Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 65 Warrior Monks

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Everyone was still frozen as they observed the monks that were flying above them. There were thousands of monks hovering above the army surrounding the Abyss. Everyone felt a great pressure envelope them, for many it became hard to breathe.

"To the soldiers of Earth's army we ask that if you don't feel that your martial skills are adequate, you should leave now. We mean no insult in our words. But as soon as we begin fighting we will be using our full strength. We will be using abilities beyond your wildest imagination. If you can't protect yourself at that time there will be collateral damage. Our intent is merely to defend Earth from the invading force, not to cause harm to its military."

Everyone from Earth was spooked to realize that the message wasn't heard by their ears but was projected directly into their minds. Many began to flee and draw away from the Abyss. The strength they felt from the monks was undeniable. They knew that things were now completely out of their hands.

As the army retreated the monks began descending from the sky. Even though the Diako cultivators had hundreds of thousands of warriors only about ten percent of their army had made its way thru the Abyss. So the thousands of monks were evenly matched in numbers. But the Diako warriors were still feeling pressured. The formation set up by the Diako clansmen allowed the cultivators at the 9th level of the Body Refinement Stage to teleport up thru the Abyss. Due to Zhang You report to his uncle, the Council of Elders believed that they would be more then powerful enough to take over the land around the Abyss. Under normal circ.u.mstances they would have been absolutely correct. But since the Abyss opened and the Mudd Buddha admonished the temple ancestors of the folly of their ways, the warrior monks have been cultivating none stop around the Abyss. Most of them have been able to achieve multiple breakthroughs.

The average power level of the Diako cultivators was the 9th level of the Body Refinement Stage while the average power level of the warrior monks was the 1st level of the Liquid Core Stage. The monks easily had double the power of the Diako cultivators. Cold sweat dripped down the backs of the Diako cultivators. Because it took a lot of spirit crystal to power the formation back in their world they knew they wouldn't be getting any reinforcements anytime soon.

The lull in the fighting may have seemed as if it dragged out for a very long time but in actuality it was only for a couple of seconds. As soon as the soldiers quickly retreated the monks released their spiritual energy, the Diako cultivator closest to them were pushed back several feet.

"ATTACK!!" as soon as this command was shouted all different types of elemental martial arts began flying back and forth between them. The Diako cultivators hadn't used any martial skill before because they didn't see any use in it. The enemy that was before them was too weak to need to. They felt it would be more of a psychological triumph to devastate them with their weapons. It would also allow them to save energy for any unexpected complications. Never in their wildest dreams did they ever expect to run into powerful cultivators in what was supposed to be a world devoid of spiritual energy. That was also a reason they didn't use their energy to attack, they didn't expect their to be enough energy to replenish what they spent fighting.

The monks were proficient in battle formations. They had decades of practice together. They began to decimate the Diako cultivators.
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At this point Zhang You had already snuck back down the Abyss. He rushed to ther scouts to warn them of the monks that had appeared. The scouts were very doubtful of the validity of what Zhang You was telling him. It truly made no sense for there to be an army of powerful cultivators attacking their army. What he was saying sounded completely ludicrous to them. Zhang You's uncle had warned then that he was a trickster, so they had even less of a reason to believe him, but since he was the commander of their army they couldn't completely ignore him.

The lead scout Diako Ze Tian said, "We will follow you back up there to see if you speak the truth, but be warned, if you are deceiving us in any way today will be your death anniversary!"

Zhang You didn't want to go back up there but with the sinister look in the scouts' eyes he knew there was no room to argue. The second in command of the scouts grabbed Zhang You by the back of his collar and forcefully dragged him back up thru the portal.

When they made it to the other world, what awaited them was ma.s.s destruction and chaos. Their clansmen were being ruthlessly annihilated right before their eyes. They could tell by the spiritual energy coming from the monks that they were already a rank higher then their men. When you add the combined might of their battle formations on top of it, it was complete overkill. It was like using a war hammer to crack open an egg. These scouts had decades of battle experience. They could easily compare to the most seasoned generals around. So it was very easy for them to see the message that was being presented here. The monks would not tolerate them taking one step into there world.

This infuriated the scouts. Who the h.e.l.l did they think they were. The men they were slaughtering were from the mighty Diako Clan. There was no way they would take this insult lying down. Even though there were only three scouts, they were all at the mid-level of the Solid Core Stage. They were an entire one and a half ranks higher then these monks. The monks battle formations allowed them to fight against opponents one rank higher then them but one and a half was too much for them to handle.

The three scouts were actually three brothers that had been personally groomed by Diako Natsu. Their names were from eldest to youngest: Diako Ze Tian, Diako Nagakiro, and Diako Teyinmen. They always practiced diligently together and shared resources to ensure that they always advanced together. Between their s.p.a.ce, poison, and darkness skills they were a very lethal fighting combination unto themselves. So when they unleashed their powers to the fullest extend possible they literally crushed everything in the surrounding area. The trio was able to form a mini battle formation which allowed them to amplify their already substantial powers. The Diako cultivators that were already on their last breathe were crushed into a meat paste. The brothers had shown no concerns for who they were killing because they considered them all to be weaklings. The monks in their battle formations were barely able to remain standing on their feet. The weaker ones amongst them were forced to their hands and knees.

"Its time to taste some fresh blood brothers. We haven't been able to unleash our full powers with such reckless abandon in a very long time. We should take our time and enjoy the treat we have before us today" Diako Ze Tian said while looking like a lion who had just corner a fat gazelle.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 65 Warrior Monks summary

You're reading Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Bigwall1296. Already has 462 views.

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