Legacy Of Forgotten Times 183 The Trap

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Linri(?) searched through the bits and pieces of the memories in his mind but he couldn't make any sense of them. They were either too fragmented or too blurry. But at least right now he had a clue as to who he was. So the question was how did he get back his memories? From getting powers from the wolf but why? Did this wolf have some sort of connection to himself? Probably it did but the question was why didn't it recognize him? Maybe even the wolf didn't know it had a connection with him.

Then there comes the second question. If the wolf was somehow connected to his missing memories what about the fox? Did it also have some connection to his missing ident.i.ty? Without meeting it he couldn't answer that question for sure. He needed to meet with it first. And possibly trick it to share its power with him just like the wolf over here.

"Okay, now that we are done with that what was your plan? How are we going to trick the fox? Just so you know they are known to be extremely deceitful so we can't easily trick it"

"It's easy, I am just going to throw you into its territory and wait for it to come out and then I am going to attack it," said the wolf taking pride in its genius plan. Linri(?) could see it wagging its tail like it did something good. He sighed. It was his mistake to expect anything from this overgrown dog.

"That won't work but no worries. I have a plan!"


"Calm down! It is not the same G.o.ds. Honestly, I am surprised that you weren't aware of this"

"Then you know who it is?"

"I don't know but he had said he made a deal with two deities. From what I saw your son has different powers. In the day he can use fire while in the night he can use ice. So we just need to figure out which G.o.ds he might have made a deal with"

Lyra then remembered about their family trip to the Forest of Rundabar. They had gone to investigate an ancient ruin connected to the now missing Togk civilization. It was also around that time that Linri had first shown signs of awakening so maybe he had made a deal with those deities but if it was like that there was a problem. There wasn't much known about that civilization so Lyra did not even know the names of their deities.

"Can you ask your friends from h.e.l.l about the Togk deities?" Lyra asked Richard after giving it some thought.


A beat-up Linri(?) was running through volcanic plains. Lava was coursing through the ground and with one little misstep, he could burn his legs. He was running with everything he had and the wolf was chasing him. It had a bloodthirsty expression on its face. The moment it caught up to Linri(?) it was going to eat him. 

Linri(?) tripped and fall to the ground.

The wolf walked up to him slowly, growling. It was going to end this pesky human once and for all. It was then fire spewed out of the ground making the wolf fall back. However, it was tenacious, it didn't leave and was walking around Linri(?) in circles. It was ready to pounce on him again.

"Oh, why are you treating our little guest like this little wolfie?" said a gorgeous white nine-tailed fox. 

"Back of fox! This has nothing to do with you!" said the wolf refusing to back down.

"It has everything to do with me. I can finally see a face aside from your ugly mug and don't forget. This is my territory" said the fox as it slowly walked in front of Linri(?).

"Huh! We can go again if you want! I like seeing you tuck away all your tails and then run away" said the wolf provoking the fox. 

"Hmph, that might be true normally but you should know that in here you can't defeat me!" said the fox not giving up.

Linri(?) was trying to judge if the beautiful fox in front of him was the real one or just some illusion. From how it sounded it felt like the fox was arrogant since it was in its own territory so it did not think that the wolf would be able to defeat him. However, it was a kitsune after all so there was always a chance that it was just an illusion and the real one was hiding somewhere else.

"We will see about that!" said the wolf and started to spew icicles towards the fox which it melted easily.

Seeing its ice was ineffective the wolf decided to go onto offence with physical combat. However, the fox was not going to let the wolf get close to it so spewed fire to keep the wolf away. 

The wolf dodged with all its might. The fire of the fox was hotter than usual. Normally, they would only fight at the intersection of their territories so it didn't know that it would become this strong! Maybe it was a bad decision to do try to fight the fox here. Why did he decide to follow that human here anyway? It was all his d.a.m.n fault!

Seeing the wolf back down slowly the fox didn't want to let him back down! The wolf was his sworn enemy. It was not sure that it would get another opportunity to finish the wolf of like this. It could not back down now so it was using every ounce of its power to chase the wolf down. 

Seeing the fox pressuring the wolf so much Linri(?) felt danger. He could not have the wolf be defeated here. He needed it to corner the fox so that he could con the fox to share its power with him. At this time he didn't need to doubt whether the fox in front of him was the real one or a fake. Just like how the wolf hated the fox deep into its core the fox should have felt the same. So it wouldn't waste its time with fakes. If nothing went wrong it would win so why would it feel the need to have a fake in its place?

The fox was not used to having another being in this place so it had already forgotten Linri(?) existed. It was the perfect opportunity for a sneak attack! He was not sure how to use his newfound powers but Linri(?) imagined icicles. .h.i.tting the fox from behind... nothing happened.


At least the fox was still ignoring him. If he wanted to win he needed to figure this s.h.i.+t out fast. Maybe he could find something in his memories. As Linri(?) quickly searched his memories he found a fight against a brown-haired girl clad in lightning. This memory was more intact than the others. Seeing the pieces of the fight he kinda figured out how to use his ability and he actually got a neat idea.

Linri(?) materialized an ice net that captured the fox. It didn't see it coming so it was distracted and caught by it. Seeing the chance the wolf capitalized on the chance to pounce on the fox. The wolf bit the fox in the throat and blood was spurting out from there!

It tried to burn the wolf but it didn't let go and kept biting even harder. It was the fault of that human it had tried to protect at first.

"If you want to live, share your power with me and I will help you fight this wolf of"

The fox looked towards Linri(?) with hate in its eyes. Then a big fireball materialized in front of him and shot towards Linri(?). He did not expect this, he created an ice wall in front of him with haste but the fireball just melted the wall and hit Linri(?) right on the chest!

However, he did not feel the burning sensation. Instead, it felt like a warm sun was s.h.i.+ning upon his body. Along with that sensation came the rest of his memories. His hypothesis was right! The fox had something to do with him and he knew who he was now! 

As soon as Linri remembered his ident.i.ty he pieced together where he was. This was inside his mind. He was going through his evolution ritual! But why? Anyway, he did not need to think about that for now. First of all, he should finish the ritual for now. If not the Kitsune was going to die.

Linri swiped his left to the left and the werewolf flew away from the kitsune. It couldn't understand what just happened. The fox shouldn't have a power like that? What was going on?

Originally in this ritual, Linri was supposed to be without his powers trying to kill both of his bloodlines but he was not the OG Linri. He knew how this place worked. This place was inside his mind and in here he was the G.o.d! 

So Linri slowly levitated from the ground. Fire and ice started to spin around him. The world started to tremble. Everything was breaking apart. Linri lifted his hands and both the werewolf and the kitsune levitated from the ground. Then he smashed them against each other!

Instead of cras.h.i.+ng both of the combined and the world around him changed. In front of him stood a new beast. It had the teeth and claws of a wolf and body of a fox. It had nine tails behind it. On its gorgeous white body, there were red tattoos, reminiscent of those that were on the werewolf's body before.

As soon as they combined the sun in this world set. Signalling it was time for him to wake up.

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Legacy Of Forgotten Times 183 The Trap summary

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