Tales Of New World: The Magus 22 Plan

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Helena, Ludmila, Volya, and Romain are stopping near the road that leading to the cave where the bear lives. Helena and Ludmila look at the road to the cave, while Romain observes their surrounding.

Meanwhile, Volya searching for something near the road. The road is near a small group of fruit plants that is withering because of the snow there. He then looks at the other end of the road, where he could see a forest there. Volya then asks Romain,

"Romain, could you tell me about that forest. Is there any village there?"

"Oh... Yes, there is three villages and one indigenous tribe village at the end of the forest," answer Romain

"Could you explain to me about them."

"Of course..."

Romain then tells Volya the three villages that work under Haegia rule. They are Norinovo Village that produces woodcraft around Haegia, k.u.mevir Village that produces a lot of fruit-based cuisines, and Katov Village that produces a lot of blacksmiths that working at Ironforge. After hearing Romain's explanation about each village, Volya then asks him,

"Could you tell me, from which village is the one that posted that mission?"

"I believe it's from Norinovo village," answer Romain

"Where is that village located?"

"If you take this road towards the forest, you could reach the village around 20 km from the entrance of the forest," answer Romain again as he points in one direction

Volya looks at the location that Romain pointed and thinks a little bit. Suddenly, Ludmila ask Romain,

"Romain... Did you remember where the Villager puts their trap around here?"

"Huh? I'm not quite sure about that," answer Romain

Helena then joins them and they notice that Volya is walking around along the road towards the forest. Helena tried to call him, but it's futile as he continues to walk there. Helena then sighs and asks the other to follow Volya.

Volya stops near the forest entrance and then looks around him. He then checks the land near him and notices someone already puts a trap there. He then looks at the tree near the trap and notices that the tree is producing some fruit that could stay around the strong snow.

Not long after that, he hears something moving inside the forest. Volya then starts to run towards the source and see some deer that running away after seeing him. When he stops, he also hears the sound of a river flowing freely near it. He then closes his eyes and understands a little bit about the bear behaviour.

Helena walks behind Volya, looks at him, and then asks him,

"Volya, what is inside your mind about all of this?"

"Ah... I'm sorry to make all of you worried about me... It's just really unusual for the bear to attack human like this," answer Volya as he tried to remember any bear attack related incident at Wildespring

"The bear? Did you mean the one that we will hunt?" ask Romain


"So... What's in your mind?" ask Ludmila

Volya smiles a little and then looks around him. He then says,

"I believe the bear usually search their food from this area."

"This area? Isn't it quite far from their cave?" ask Romain

"Well... You could see from the abundance number of fruit around here with the addition of some animal that makes this forest as home."
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"Also, I could hear a river flowing near us. This place indeed a strategic place for them to find their food. With the addition to another plant that bears fruit near the cliff already withered because of the weather."

Helena, Ludmila, and Romain tried to remember the area around them and notices that they are indeed near a river. Volya then sighs and says,

"And I believe we as human also see this forest as a good place to find the food. And in order to protect themselves and catch any prey, they put a lot of trap around here. Especially when the weather is this hard."

"You are right about that..." answer Ludmila

"Is the weather around here always this hard?" ask Volya

"Not really... This year the weather hit really hard. Even I wonder if the villager could survive in this area alone," answer Helena

"And I believe Norinovo village is specialized in making a trap to protect them when they are trying to cut the tree around here. To be honest, their trap is really good that it needs good eyes to find one," continues Ludmila

"Then, what are you going to pull from all of that?" ask Romain

"The reason why the bear becomes more ferocious," answer Volya as he smiles at them.

Helena and Ludmila look at each other and then ask Volya to continue the explanation. Volya then explains,

"The bear isn't a type of animal that will attack a human without any reason. Usually, when they are moving towards us, that means they are curious about us. Especially something that we usually bring."

"Is that so... Then most of the story about the bear is..." says Ludmila that interrupted by Volya,

"Not really... As there is one case where the bear will become aggressive and ferocious."

"When is it?" ask Romain

"When they have a cub. They will become really protective of their offspring and will attack without hesitation," answer Volya

Helena nods a little bit and then she says,

"Let me guess, this area is a hunting ground for those bear."

"Bingo," answer Volya

"And because the villager put a lot of trap around here, the trap catches the cub and hurt it in progress." continues Ludmila

"Yes... Yes... Because the bear is a curious animal and usually they will not notice the danger until they feel it. And with the cub is the one that gets hurt, the mother becomes really angry like this," says Volya as he sighs knowing the problem that makes this incident happens.

Helena and Ludmila look at Volya as they disbelieve about what they just heard. Meanwhile, Romain looks at Volya and asks,

"Why do you really sure about that?"

"I have some bear friends at Wildespring... And some of them become really nasty when they are together with their cubs. I still remember when one of them mauls me because I am too close with their cubs." answer Volya as he laughs it off.

"Are you sure this bear will act the same like that?"


"Why are you sure that this bear has a cub with it?"

Volya looks at Romain and then says,

"Did you forget that I already arrived at the cave first before all of you. When I observed the cave entrance, I see a small footprint together with the bigger one. From there, I know the cub still alive and trying it best to move."

Romain looks at Volya and he understands that Volya is really concerned with the cub. Romain then sighs and thinks that if they kill the mother or captures it, what will happen with the cub. When he thinks about it, the animal also acts like a human in order to protect their own offspring.

Volya then says,

"I remember that we either catch it or kill it. If possible, rather than catch her... I want to move her to another part of this forest."

"You know... We could either catch it or kill it. If you think we could catch it, then we will do it," says Ludmila

"Hopefully we could catch her... But, with her condition..."

Volya seems in deep thought and hears some suggestion from Ludmila and Romain on how to catch the bear. Meanwhile, Helena looks around and notices where they are standing right now. The location of the trap and Norinovo only around 20 km, but the location quite odd.

She then looks at the road that leads to the cave. She also remembers the terrain of the cave from Volya. She looks at the sky and could see that the weather indeed on their side. Helena then nods a little and then says,

"I think I get a plan for this one."

"Huh?" says the other three

Helena then smiles at them and explain what is her plan.

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Tales Of New World: The Magus 22 Plan summary

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