Virtual Empire 10 Aptitude Tes

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When they were done talking, multiple portals open up.

"Step through a portal to go to the testing site. More about apt.i.tudes will be explained there to you."

James stepped through a portal. When he stepped out of the portal, he entered a building. There were many pillars, and the ceiling was painted like the night sky. On the edges, there were multiple doors. The on stage a slender women wearing armor with a sword on her back, and a tan man wearing a robe and a mages hat showed up on stage.

"h.e.l.lo we are the people in charge of testing your apt.i.tudes. Although there are many you can pick, they are boiled down into two main paths for us humans. They are the part of the warrior and the path of the mage", said the mage.

"The world is filled with many forms of energy that the races can strengthen themselves with. Only certain races can use certain energy forms, except for life essence. All race have the ability to use life essence, and life essence is the 'experience points' that you foreigners use to 'level up'. You get xp from killing any living thing. Usually you need to use special techniques to absorb it, but all of you 'players' were granted with physiques that can automatically absorb it. Other than life essence, other energy forms are race exclusive. The elves use spirit energy, the beast clans use battle qi, the mister races use desolate energy, and we humans mana. This is the reason why race doesn't try to invade each other's gone continent. Only the Central continent has all these energies", the mage concluded.

Then the warrior started talking.

"The main difference between mages and warriors is were they store their mana. Warriors store mana in their body's mana vessel, while mages store them in their realm of conscience which is located in the brain. The only reason you can go on one of these paths and not both, is that when you store mana in the mana vessel or the brain, you cannot store mana in the other vessel. No one knows the reason for this. Back to apt.i.tudes, they are ranked 1-10, one being the worst, ten being the best, and five being average. There are also various physiques that can help you out. The ranking of physiques are mortal, earth, heaven, saint, divine. In order to get tested, go through one of the doors. After you get tested you will get sent out to a village or an academy based on your talent."

After she finished speaking, all the doors swung open, and people started to go inside. James walked through to the nearest door. When he entered, he saw a crystal ball on a table with a person behind it.

"Place your hand on the ball and we will begin the test", the person said as he looked at a screen. James placed his hand on the ball. The a pop up showed up.

Show talent menu? Y/N

James pressed yes. Then a menu showed up.

Talent Screen

Name: Sirius

Warrior Talent: 6.5

Mage Talent: 6.5

Physique: Thunder Body (Earth Rank)

Bloodlines: Human (99.99%) Unknown (00.01%)

When James saw his talents, he was having mixed feelings.

"Your talent on the mage and warriors path are the same. That is rare occurrence, but a 6.5 is considered adobe average. You also have an additional bloodline, but the concentration is so low, that it is of no use to you. The best thing about you is the fact that you have an earth ranked element body, just that alone can get you into a decent academy. Most people go down the path that they have the most talent in, but since your mage talent and warrior talent are the same, I will open up both doors and you can choose which path you shall walk down."

As he finished talking, James heard the sound of doors opening. He turned around and saw two doors open. One has the word 'warrior' above it and the other has the word 'mage' above it.

"Which path is better to walk down?"

"They both have advantages and disadvantages, but neither is better than the other."

"What do you mean by academies? I heard outside that after the testing we would be sent to a village."

"Only those with talent or special physiques can get into an academy early on, and the rest will be sent to a village. The academy will provide resources for you, and when you graduate, you can gain a certain position in the nation it is based in. With you talent, you couldn't get into an academy, but you have an earth ranked physique. You physique can get you into an academy of a high ranking kingdom, but it isn't good enough to get into an empire. Going to village can be good as well. Depending on where the village is, you could find a dungeon with special items, or an ancient inheritance out there. You can make that choice once you pick your path."

James then turned around and started walking to a door.

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Virtual Empire 10 Aptitude Tes summary

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