Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 62 Attack From The Abyss 2

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Chapter 62

Gorampa followed the scroll as it lead him into the mountains. When they were still quite a few miles away from the sword shrine in Honshu they could see a very bright silver glow. Due to the energy fluctuations from the energy Gorampa could tell that someone was going thru an awakening. If they didn't hurry the guardian going thru this awakening would be in mortal danger if he didn't receive his cultivation technique soon. The other Guardians didn't have to worry about this because their awakening happened after they received their cultivation technique which allowed their bodies to control the immense energy coursing thru them.

Gorampa and the Guardians flew directly into the shrine. They were greeting with the same storm of metal spinning around s.h.i.+nto Yamamura. They couldn't get to s.h.i.+nto Yamamura because anyone that stepped into this vortex would be ground into mince meat in seconds.

The scroll in Gorampa's hand was trying to break free of his grasp. Looking at the scroll Gorampa got the impression that if he just let go it would be able to save s.h.i.+nto Yamamura. Since there was nothing else he could do trusted his instincts and just let go of the scroll. It quickly flew and joined the metal spinning around s.h.i.+nto Yamamura. It wove its way thru the storm making its way closer to s.h.i.+nto Yamamura.

As s.h.i.+nto Yamamura was writhing on the floor in pain, he felt something gently brush head. Even though his eyes were shut a bright light still flashed in his eyes. He found himself in a strange world that was only a white void. Suddenly a figured appeared before him, it was a monk with dirty robes and dreaded hair.

"I would love to be able to explain things to you, but unfortunately we are very short on time. All I can tell you is that when you wake up would will be able to trust Gorampa and the people with him." with that the Mudd Buddha gently touch s.h.i.+nto Yamamura's glabellum.

s.h.i.+nto Yamamura felt a flood of information rush into his mind. His body began to control the energy flooding his body and the pain he was enduring gradually began to diminish. When it finally went away, s.h.i.+nto Yamamura could feel all the metal still spun around him. It was now spinning slowly and was completely under his control. When he opened his eyes he could see his father's worried face looking back and him.

"I am sorry I made you worry father." s.h.i.+nto Yamamura said as he controlled the metal to move to a corner of the room, so his father could finally enter the room he was in.

Yamamura's father rushed to him to see if he was injured in any way. As soon as he confirmed his son was fine he breathed a sigh of relief. At this time Gorampa walked in as well. Yamamura's father bowed to Gorampa in thanks because he saw how the scroll he released helped his son.

"My name is Gorampa and I am a Guardian of Earth. We are here because s.h.i.+nto Yamamura you have been chosen by our planet as a Guardian. We face a dire crisis that requires your help to protect the people of our world."

Yamamura's father looked at his soon with pride and concern mixed on his face. His son was a young man so he able to make his own decisions but that didn't mean that he wasn't concerned for his son's safety. The world they lived in was changing by the second. He was worried he might never see his son again.

Yamamura looked at his father and knew what he was thinking. His father had always been there for him growing up, teaching him and nurturing him. His father and taught him about responsibility and honor, and what it truly meant to be a man. He taught him not just with his words but also with his actions. With the changes that were happening to their world he was worried for his family. If he had the ability to protect and ensure their safety he would do everything in his power to accomplish that.

"Father, I love you and our family very much. I can not sit by and allow any kind of danger to befall you all. If this ability of mind will allow me to protect you then I will use it to do just that. You have shown me time and again what it means to be a man. Now I will use those lessons to show you the man I have become. I will make you proud of me father."

"I already am…." His father replied with tears in his eyes.


Agent Matthews found herself in a dark world. There was no light nor any sounds. She felt as in she was in a dark cave, but no matter which direction she moved in there was never anything around her. It seemed as if she wandered for years when she finally noticed a sound. She was so shocked by the sudden change, she began to move toward the sound. As she got closer she realized that the sound was hearing was chanting. The chanting was slowly getting louder until she could faintly make out a figure seated on the ground. For a while she had the surreal feeling that the more she walked the farther the figure got from her. As soon as she became reserved to the idea that she would never be able to reach that mysterious chanting figure, he was suddenly right in front of her.

"Who are you?" Agent Matthews asked as the figure stood up.

The figure regarded he for a while walking around her and scrutinizing her from head to toe, "I don't know why the Earth chose you. Your heart is filled with deceit and greed. You care about nothing but yourself. I don't see what redeeming value you have at all…." the Mudd Buddha said as he continued to scrutinize her.

Agent Matthews felt appalled. Who did he thing he was judging her like this? He didn't know anything about her!

"I know a lot more about you then you think." the Mudd Buddha said in response to her thoughts.

Agent Matthews was actually beginning to show signs of fear. She had no idea who this strange man was, or where they were for that matter. Her thought were even spread bare before this stranger.

"You will be given a chance to prove your worth. The Earth has chosen you to be one of its Guardians. You will be tasked with protecting the people of this planet. But should you fail to fulfill your responsibilities I will personally make you suffer a fate worse then death." as the Mudd Buddha finished speaking a scroll flew out of his sleeve toward Agent Matthews head, "You job begins now!"

With a flash of light Agent Matthews in her tent to the sounds of guns firing and explosions happening around her.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 62 Attack From The Abyss 2 summary

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