Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 22 Hunt 2

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Chapter 22

Chen Zhen watched as the people stepped thru the white light shaped doorway. The first to come thru was a very tall hairy man. He stood almost eight feet tall with a ma.s.s of curly hair on his head and face. He had really bushy brows, but his upper lip was devoid of hair. He had sharp canine teeth that protruded below his lower lip. He began sniffing the air as soon as he stepped into this world. He walked around sniffing the area as the next person stepped thru the doorway. It was a female, she stood about six inches shorted then the male. She looked like a mix between a human and a white tiger. Her white hair that flowed down her back had black tiger stripes mixed in. Hair or maybe it was more apt to say fur could be seen down her neck, along the back of her arms, and even covering her feet. Her fingers and toes had sharp talon like claws on them. Her ears could be seen twitching as she circled the area in the opposite direction as the first man. Finally, the biggest man Chen Zhen had ever seen emerged from the doorway. He was almost nine feet tall and the width of his shoulders along was easily five feet. He looked to be of African descent and his hair was in braids tied behind his head and He was wearing a black armor that morphed into regular clothes after he step completely into this world. He turned around and Chen Zhen heard him tell someone named Aviana to stay where she was, and they would be right back. Apparently she didn't appreciate this and was throwing a fit as the doorway closed in her face. The large black man could be seen shaking his head as he let out a hopeless sigh.

"Vrkane, Bengala why are you pretending to search when you already know Chen Zhen has been watching us this whole time.", the black man said in a deep baritone voice.

His two companions shrug their shoulders with a guilty look on their faces knowing that had been exposed. Chen Zhen who had been sitting there completely still and quietly observing them was instantly put on guard. He had no clue who these people were, nor how they knew him. Adding in the fact that they knew where he was made Chen Zhen very apprehensive. Shanggu Feng, and Lou Tian both had their guards up as well. As powerful as their souls were they couldn't sense anything from these people. The only way that would be possible id if these people had a power level too high for them to sense. They could even sense Shanggu Julong, but even as powerful as he was Shanggu Julong's power paled in comparison to these individuals. Shanggu Julong is an Immortal cultivator, what did that make them, G.o.ds…?

Chen Zhen still hadn't moved a muscle when the black man finally looked up at his hiding spot in the trees.

"My friend Chen Zhen, why don't you come down and we can have a chat?", the black man said with a warm friendly smile on his face.

"What should we do?", Chen Zhen asked the others.

"It seems to me that they are very powerful beings. If they meant us any harm we would have been dead already. Finding out what powerful beings like this want with you shouldn't be a problem. This my be a blessing for you.", Lou Tian suggested.

Shanggu Feng reiterated the same sentiment. Since they were unanimous, Chen Zhen lightly hopped down from the tree branch he had be crouching on. When he landed he was once again impressed by the height of the three of them. He felt like a small child in comparison.

"My name is Jerry, and as you her me say earlier these two are Vrkane, and Bengala. It's a pleasure to meet you again for the first time.", Jerry said laughing to himself at the joke he just made.

Vrkane and Bengala shared a look and rolled their eyes, clearly not appreciating Jerry's humor. Jerry turned around and Chen Zhen could see a campsite with a roaring fire was prepared behind them. This campsite wasn't there a second ago. This was getting weirder by the second. Chen Zhen followed them into the campsite and sat on a log across the fire from them.

"I know you are very confused about all of this, and I'm sorry to tell you that you will just as confused when we leave. But know this meeting is truly momentous indeed. If you can stay focused you will attain great things in the future. You will meet with great challenges that will push you to your limits and beyond, but you must persevere. You have the potential to be the hope of not just this world, or Earth but many other realms.

This warriors of this world have been cultivating for thousands of millennia but that doesn't mean they have figured out everything just yet. You have a unique perspective, don't lose that, it will lead to your greatness. And no matter how dark your situation seems, never give up hope.", Jerry said with a serious face.

