Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 57 Fire Lord Ozai

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Chapter 57

Nathan did some research online and found out that the Kilauea Volcano had recently erupted. The trio caught a flight to the WaimeKohala airport. They rented a car and drove about two hours to the Kahauale'a Natural reserve. As they got closer Gorampa was able to use the scroll to figure out a general direction to head in.

They climbed the mountain in the National Park that took them closer and closer to the summit of the volcano. As they climbed higher the heat in the area started to become unbearable for Nathan. When he looked at Wim and Gorampa and saw that they weren't even sweating he became jealous.

"How are you guys not being effected by the heat?" Nathan had already taken off his s.h.i.+rt and was fanning himself with his hat.

Wim and Gorampa looked at each other and then shrugged their shoulders, "I just tell my body not to feel the heat." They both said at the same time, then looked at each other again laughing.

Nathan squinted his eyes as he looked at them. He really wanted to smack them upside their heads right now. He shook his head and began following after them again.

When they were getting to area of the mountain where the foliage was beginning to thin out, they saw signs nailed to the trees. The signs warned of danger. The signs were clearly hand painted and recently put up. As they continued the signs started to become ridiculous warning of fire beast and lava monsters. The last sign was the most ridiculous of them all, it said any who enter the kingdom of Fire Lord Ozai will be killed.

Nathan laughed out loud when he read that last sign, "If he's Fire Lord Ozai then my name is b.u.mi and that flaming ball falling form the sky is Sozin's comet"

Nathan suddenly stopped laughing as he just realized what he said. He reacted without thinking a and swung both his arms from down to up. As he did so the ground in front of them rose up and s.h.i.+elded them from the fireball. It exploded into the s.h.i.+eld sending dirt and rocks flying everywhere.

When the dust cleared they say a young man walking towards them. He was still wearing that wetsuit they saw him wearing in the video, but from his elbows to his hands and his knees to his feet his body looked like molded flames.

He jumped into the air and threw out a punch sending another fireball flying towards their group. Wim stepped forward this time and condensed and ice spear in his hand that he threw at the fireball. They exploded in the air on contact.

Gorampa was going to stop the fight right away but on second thought he was very interested to see what these three guardians were capable of.

The young man was surprised to see his attacks easily countered, but this just made him get angrier. He rushed forward leaving molten foot prints in his wake. Nathan began to take this fight more seriously, he circulated his cultivation technique and absorbed energy from the ground. As this energy coursed thru his body his skin hardened and he no longer felt the intense heat around him. He rushed forward and met the young mans charge head on. He wasn't trying to truly hurt the kid in front of him, so he lightly threw a punch. When the flame fist and earth fist met both parties were thrown backwards. Even though he held back Nathan was still physically much stronger then this young man. The young man was tumbling across the ground for a little bit before coming to a stop. Wim took this opportunity to run over and spray him with a layer of ice. Because it was so hot there it wasn't easy for Wim to condense ice, but it was enough to immobilize the weakened young man.

"What do you want with me? Let me GO!" the young man screamed at them.

"We mean you no harm. We are actually here to offer you help in controlling your new abilities." Gorampa said stepping forward to try and smooth things out.

"What are you some weird Asian Professor X or somethin?" the young man said looking at Gorampa's appearance.

Instead of answering Gorampa just let the fire scroll leave his sleeve. It flew over and hovered in front the young man's face.

"Is your name Keanu Mahoe?" Nathan asked.

"How do you know my name?"

"We saw the video of you saving the dog on the beach from lava. We came here because like us, you share a very special destiny." Nathan said trying to get the kid to relax more.

"Special destiny….. What destiny"

"Take the scroll and you will soon understand." Gorampa said with an encouraging smile.

Wim released the ice on Keanu, he grabbed the scroll as soon as he was free. The same thing that happened with Wim happened for Keanu. After hearing the Mudd Buddha's explanation of things Keanu actually felt very excited to join the fight for Earth.

"Ok gentlemen, where is our next destination?" Gorampa asked cheerfully.

Nathan, Wim and Keanu all stood in a circle and began to circulate there cultivation techniques. Nathan and Wim both agreed it helped to figure out the clue for the next guardian. They all stood there and breathed slowly, in thru their nose and out thru their mouth. As they did it their breathing began to sync with each other. The gust of wind that came out of their mouths became stronger and stronger. Soon a small tornado was formed between them. It spun there in perfect harmony with the three of them.

"It would seem that the next element we are looking for is wind" Gorampa concluded.


Diako Natsu called Zhang You to his meeting hall. It had been a couple days since Zhang You had been staying with his uncle. He knew his uncle had begun favoring him because of the many cultivation resources he had been receiving. He was already close to a breakthrough to level 3 Liquid Core Stage. As Zhang You swaggered into the meeting hall he was surprised to find it filled with the elders of the Diako Clan.

"We have deliberated and have come up with a plan of attack for this new world you have found, dear nephew." Diako Natsu said while smiling at Zhang You.

"Yes we believe that it is time for you to step up and take a bigger role in our family business. So you will take a group of soldiers to launch our first attack. Since you have been there before you are more familiar with what to expect. This will give us a drastic advantage when its time to strike." the First Elder said.

Zhang You was completely shocked! He never imagined that he would be called upon to lead a strike on the new world. He was still apprehensive after his last failed attempt. He really didn't want this kind of responsibility. He was hoping to just sit back and collect the benefits without having to do any real work.

"Since you will be receiving such a large reward for yourself and your mother's family, we feel its only right that you are more hands on this time." Diako Natsu said seeing right thru his nephews motives.

Knowing there was nothing he could do Zhang You bowed deeply to the elders in the hall and thanked them for this opportunity, before turning around and leaving.

"Are you sure we can trust him with this a.s.signment?" the First Elder asked Diako Natsu after Zhang You left.

"I don't have any high hopes for that weakling of a nephew. Honestly I hope he dies during this mission, that way I won't have to kill him myself. He will lead our scouts thru the portal and then his usefulness will be done." Diako Natsu said.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 57 Fire Lord Ozai summary

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