Tales Of New World: The Magus 21 First Mission

Tales Of New World: The Magus -

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At the middle of Snowmarsh Mountain Range, at the Kilyakov Mountain. Four people are climbing on one side of the cliff with ropes that holding each other. They're moving slowly under the harsh wind that blowing from the side. One of them is Volya Portar, the new residence of Ironforge and the new Adventurer.

He looks above him and immediately shouts,


When he is shouting, one snow hit his face and he immediately cleans his face with one hand still holding on the cliff. He then hears someone that laughing from someone above him. A man laughs. He then says,

"Just shut up, you Muscle Brain!"

"Ahahaha... I must agree with Ludmila and Helena when we are walking here that you need some training before doing this," mocks the man

"I know... I know! Just shut up, Romain!"

The man above him is Romain Ambros. He then continues to move steadily from one side to another side without any problem. Volya can't hide his anger at him and then looks again above him. The other two members of his team also already move really fast without any problem. They are Ludmila Karychenko and Helena Estrudiantes.

Volya only could sigh with that and continues moving slowly. But, the wind from the other side is really strong that he moves really slowly and hoping his grip will strong enough when he moves there.

He then mumbles,

"I should not follow him... I should have made that fortune-telling stall rather than this mission... I should have..."

"Hey, Volya! Are you still there?!" shouts Romain

"Yes... I am... Wait... Hey! Don't shout!" shouts Volya

"Good to hear that! We will start moving again!"
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"Wait... Wait for me... Huh?"

Volya notices that his rope already cut off and it dangling below him. His face becomes really pale as he looks below. He then tried to find the reason why the rope cut off like that and could see it's because of one of the rocks there quite sharp. He curses his fate for a while, rethinks what he should do next, and then hears again that Romain says that they will move again.

Volya then immediately move again, but because he is in a rush, he lost his grip and start to fall. He closes his eyes and says,

"Ah... I think it will be my end..."

As he started to fall he screams to his heart's content,


As he starts to fall, every memory from his past flashes in front of him. The memory when he is with his sister. The moment when he is with his Foster Father and Brother. The moment when he is living happily in the forest. And the face of his hawk.

The hawk smirks at him as if saying that he is pathetic. Volya immediately back to his sense and notice that already hits the snow below him. From there, he notices that he fall not too far as it still near the ground. He then sighs and says,

"Maybe... I will let them finish the mission alone..."

He then notices what he just said and remembers that his father scolds him because he said the same thing in the past. Especially about working with someone and they should have the same workload to get the rewards. He then sighs and looks above him.

Volya judges the location of their target, scales it a little bit, and then mumbles,

"I believe I could fly safely there... And..."

He then calculates the speed of the wind that blowing from either side of the cliff and says,

"I believe I could be safe on the way there. Alright then..."

Volya then points his hand to below him and a white magic circle shows there. He focuses himself a little bit and then says,

"Let the flow of the wind lift me across the clear blue sky, Fly!"

The magic circle immediately vanished and he starts to levitate. As he levitates across the cliff, he stops near Romain that surprised to see him flying. Romain then says,

"Wait... You have that magic?!"

"Yes, really convenient magic, right?" mocks Volya

"You little... If I know you have that magic, maybe we could use that magic to..."

"I can't do that..." answer Volya

"Huh?! Why?"

"Because... I only could lift one person... So... Yeah."

Romain looks at Volya a little bit and then he notices Volya makes a sign that he will go first and mocks him. Volya then levitates pa.s.sing through Helena and Ludmila. He smiles a little bit at them and as he going through them, he could hear Helena shouting something under the heavy wind blows,

"Care... Bear... Cold"

"Huh? Care? Bear? Bear... As in bear with them or the animal that we will catch or slay? Well, I will see it by myself to see what she means..."

Volya then continues to levitate until he sees the cave. He lands on near the cave and observes around him. The wind around the area become more ferocious and the snow thicker there. He then says,

"The wind will become a problem... And the snow really annoys me."

Volya then covers himself with his cape and looks at the cave near him. The cave entrance is around 3-meter tall and 4 or 5-meter width. The entrance is covered with snow and rock. He then walks there and could see a footprint there. A bear footprint. After seeing that, he says,

"So... Our target is here..."

Volya then crouches and checks the footprint closely. He immediately understands that their target is a big bear that could maul them without any hesitation. He then stands up and walks towards the cliff again.

That's where he hears an angry voice comes from the cave. He peeks behind him and could see the bear is come out from the cave. Volya stands still near the cliff and tried to remember what he should do if he encounters any bear at Wildespring.

The bear looks at Volya and starts to stand up. Volya looks at it and he understands that the bear is irritated with his presence. He then nods and says,

"Ahahahahaha... Mr Bear... I'm..."

The bear immediately shouts really hard after hearing that. Volya a little bit startled and says,

"Ahahahaha... I'm sorry... Mrs Bear... I just... pa.s.sing through... Yeah... Pa.s.sing through... So, will you kindly let me go?"

The bear still stands still and he understands that the bear is really irritated with something. Volya observes the bear a little bit and he could see that the bear is wounded badly. He then mumbles,

"d.a.m.n it... That's the reason why she is in a bad mood..."

Volya gazes at the bear and then starts to walk back slowly towards the cliff. The bear following Volya and suddenly charged towards him. Right before the bear could get him, Volya already jumps towards the cliff and levitates there. He then starts descending the cliff to meet with Helena, Ludmila, and Romain that still on their way.

He then tried to remember what their client said about the mission,

"This bear is making a big problem around the road, so the village is making a trap to catch it. Unfortunately, the bear is run away and become more ferocious."

Volya then looks above and then he tried to find out the reason why the bear suddenly attacks them. He remembers that the bear around Wildespring will choose to run away when they meet human or some of them come close to them because all of them are curious about a human before the human drive them away.

They also will choose to look at the human from afar, except the one that is really close to Volya. Until he remembers when one of the bears with violent and aggressive at him. He then says,

"Don't say that there is a bear cub inside the cave?! That makes a lot more sense."

He then tried to think the reason why the bear really ferocious. Even when the location of the village is quite far from the cave. He then mumbles,

"Bear usually will never attack those who are far from their home... Heck, they even don't care about the territory. Most likely it involves the cub. Did they attack the cub? Or maybe the cub is the one that makes the ruckus and hurt itself on one of the villager's trap?"

He continues to descend until Helena notices him. Helena then shouts,

"Volya... What happened up there?"

"Ah... Helena..." says Volya that really surprised that he already near the three of them that climbing on the cliff

"Volya, did you get or maybe find the bear?" ask Ludmila that below Helena

"More or less... Yes..." answer Volya

Helena notices that Volya is thinking about something and immediately orders the other to move to the right before they move towards the cave. And with that, their hunt begins.

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Tales Of New World: The Magus 21 First Mission summary

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