then says,

"Are you sure to bring him under armour? Look at him... He only wears a s.h.i.+rt and pants... Only that! With that in your mind, I believe he will only survive for one sec at the mission..."

"Helena is right," says Ludmila

"Err... But, I live in the forest only by this cloth... So..." says Volya that surprised to see Helena comes really close to him.

She then glares at him and says,

"Even if you already live there with that... That doesn't mean you will save now..."

Helena then stands up and drags Volya towards the stair. On her way, she continues to scold Volya, while Ludmila and Romain only look at each other and laugh a little bit. They then follow them towards one of the armouries near Belcrest.

Thirty minutes later, Helena arrives at one of the armouries. Its name is 'Ironfudge'. She then opens the door and immediately shouts,

"Uncle Romanov! Are you still here?"

"Huh? Helena? Why are you here? And with that cloth..." says the middle-aged man with brown hair that showing the sign of ageing that comes out from behind the stall

"h.e.l.lo, Uncle Romanov... How are you?"

The man is one of the blacksmiths that lived around Strongbourne and he is a close acquaintance of Helena. His name is Grigory Romanov. Grigory observes Helena for a while and then says,

"Let me guess, you are running away from Sir Mikhail and Sir Villias, right?"

"Ahahahahaha... Yes," answer Helena

"Really... You are such a troublesome Queen, Helena."

"Ah... Come on, Uncle Romanov. You should know that their lecture is really boring."

"Alright... Alright... I will keep my mouth shut for this. Like usual, right?"

Helena and Grigory then laugh together and the others could hear their laugh. Grigory then notices Ludmila there and says,

"Oho... Even Ludmila is following you... And..."

"Ah... h.e.l.lo..." says Romain

"Ah... One of Ambros family brat huh..."

"Yes, I am... My name is Romain Ambros. Nice to meet you."

"Ah... Nice to meet you, Romain. My name is Grigory Romanov."

He then looks at Romain for a while and asks Helena,

"Did he follow you by someone order or something? I believe he is one of the promising knights under Sir Albert and Sir Villias rank. Am I right?"

"Ah... No, he isn't following me under any of those knights order. It's fully from his heart content," answered Helena

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You know, Sir Villias orders him to learn from the outside world," says Helena

"Learn from the outside world? From who?"

"From the man beside him," says Helena as she points at Volya

Grigory then looks at Volya and immediately recognize him. He then points at Volya and says,

"Ah... The fortune teller that helping Helena at Wildespring!"

"Yes... That's me... My name is Volya Portar. I am the new residence of Ironforge since yesterday," says Volya

"The new residence? That's mean you will open your fortune-telling stands at Belcrest again, right?" says Grigory

"If I have a chance and permit though, hahahaha"

"Too bad... Too bad... My daughter really loves to hear the fortune from you."

Grigory then laughs and then asks Helena again,

"So, what do you want, for now, Helena?"

"I need new armour for both Romain and Volya..." answer Helena

"Armor? For them? Oh... Do they become an adventurer?"

"Yes, they are."

"My... My... So that's why he didn't know whether he will open the stall or not."

Volya then nods to hide his embarra.s.sment. Grigory then laughs and says,

"Alright... Come here and take a look two of you... Hopefully, you could find suitable gear for you."

Grigory walks towards the other room, but Volya and Romain only stay still. Volya looks at Helena and Ludmila, and then says,

"You know... I don't have any money to buy any of it..."

"Don't worry, Ludmila and I will pay for it, "answered Helena


"Just don't worry," says Helena once more push Volya towards the door.

Romain only could smile at them and following Volya to enter the other room. Forty minutes later, Romain and Volya come out from the room with Grigory that looks really happy.

Because Romain can't use his knight armour and weaponry, he buys a new one to becomes an adventurer. He is buying a pair of iron gauntlets, an iron helmet, an iron breastplate, a pair of iron greaves, a leather armour under breastplate, a round s.h.i.+eld, and two swords with different length.

Meanwhile, Volya only buying something lighter. He is buying a pair of leather greaves, chainmail with a leather gauntlet that also protecting his neck in front of it, and two knives.

Helena really surprised with what Volya buys and then asks him,

"Are you sure about that? You are still under threat with that..."

"Even with Romain's armour, he still under threat, right?" asks Volya


"I am this team mage and healer... So, I need to move freely... After all, I don't want any of you to pay too much for this." says Volya as he smiles at them

Helena wants to say something, but Ludmila stops her and says,

"Then, we will try our best to keep you safe."

"Thank you."

"Then, I believe you didn't buy any gauntlet because you will use the one that I gave you back then."

"Yes... It's still in a good condition," says Volya

They continue to talk about Volya's and Romain's armour until they notice Grigory smiles at them. Helena then says,

"Ah... We are really sorry about the ruckus..."

"You don't need to worry about it, Helena. It just reminds me of you and your group back then. Really lively and makes a lot of ruckuses here," answer Grigory

"I'm sorry..."

"No... No... It's something good to see this workshop becomes lively like this again. I'm happy with that."

The four of them really surprised to hear that, until Grigory says,

"Alright... Helena, Ludmila... Looks after this greenhorns."

"Yes, Uncle Grigory," says Ludmila and Helena

"And then... Romain, Volya... Hopefully, you will become a good mercenary... And keep both of them safe, for our Kingdom," says Grigory as he looks at Romain and Volya

"We will."

"Good. Then if you need a new weapon or armour, just visit me. Probably I will give a good discount for all of you... Ahahahahaha"

The four of them then leaves the armoury after some chat with Grigory. They then walk towards the gate of Ironforge and Helena says with a smile,

"Hopefully, you will enjoy it... Romain, Volya."

Romain and Volya quite surprised to see that, and then they smile and says,

"Of course we will."

And with that, they start their first mission.

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Tales Of New World: The Magus 20 Grigory Romanov summary

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