Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 67 Enraged Ancestors 1

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The three brothers rushed towards the ancestors who were high up in the air. The ancestors knew their battle would cause a lot of destruction and they didn't want their disciples to get caught up in the blast range.

The five ancestors were named Chodak, Jampa, Kalsang, Nordu, and Palden. They each spent their lives in search of the Dao. They were very gifted in their youth. In world devoid of spiritual energy they were still able to reach the heights they achieved. If they were in a different world each one of them would have been able to cultivate to become a hegemon of a region. Feeling the spiritual energy that had begun to spread across Earth they would be lying to themselves if they said they didn't feel a little bitter inside knowing they did't have enough time to fully enjoy what their world was becoming.

Each of their temples herb gardens had begun to flourish almost overnight. They few spiritual herbs they were able to prevent from going extinct were blossoming and spreading rampantly. These herbs were the strongest and most potent herbs around. These herbs were treasure sought after on any world in the universe. Their temple alchemist would finally be able to concoct precious spiritual pills to help further the growth of the monks there.

They could finally begin to use their spiritual sense to access they ancient archives of knowledge left by their temple founders hundreds of thousands of years ago. These are all the benefits that they had originally given up hope of never receiving, but now that they had an opportunity to grasp them, they didn't want to let them go. So when they saw the brothers rus.h.i.+ng over to battle them knowing that they were coming to take their lives, For the first time ever theses benevolent temple ancestors were livid! They wanted nothing more then to crush these brothers with their bare hands.

Chodak was the first to make a move, "Solar Flare!" he held his right arm above his head and spiritual energy began to compress and circulate in his palm. Even though it was being compress this ball of energy quickly expanded from a walnut size, to a baseball size, basketball size, to a beach ball size, finally ending with a diameter of over five meters. It looked like a miniature sun suspended in his had. As the heat began to rise little mini flare began to erupt and circulated around it. This feature is were it got its name from.

Chodak flashed forward so fast it looked like he teleported for a second. He threw the Solar Flare at the incoming brothers. They weren't expecting the ancient monk to still be able to display such speed so they were caught off guard at first, The brothers quickly combined their energy and raised a s.h.i.+eld in front just in time. Even thought they raised the s.h.i.+eld in time that didn't mean they were not affected, they used the force of the blast to created some distance between themselves and Chodak, and to minimize their injuries. The brothers still received minor injuries but ti was nothing to them. Chodak's opening attack was a very big eye opener for them. They knew these monks were a higher level then them but with their withering life force they a.s.sumed they wouldn't put their all into their attacks and speed up their own demise. The brothers had no idea what their invasion had cost these monks. If they truly knew then they would possible have turned around and headed back instead of staying and fighting.

Kalsang was next to make a move, he began to spin his hand in front of himself as if he was spinning a wheel. The wind began to pick up and follow the rotations of his hands, At first this wind rotation was about twenty feet wide and ten feet long, but the more energy Kalsang fed it the tighter the rotation became and the longer it stretched. When the rotation was no more then two feet across and it was thirty feet long, Kalsang flew at the brothers. Seeing him coming they quickly dispersed, as the column of rotating air was flying past them Kalsang shouted, "Wind Blade Typhoon!" Kalsang's spiritual energy flooded the column of air causing it to explode. As it exploded thousands of glowing wind blades attacked the the three brothers at once. Even thought they never let the guard down they were still caught by surprised by this move. Fortunately their physical armor and spiritual s.h.i.+eld was able to handle most of the blades so they once again only received minor injuries.

While this was going on the brothers didn't notice Nordu was floating cross legged behind the other ancestors continuously forming hand seals. his movements were very slow at first because it didn't want to attract the brothers attention to what he was doing. As Nordu's hand seals began to pick up speed dark clouds began to appear in the sky behind the brothers. Nordu used the attacks by Chodak and Kalsang to hide the spiritual energy he had been gathering. Just as the Brothers were getting their bearing again after Kalsang's attack Nordu stood up and shouted, "Heavenly Judgement!" Four meter thick beams of lightning sudden crashed down on top of the brothers. Their bodies spasmed and smoke could be seen coming off of them. They fell to the ground leaving small craters from the impact.

the ancestors knew that this was going to be enough to defeat them but it would give them a good gauge of the brothers strength. The brothers lay there twitching sporadically because of the residual lightning still coursing thru their bodies. They slowly stood up together and then floated back up to where the ancestors were.
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"That was fun. It was quite eye opening for me. But it would be too selfish of me and my brothers if we were the only ones to partake. Now it's our turn." Diako Ze Tian said with a wicked smile on his face.

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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 67 Enraged Ancestors 1 summary

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