Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 23 Creating A Technique

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Chapter 23

Chen Zhen shook his head to clear it then turn around and headed back to the clearing.

"Who do you think they were?", Chen Zhen asked Shanggu Feng and Lou Tian.

"If I had to guess I would say that you just encountered G.o.ds in human form. But I have never heard of any G.o.ds having their specific appearance.", Lou Tian said

"I have never heard of them either. They maybe G.o.ds from your world, drawn here by the spiritual resonance you share with your realm. They seem to know exactly who you are, even if you don't know who they are.", Shanggu Feng said.

Chen Zhen nodded his head in agreement with Shanggu Feng. What he said made sense to Chen Zhen in a strange way. Their familiarity with him was a little disconcerting. Chen Zhen didn't like people knowing who he was when he couldn't say the same about them.

"Well it's safe to say that they weren't here to harm you. You must have been born under a Fated Star. You are a very fortunate individual. To be blessed by a G.o.d. Its truly amazing to experience that. Choosing to be join with you was the right decision indeed! Plus the power he just displayed was incredible! I wonder which Dao he cultivates? He was truly and amazing warrior!", Lou Tian rambled on like a star struck fan girl.

"I know I have never seen such immense strength! All he was flick his finger and he almost caused the entire world to collapse! Are you kidding me? My soul felt like it was going to disintegrate at any second, and then I felt the most gentle caress of power stabilize me. The things he spoke sounded like nonsense but also extremely profound at the same time. And this sphere that he gave us, what is it exactly?", Shanggu Feng replied also like a crazed fan.

Chen Zhen was had stopped dead in his tracks completely dumbfounded by these two. If he didn't know any better he would think he shared his body with the souls of two love struck school girls. Shaking his head Chen Zhen continued to run back to the clearing. As he ran he asked the clone to see if it could figure out what that black sphere was also. He could see part of it when he entered his sea of consciousness, but it was only around a third of its full size. He figured the other parts when in Shanggu Feng's and Lou Tian's sea of consciousness respectively.

[I don't know exactly what it is, but it is slowly releasing a very powerful spiritual energy that is being absorbed by your soul. It is also taking energy from your soul to refine itself. My guess is that it will that years for this process to be completed. By then this black sphere will literally be apart of your soul.], The clone extrapolated.

The clones computational ability far exceeded that of Chen Zhen, so he trusted its opinion on this matter. Since it wasn't hurting him, and was slowly fusing with his soul, Chen Zhen decided to forget about it for now. His body was still bursting with energy from the Blood Lion. The energy circulating thru his body was nouris.h.i.+ng his muscles, meridians and bones. He could even feel it nouris.h.i.+ng his marrow. He felt more alive now then he ever did before in his life. He wondered if this is what they meant by increasing his vitality. He was excited to share this Blood Lion meat with Mei Ling and the kids.

As soon as he got back to the clearing he made a beeline straight for Mei Ling's shack. This was the first time that Chen Zhen had come by after dark, so Mei Ling was a little startled to hear him knocking. Chen Zhen apologized for coming by so late, but he excited started to explain what just happened to him. Mei Ling only interrupted him to invite him inside and made some tea. She couldn't help but smile and laugh a little at the huge grin on Chen Zhen's face. Chen Zhen told her of the G.o.ds they saw and how it easily defeated the rank 4 Blood Lion. He took out the Blood Lion meat to show her and give it to her to prepare meals for everyone. Mei Ling took the meat and placed it in her spatial ring. She didn't have the heart to tell Chen Zhen that it was too rich for the children and her to eat, she didn't want to spoil his excitement.

Chen Zhen felt good to be able to share his day with someone. And since Mei Ling looked so much like his wife it made it easier to open up to her. He noticed that Mei Ling was trying not to yawn, so he said goodnight and headed to his own shack. When he got inside he sat on the bed cross-legged and began cultivating.

"I know that it's dangerous to try mixing the lightening and fire energy together, but I feel that if I can do it right it will be a very powerful weapon at my disposal. Can you help me make it possible?", Chen Zhen asked the clone.

[It is possible to do. I have been giving it some thought ever since you used it that one time. I believe the key is to not compress the energy externally but to use your own dantian as an energy furnace and compress the two elements equally inside of you before releasing it in one go. But there is a draw back. You will be completely devoid of energy after doing this, which means you will be at your weakest right after you use it. You can make this a trump card for saving your life in a dire emergency. The upside though is that as you become stronger this draw will slowly diminish. I figure by the time you reach the peak of Solid Core Stage you will be able to perform this move and still have some energy left to fight.]

"That's great! I feel that if I can master this technique it will become even stronger later on. This will be my own martial technique. I believe this is what the G.o.d Jerry meant when he said that I should follow my own way.", Chen Zhen exclaimed.

[Circulate the two energy thru you left and right sides but stop them from entering your dantian.]

Chen Zhen did as he was told, and his right side soon had a red glow and his left side had a purple glow to it.

[Now slowly trickle in the two energies rotating them clockwise. Make sure that the energies stay balanced. If you lose control of the energy then you could cause your dantian to explode. Best case scenario you will be a cripple, worse case scenario you will explode and level everything in this clearing.]

Feeling the pressure of enormity of the task he was trying to undertake, sweat began to form on Chen Zhen's brow and down his back. He ever so slowly allowed the two energies into his dantian. They rotated half a revolution before they made contact with each other. The moment they touched there was a repulsive force keeping them apart from each other.

[You must force the two energies to comply with your will. In a sense you must tame them. In nature lightening and fire are both very volatile forces. You are trying to tame what nature says you shouldn't. You must learn a way to allow them to coexist in harmony for this to work.]

Shanggu Feng and Lou Tian were both cultivating absorbing the energy the herbs gave them when they sensed a strong pressure in Chen Zhen's dantian. Even though they could control the energy in his dantian they could feel what was happening in there. What they both saw horrified them to their core! They wanted to yell at Chen Zhen for being an idiot and not listening to their earlier warnings, but to distract him now would cause their utter doom.

How was Chen Zhen supposed to do that? He felt he was already riding the tiger. As Chen Zhen applied more pressure between the energies the more they would repel from each other. As Chen Zhen was trying to figure this enigma out he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his dantian. The energies had begun to battle with each other.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 23 Creating A Technique summary

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