Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 56 Survivors

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Chapter 56

As Jackie watched Chen Zhen running away, he looked back at the many carriages that held the slaves inside of them. Jackie waved his hand and all of the chains holding the slaves unlocked themselves. As soon as the slaves were free they peeked outside of the carriage. When they couldn't see anyone around they knew that this was there only chance to escape. The slaves helped those they knew, and large groups of slaves left heading back toward their homes.

When everyone else had left there were two people who looked around very lost. They had no idea where they were or how to return to their home.

"You poor dears. I can't imagine how it must feel to be in your shoes right now." Jackie said to them feeling sorry for their current plight.

The two looked at Jackie in surprise, "You actually speak our language?" the male asked

"Where are we? How did we get here? The last thing I remember if falling from the sky when our plane broke apart in the air." the female said, looking to Jackie for answers.

"You have been thru a very traumatic ordeal. I can only tell you that you have fallen into a wonderful knew world. But there is someone who maybe able to help you return home. He is from your world as well. He is also trying to return home. Maybe you guys can work together to return to your world." Jackie said, sounding very nonchalant.

The two instantly perked up on hearing this. Even though they had no clue who this weird old man was, he was the first person who they could communicate with since coming to this world. They had no idea how they survived the plane crash. They only knew they woke up not to far from each other on a river bank. They saw a caravan pa.s.sing thru the woods not to far from them and ran to see if they could help them. The people in the caravan starting talking but they couldn't understand a word they were saying. Next thing they knew they woke up in the back of a carriage chained to the wall like the rest of the people in there.

Jackie led the two off into the woods and explained as much as he could of the world they were in while they walked.

Chen Zhen ran non-stop all the way back to the Specter Monkey territory. Before he got there he could hear laughter and excited calls of the troop. Chen Zhen could finally relax when he knew that Mei Ling and the kids were truly safe. As soon as Mei Ling and the kids saw him they all ran to Chen Zhen throwing their arms around him. They were so happy to see that he was safe. Mei Ling couldn't stop herself form checking to see if he had any injuries. Chen Zhen and the kids laughed causing Mei Ling to blush when she realized what she had been doing.

Chen Zhen thanked the Specter Monkeys again for looking at them. After discussing things with Shanggu Feng, they decided to avoid Qianbei all together and head to the next city in route. They travelled thru the woods and stayed away from any major roads along the way.

Mei Ling started to open up more and asked Chen Zhen questions about his life. She had always been curious about his life after he mistook her for his wife. Seeing how powerful Chen Zhen was and how he was the personal disciple of an Immortal Level cultivator, she a.s.sumed that he was married to a daughter of some very powerful clan chieftain or maybe even an imperial princess seeing as they were headed to the imperial capital. She was rather disappointed to find out that his wife was a very ordinary woman. Her outlook of Chen Zhen had become very inflated. Chen Zhen had a G.o.dly status in her eyes, his importance was no less to her then her own kids.

The more Chen Zhen spoke about his life the more it didn't match up to what Mei Ling thought it should be. Mei Ling began to ask how strong his wife was. When Chen Zhen explained how people in his world were very weak compared to the abyss world, Mei Ling felt that Moxian didn't deserve to be Chen Zhen's wife. She started to ask if Chen Zhen would rather stay with her here in the abyss world. Chen Zhen felt very awkward by the question. He told Mei Ling that she and the kids were very important to him, but his family needed him more. As Mei Ling tried to be a little more persistent on the matter Chen Zhen became a little upset with her. Sensing Chen Zhen's mood, Mei Ling stopped and became quiet again, but in her mind she felt she was better for Chen Zhen then Moxian. She fantasied about how to get Chen Zhen to replace Moxian in his heart with her.

As they continued walking along unbeknownst to Chen Zhen and them, Jackie began walking with them. By the time Chen Zhen noticed him they had already walked quite a ways.

"Follow me. There are a couple people who are very interested in meeting you." Jackie said as soon as Chen Zhen noticed he was there.

Jackie turned to the left and meandered thru the woods for a while before coming to a small clearing in between some trees. Two people, male and female, got up from the log they had been sitting on when they heard foot steps behind them. Their faces looked scared until the saw Jackie coming around the tree, then they instantly relaxed. As soon as Chen Zhen saw them he was instantly amazed. They were people from Earth.

"Oh wow! There are actually other people who survived the crash not just me!" Chen Zhen said very excited.

When they saw Chen Zhen with his blood-red colored hair and red colored eyes, they were intimidated by his appearance at first. But as soon as he spoke English they were shocked and amazed.

"Hi, my name is Chen Zhen. Who might you guys be?"

"My name is Alex Rogers. This is Kim Smith." The make said.

He was a tall black man with broad shoulders and a scruffy beard. Despite his gruff appearance he was actually quite soft spoken. Kim was a pet.i.te Italian woman, she looked like she would faint at any moment.

Looking at the two even though they had been in the abyss world for some time now they were still very weak. They hadn't until recently been able to eat any of this world's meats or fruits. Jackie had brought them some foods to eat but it was nothing compared to the spirit beast meats that Chen Zhen had consumed. Looking at Kim, Mei Ling began to understand how weak Earth's females really were. This re-enforced in her mind that she was the better choice for Chen Zhen.

After they introduced themselves Alex asked Chen Zhen a lot of questions, from how he survived, to how he came to look the way he did, where was he headed, how did he plan to return to earth, and finally would he help them to get home?

Chen Zhen shared his experiences with Alex and Kim. Jackie had already explained to them the dangers of this world but hearing them again from Chen Zhen really brought the point home. Lou Tian gave them a simple cultivation method to help them gain some strength to be able to protect themselves better. Even though Chen Zhen was powerful enough for now, it was a common practice of this world to make sure everyone you travelled with had at least a modic.u.m of strength. Enough to protect themselves in a pinch.

Since Alex and Kim were the weakest members of their group they waited a couple day to allow their bodies to absorb some yuan qi. Jackie was amazed at the rate their bodies absorbed energy. It seemed that everyone from Earth had a talent for cultivation.

When it was finally time to set off Jackie had simply disappeared to everyone's astonishment. Chen Zhen scouted the way as usual and the kids help to hunt along the way. At night Chen Zhen thought to teach Alex and Kim some martial arts so they would be able to hunt and be more contributing members of the group.

The groups destination was Shangren City. It was a very large city that was founded by the Shangren clan. They were very good business men and they had a famous auction house that hosted many events throughout the year. Chen Zhen's spatial ring was more then half full from all the hunting they had been able to do along the way. Even though they spirit cores he had weren't of the highest quality because he had been allowing the kids and Alex and Kim to do most of the hunting while he led everyone around the most dangerous areas. They had still acquired a large sum of spirit cores. Chen Zhen went to exchange them for gold so that he could purchase horses for everyone.

Just as Chen Zhen was leaving the Spirit Core Merchant store with 5000 gold taels, he spotted a wanted poster with his depiction on it.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 56 Survivors summary

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