A Suspect Of Chase 4 Quickly Find Him

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In the midst of a deadly silent room, a sudden sound broke the quiet atmosphere with its shrill. Zou Jinhai picked up his cellphone that kept ringing, and when he saw the name of the caller, his eyes slightly brightened up in antic.i.p.ation.

Answering the call, he asked, "Where is he?"

[Elder, the young master seemed to be a bit shrewd.]

The voice coming from the cellphone belonged to the white haired man named Alexei, and hearing his words, Zou Jinhai became solemn. Not getting a response, Alexei didn't stay quiet and continued to talk.

[It looks like he's being serious about this... It will take some time for us to find his whereabouts. Don't worry, elder, I will find him.]

"I do not blame him, though." Zou Jinhai spoke heavily, "For what I did to him, it is my fault."

In another place, a tall man was holding a cellphone near his ear, he closed his eyes and smiled.

"I don't think he can blame you... But, who knows what's going on in his mind?"

[.... Continue with the search. Find him no matter what.]

"Take care of yourself, Elder Zou."

After the phone call had ended, Alexei looked over the people sitting at the computers. Some were typing with their skilled fingers and others were busy making calls with the people doing an investigation outside.

With a raised voice, Alexei commanded, "From now on, you have three days on you to find a clue. If not, watch yourself become food to the animals."


It might be difficult for them to find a clue within three days, but having the thought of becoming food covered their backs in cold sweat. They couldn't care less if they became food to the animals, they cared more of how the process of becoming food would be executed!

Alexei was satisfied with their att.i.tude, he didn't want people who slack off when working. Those kind of people were useless to him. Exiting the building, Alexei went to another place as he had an appointment with someone. It had been two weeks since the young master of his left, leaving no clue behind for them to trace. If he was the same as the people who mindlessly thought the second young master of Zou family was a foolish and good for nothing idiot, then he would have thought of him leaving no traces behind was just a coincidence, a pure luck. But he wasn't, he knew his young master well, and it was another reason to follow him.

Sitting inside a casual cafe, he smiled at the person in front of him. It was a woman with long, curly beeline honey hair, and her lips covered with red lipstick, giving off a seductive feeling. She wore a simple tight navy dress, making the hourgla.s.s shape of her body become more enticing.

"Oh my, I flew to China just for this?" The woman said with a thick russian accent.

"It's not like you paid for the plane ticket, Angela."

The Russian woman, Angela, smiled, "Am I not right? Just for some silly, spoiled brat, you made me waste my time on coming here?"

Alexei let out a cold laugh, "Some silly, spoiled brat, you say? Angela, it seems like you disappointed me greatly this time."

Shocked, Angela widened her eyes, "What, what do you mean by that, Alex?"

"Precisely what I said. Don't mess this up."

Angela wasn't satisfied with his answer, she wanted to say more but seeing him get up from the seat, she became stumped. It was not very often she would disappoint him but now she did, because of that boy from the Zou family. It hadn't been a long time since they met up in the cafe, and now he was going to leave? Right after telling her about the mission she received? What kind of act was this? She definitely couldn't sit back and stay still.

"Alex, aren't you a bit rude here? Leaving a woman like me behind, what a gentleman you are. I have just arrived in China, won't you consider showing me around?"

Alexei stood still and flashed her a sly, cruel smile, "Call me Alex again and I'll sever your tongue, Angela. I am a busy man."

Not caring to look at her any longer, Alexei left the cafe, leaving Angela alone.

Angela sat frozen in her seat until she could no longer see Alexei. She exploded immediately.

'This is not how a man should treat a woman! Has that man never learned anything about this? Argh, this is making me so mad. Whatever, you want me to complete my mission? Then I will. Just watch me!'


When Zou Jinhai ended the phone call with Alexei, he sighed depressingly and placed each of his hands on both of his temples.

'.... What did I do wrong when I raised him?'

The sentence had replayed in his mind, although he had asked Alexei, he knew exactly what he had done wrong when he raised that grandson of his. To say he didn't regret it would make him the biggest liar in the world. If it wasn't for him then all of the tragic things wouldn't have happened. The dark past, it was better to forget it, it was no good to continue dwelling on something that already happened. For a Dragon Head like him, it was pathetic for him to act like this.

However, at least he could be happy that his second eldest grandson had made a remarkable change in his personality. Although, that kind of personality wasn't exactly the favorable kind but it didn't matter, as long as he got rid of his previous self then all was well.

Suddenly, someone on the other side was knocking on the door, Zou Jinhai raised his head, he had an idea who it could be.

"Come in."

Receiving the permission, Kang Enlai opened the door and entered the room. Zou Jinhai had expected it was just his Incense Master but it turned out his Vanguard was also there.

Seeing their Dragon Head wearing a serious face, Chung Peizhi pushed Kang Enlai forward, signing that he would be the one doing the talking instead. This made Kang Enlai roll his eyes over Chung Peizhi's childish act, he was the one that got dragged along.

Taking a step forward, Kang Enlai spoke, "Dragon Head, as much as you would like to get information about the second young master... Unfortunately, this is not exactly related to his whereabouts."

"Then what is that made both of you come here to see me?"

"The eldest young master decided to join the search too."

If Zou Jinhai was smoking at the moment, he would have surely choked on the smoke. His eldest grandson, who was always so cold and detached, and never shown any family affection, wanted to find his younger brother? Had he possibly missed something?

"Nothing serious. He is just worried over his younger sibling, it is normal."

Kang Enlai hesitated before he said, "He said that Dragon Head was being irresponsible and cannot be relied on and should therefore retire as soon as possible..."

Zou Jinhai immediately slammed on the desk with his fist, his teeth were bared and his mouth was completely open.

"That brat! Did he learn to be like that from the little rascal?! G.o.ddammit! What filial piety? Somehow it doesn't exist in this family! To h.e.l.l with this!"

Watching their Dragon Head vent in anger, Chung Peizhi hid behind Kang Enlai and whispered, "See? He did become angry. That old man's temper has shortened ever since the second young master ran away."

Kang Enlai whispered back, "You owe me now."


Only when their Dragon Head had calmed down did Kang Enlai speak again. This time, he changed the topic and began to talk about the recent business they were partic.i.p.ating. Kang Enlai let out a relieved sigh when he saw that the Dragon Head seemed to have temporarily forgotten about the previous topic. In truth, he was also surprised about the fact the eldest young master wanted to search for his younger brother. At the current age of 32, he had already received a t.i.tle in the business field. The Ice Emperor of Business, that was his t.i.tle.

No one could be colder and more ruthless than him in China regarding business. In the underworld, he could be even seen as a demon in the Zou family, maybe even more of a demon than his grandfather. However, only the old members in Yin Ying Triad knew who the real demon was, they could even call him the devil. Albeit, thinking about it now, it was a shame it became like this.


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A Suspect Of Chase 4 Quickly Find Him summary

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