The Han Sisters 23 Good News, Bad News 4

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"Silly!", Lou Yi flicked her younger sister's forehead.

"Ow!", Rou Xi flinched before rubbing her flicked forehead. She glared at her second sister with a wronged expression.

"We are visiting because it is indeed urgent. Moreover, the bride's return home on the third day is a tradition that we can put less importance on. After all, there are no elders in this manor who Eldest Sister has to greet with her newly wed husband."

Not minding her sister's wronged gaze, Lou Yi immediately boarded the carriage. Her sister followed after her, still sulking at being called silly. Only Xiao Cui and one of Rou Yi's maidservant boarded the same carriage as them. Their other maidservants boarded the second carriage while the third carriage was reserved for Qian Yu's new dowry maids.

Without taking any detour, the coachman delivered them straight to the Great General's manor. Upon their arrival, Xiao Cui left the carriage to show the Second Princess' ident.i.ty plaque to the guards stationed at the enrrance of the manor. One of the guards entered the manor to let the head housekeeper know of their visit. Through the gaps of the slightly opened gate, they saw the head housekeeper hurriedly coming over. The head housekeeper, upon facing the two princesses, greeted them with a bow. He then welcomed the two inside and led them to the main hall.

"Please wait here for a while, Second Princess, Third Princess.", the head housekeeper told them respectfully. "I will go and inform Her Highness that you have come."

Lou Yi only nodded while Rou Xi smiled sweetly. Seeing the two's response, the head housekeeper withdrew. In a while, a couple of maindservants from the manor came in with some tea and snacks.

"It's better to have some snacks and tea while we wait for Eldest Sister.", Lou Yi gracefully pushes the plate with pastries toward her younger sister. She then motions for Xiao Cui to pour them some tea.

"Will Eldest Sister take long?", Rou Xi asked after picking a pastry. She then started nibbling on it as she glanced at the door.

"Perhaps.", Lou Yi replied lazily while picking a pastry for herself, a glint of mischief momentarily pa.s.sing her eyes. "We didn't send a card ahead of our visit, after all. Besides, who knows if she can even get out of bed this early."

"And why would that be, dearest sister of mine?", a feminine yet husky voice familiar to Lou Yi was heard from the door.

"Eldest Sister!", Rou Xi stood up and immediately ran close to hug her big sister.

Qian Yu didn't look taken aback, as this was how Rou Xi usually act. Instead, she gave her pet.i.te youngest sister a big bear hug, which almost lifted the latter off her feet.

"C-can't--!", Rou Xi can be heard saying in a m.u.f.fled voice as she tapped her sister's back frantically.

"Eldest Sister, it is better to let go of third sister now, lest you suffocate her to death."

"Oops!", Qian Yu laughingly let go of the younger girl. She heeded Lou Yi's words, which allowed Rou Xi to be able to breathe.

Lou Yi came closer to the two to give Rou Xi's back a rub and ease the discomfort she's feeling. On the other hand, Qian Yu looked at Lou Yi with her arms open. Lou Yi only raised her brow at the woman, which resulted in her chuckling.

"So?", Qian Yu asked as soon as Rou Xi recovered her breath. "What were you trying to say earlier?"

"I was just subtly educating our little sister about some expectations to have after getting married.", Lou Yi seriously replied without feeling ashamed of her words.

Although Qian Yu felt her face getting hotter at her sister's words, she only laughed heartily as she understood what Lou Yi was implying. Rou Xi, on the other hand, only looked at her sisters with a clueless look on her face.

"What do you mean, Second Sister?", Rou Xi asked.

"Don't mind your Second Sister.", Qian Yu brushed it off before Lou Yi can spill the beans. "More importantly, what urgent thing required you two to visit me at this time?"
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"We're here to bring your dowry maids, among other things.", Lou Yi responded while giving Qian Yu a subtle look.

Knowing Lou Yi, Qian Yu immediately knew that they will have something confidential to talk about. "Then, let's talk in my courtyard. That way, my dowry maids can get themselves acquainted with the manor quickly."

Qian Yu didn't wait for her sisters to reply as she immediately turned around to lead the way toward her courtyard. Lou Yi and Rou Xi followed together with the maids they've brought with them.

Qian Yu's courtyard isn't that far away from the main hall so it didn't take them long to arrive. Lou Yi introduced the three new maids and Qian Yu allowed them to withdraw right after as she had more important things to talk to her sister first.

The three princesses proceeded to the inner room while Lou Yi's and Rou Xi's maidservants stayed outside, not for anything else but to subtly guard for any eavesdropper who may be lurking around the First Princess' courtyard.

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The Han Sisters 23 Good News, Bad News 4 summary

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