Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 64 To The Shenggu Clan

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As Chen Zhen group trekked toward the Shenggu Clan, Chen Zhen finally had the time get to know Alex and Kim better. They stuck to the forest and avoided the main roads so they didn't attract unwanted attention upon themselves. The first night they stopped to make camp Chen Zhen asked Alex and Kim a lot of questions. He used his personal spatial domain to allow everyone to rest and enjoy a home-cooked by Mei Ling.

"Is this really the first time you're eating food in this world?" Chen Zhen asked Alex and Kim

"Yes surprisingly we were only given water when we were in the slave carriages, but I never really felt hungry are drinking it" Kim explained.

"The same goes for me as well. I would always feel very energized after just a single ladle of water. I could never figure out why" Alex said.

"Have either of you noticed any kind of stinky, sticky substance on you after you drank the water?" Chen Zhen asked.

They both nodded their heads, "Yes we were wondering what that was, since you're asking us do you know what it is?" Kim questioned

"Yes. Its the impurities in your bodies being removed. this world's energy is very good for our bodies. It helps to purify us and make us healthy and much stronger." Chen Zhen went on to explain everything that Shenggu Julong told him about this world.

"It's probably a very good thing you were never given any food before now. Most likely your bodies wouldn't have been able to handle the energy overload and you would have exploded. I know because the samething almost happened to me. The way to avoid that from happening is to circulate the energy around your body so it can be absorbed naturally. The benefit of this is that you will naturally become stronger and faster and be able perform amazing feats the more you do it"

Chen Zhen's enthusiasm was contagious. Alex and Kim were quickly caught up in his hype. They had seen how powerful he was when he fought off the ferocious demon beast as they traveled. Especially for someone like Alex who spent his life staying in top shape so he could always protect himself, he very much wanted to be able to do the things he saw Chen Zhen do. While Mei Ling was cooking Chen Zhen used some of the equipment Shenggu Julong left behind to test Alex and Kim's elemental affinity. Shenggu Feng and Lou Tian promised that they would be able to give them cultivation techniques that fit their elements. they had both explored me ruins in they life and tons of cultivation techniques in the process.

Alex volunteered to go first. He had a strong affinity with the earth element with a slightly weaker affinity to fire. Because his affinities strengths were so closely matched Lou Tian had Chen Zhen pa.s.s a cultivation techniques call Divine Lava force. It utilized his earth to further strengthen his body while the fire affinity coursed thru his blood giving him explosive movement and attack power. As its name stated it was a Divine Teir cultivation technique that can be cultivated to the Immortal realms. Wars have been fought over cultivation techniques of this caliber.

Kim was nervous at first not knowing what to expect but seeing how quick and easy the process was she was eager to she what her results would be. Her strongest affinity was actually the Light element with a slightly weaker affinity to wood. Since both of her affinity lead her toward being a healer Shenggu Feng didn't have any cultivation techniques in his knowledge base that could help her. Lou Tian did but it wasn't as spectacular as the one Alex received. It was okay for starting out but as an Earth Teir cultivation technique it was very common. Shenggu Feng suggested when they reached is clan maybe there would be a better technique she could learn. Healers were very important to any clan so once one was found they would do all they could to try to rope them in.

Alex and Kim excited sat down to start cultivating, It was tricky to get started but once they got the hang of it they immersed themselves completely in the process. The kids were excited that they knew more then some adults so they offered to help them out, but when they were reminded of the language barrier between they quickly realized there was nothing they could do. the kids who were still very diligent in their cultivation sat down next to Alex and Kim and cultivated as well.

Chen Zhen offered to help Mei Ling with the cooking but she firmly refused. She still had hopes of switching Chen Zhen's affection toward herself, so being useful by cooking all the meals was her first step. Since Chen Zhen had nothing to do at the moment he sat down to meditate and scan his surrounding to make sure things were safe.

"How long will it take us to reach you clan?" Chen Zhen asked.

"At the rate we are going if there are no unexpected problem about a month." Shenggu Feng replied.

That's a lot longer then Chen Zhen thought it would be, "Is there any way we can get there faster. I'm concerned about my planet. I know we are completely weak but I'm also not sure how we will handle an army of superhuman warriors we've never faced before." Chen Zhen said feeling perplexed.

Mei Ling cooked a delicious meal as always and Alex and Kim got to enjoy the wonderful flavors of this worlds foods. After dinner everyone cultivated and they were soon on their way again. Because of the time difference in Chen Zhen's personal spatial domain they on stopped for a few hours but everyone was completely refreshed. As their journey continued they still encountered many demon beast, but now Alex got the chance to practice what he learned. He soon realized it wasn't as easy as Chen Zhen made it seem. Even the children had a easier time then he did witch really hurt his pride. But he practiced diligently and after the first week could hunt Rank Two demon beast regularly. Kim was able to get a lot of practice in healing during that time as well, patching Alex back up. Everyone wanted to arrive at the Shanggu Clan as early as possible but they all still agreed that the main roads were to hazardous at this time. The little joy they could find in learning new skills were always dampened by the worry they felt for their home.
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Li Moxian and the kids were watching the TV when the show they were watching was interrupted by an urgent news bulletin about a mysterious invading force. Li Moxian's phone rang soon after, it was Janet calling her. Before Li Moxian could say anything Janet already started talking.

"Li Moxian you need to take your kids and get out of China. you are too close to the Abyss. The news is not going to give you completely accurate information about the crisis, but our satellites can clearly see what is going on right now. And I'm telling things are not looking promising. Our world's armies are fighting to the best of their abilities but the invaders are stronger then anyone could imagine. I know that the news is saying that things are safe for now but I believe differently. You must get as far away from the Abyss as you can."

Li Moxian was stunned, she didn't know what to say. Her mind was drawing a blank. Where could she go? the only place she felt safe was right here at her parent's house. She could go back to the United States but felt more dangerous to her then being a couple miles away from the Abyss.

"Janet I appreciate your call to warn me but I don't feel safe anywhere else but where I am right now. I can't take any chances with possible being caught by your government. If things get worse we will figure something out but for I'm staying. Thank you again Janet" Li Moxian hung up the phone and didn't give Janet a Chance to speak again.

Janet knew that calling back would be pointless. She only prayed that they would stay safe and somehow escape the coming danger, but deep inside she knew that wasn't going to be the case. Unless a miracle happened their world was doomed.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 64 To The Shenggu Clan summary

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