As soon as Jerry finished talking the rank 4 Blood Lion roared from very close to their campsite. Chen Zhen jumped up in fear. He was so focused on what Jerry was telling him that he let down his vigilance.

As Jerry and his companions saw Chen Zhen's fear they quickly rea.s.sured him that it was ok. Before Chen Zhen could warn them the Blood Lion was already right behind them. Jerry simple reached his left hand behind him a flicked his index finger. The entire world shook from that single move. The Blood Lion split in two as if someone had unzipped it causing its skin to peel away from its skeleton. Bengala jumped up and gently swiped her hand, causing half of the Blood Lion to be sliced into large chunks. The chunks flew over to Vrkane who was waiting by the fire. He skewered them onto a spit and placed them over the fire. In next to no time the fragrant smell of roast meat filled there little campsite.

Chen Zhen's mind went blank as their display of strength. He didn't know how much strength they just used but it seemed like the simplest of things for them to kill a beast that almost took Chen Zhen's life the day before. Chen Zhen wasn't sure what he had to do or how long it would take him, but he wanted this type of power. Chen Zhen didn't see where Bengala got the seasonings from, but she began to season the meat while Vrkane continued to rotate it on the spit. The smell was so enticing that Chen Zhen was literally drooling on himself wanting to jump into the fire and begin eating right away. Jerry began to laugh at Chen Zhen's antics, soon after the meat was cooking. The juices were glistening on the marbled meat shanks. Bengala handed Chen Zhen piece, and Chen Zhen couldn't restrain himself any longer. He attacked it like he had never eaten before in his life. The first bite was so good Chen Zhen closed him eyes and groan in ecstasy as the meat melted in him mouth becoming a rush of pure blood energy that permeated into ever cell in his body. Chen Zhen's body felt so comfortable at this moment. The energy coursing thru his body spilt between Shanggu Feng, Lou Tian, and himself. Shanggu Feng and Lou Tian felt their souls nourished by the energy. This was very unexpected, the blood vitality from the Blood Lion meat should have only been good for physical bodies. It shouldn't have had any effect on their souls. When Chen Zhen asked about this for them they found out that the seasoning used on the meat was meant to help Shanggu Feng and Lou Tian. All three of them were amazed that Jerry even knew about his soul brothers as well. Knowing that this feast was basically prepared for them Chen Zhen gorged himself on the Blood Lion meat. He felt his body and soul filling with a tremendous energy. When all of the cooked meat was eaten Chen Zhen sat cross-legged on the ground and began cultivating. All three dantians were filled to the brim with energy. As Chen Zhen was expanding his dantians Jerry was thinking if he should give Chen Zhen a gift to celebrate their first meeting. Vrkane and Bengala thought it was a good idea as well.

When Chen Zhen finished cultivating Jerry walked up to him and opened his hand. At first there was nothing there, but soon tiny back orbs began to form and spin around inside of Jerry's palm. As the orbs got closer together they would merge into each other becoming bigger. Small spurts of flames and electricity would flash off of the orbs as they b.u.mped into each other. Soon they all melded together forming one solid black orb the size of a large grapefruit. Before Chen Zhen could ask what it was Jerry thrust his hand out and pushed the orb into Chen Zhen's head. There was no resistance as the orb fused into Chen Zhen's head.

"This is a weapon orb. When you are strong enough, and you have chosen which weapon you wish to fight with in the future this weapon orb will become your greatest ally. It will grow with you, sharing the same attributes as yourself. I have done far more then I should have, but I like you, so this gift is the least I could do. Take the rest of the Blood Lion with you, its meat and spirit will be very help to you. And remember what Shanggu Julong told you together you guys are strong then apart.", with that a white light enveloped Jerry, Vrkane, and Bengala.

Chen Zhen stood there in a daze long after they were gone, still not understanding what had just happened to him.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 22 Hunt 2 summary

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