Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 71 Messenger

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The giant Phoenix hanging in the sky clutching a battered and bruised Diako Ze Tian appeared like celestial savior to all the people around the Abyss. Everyone had been trapped in the Sphere of Eternal Darkness and couldn't see what was happening. They felt like their souls were being slowly dragged from their bodies by the corroding effect of the darkness sphere. They had given up hope on being rescued, they had a.s.sume that they're end was near. But then suddenly the sphere of Darkness completely imploded. Their first reaction was to look up only to see a golden s.h.i.+ny giant Phoenix hovering above them.

Gorampa looked down at Diako Ze Tian contemplating what to do with him. With all of his meridians shattered, Diako Ze Tian's cultivation was as good as wasted, he was no better then a cripple at this point. To a cultivator that was the worst possible fate. Gorampa was wondering if it would be more merciful to just end his life now, when he heard a very low hissing laughter. It sounded like air being squeezed out of an old tire.

Eventhough it caused incredible pain, Diako Ze Tian just couldn't stop himself from laughing.

"I bet you think you have win don't you. You think that you've saved your pathetic little world don't you. You are a frog in a well.", Diako Ze Tian said reveling in his thoughts of the disaster he knew was coming.

"What insane rubbish are you spewing out now? I was just considering whether I should mercifully end your life to save you the torment and humiliation from living in your world as a cripple. But seeing as you're also insane I'll just end you now." Gorampa said as he crushed him tighter in the Phoenix claw.

"That is fine and well. I don't need to be alive to see what happens I already know. Eventhough our clan profits from the slave trade, we'r are but a small cog in a vast reaching machine. Once word of our loss to you profligates around my world, and trust me it will. People and clans much more powerful than my own will attack this world. And your meager strength will not be enough to protect this decrepit world."

Gorampa stood there frozen. He remembered the tales of how Earth was repeatedly attack in the past. The stories told of powers that could annihilate entire continents in the wave of a hand. He then thought about what Diako Ze Tian said and realized that it eased the truth. It would take some time maybe 6-8 months or maybe even a year or more. But whatever it ended up being the fact was still the same. They were running out of time.

Gorampa flashed over to the guardians and enveloped them in his spiritual senses. He then flew over to where the temple ancestors were to check on their injuries.

"Kalsang, Nordu, Chodak, and Palden. How are you? How severe are Jampa's injuries?", Gorampa asked

"It will take us a long time to recover, if we ever truly will. Our old bodies are not like yours. We burned a lot of our vital force had been expended in that battle. If we were younger any one of us could have wiped ther floor with them by just moving our pinky finger. But now we don't know how much time we have left.", Chodak said hanging his head in remorse.

Right as Gorampa was going to open highs mouth to try and console them, a purple mist slowly rose up from the ground surrounding the ancient monks. Tears of joy fell from their eyes as they could feel their injuries being healed. Not only could they feel their injuries being healed but they felt their vital force being replenished as well. Ther Mudd Buddha's voice rang out in their minds, "You guys did very well. You were selfless in upholding your duties as Protectors of the Realm. The World acknowledges your sacrifice and reward your good deeds."

Gorampa was happy to see them receive a blessing grim the world. Eventhough they didn't see eye to eye all the time. They all made a sacred vow to protect earth, and now with ther world blessing they could continue to fulfill their duties. And after listening to Diako Ze Tian, he knew that they needed every powerful person they could get. Gorampa knew that they would receiving their blessing for a while so he left without saying goodbye.

Gorampa still clutching Diako Ze Tian in ther Phoenix claw and carrying the guardians flew down into ther abyss. When they arrived on the other side to see the enormous army waiting, at first the guardians were terrified.

The Diako warriors were in a panic. At first two of their leaders came plummeting from the abyss on ther brink of death. Then suddenly a being no less powerful than their Clan leader had appeared holding Diako Ze Tian like a rag doll. He seemed on his last breathe as well. How could this be possible?? They were supposed to be attacking a world devoid of spiritual energy. So how the h.e.l.l did it produce a Divine Stage cultivator? Was all their Intel as lie? Many who were standing near Zhang You were glaring at him. This disaster was all his fault. See that everyone was against him now Zhang You ran away. The wad no easy her wad going to stand around and allow himself to beer captured and brought back before his uncle. He didn't care if he would be considered a coward from now on. At least he was still alive tho be called a coward.

"Our world is not some defenseless realm you can come and plunder as you please. We were derelict for a while but things have changed now. We are getting stronger every single day. So you can either heed my advice or just take my words as a fart. Anyone who attacks my planet will be destroyed. There will be no one from their entire family left alive. There will be many of you that will challenge what I say. That is fine. I will use my words today to give my one and only warning. Anyone today comes with be attacked on sight. I leave you puny little ants alive simply because I'm to lazy to repeat myself. So as you journey home please remember to spread my warning far and wide. And I have one last message for your Clan Leader... tell him I'll be seeing him very soon"

With that Gorampa open the Phoenix claw and just let Diako Ze Tian's body just drop to the ground. He then released his full power while glaring at the Diako warriors one last time before taking the guardians and leaving.
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Legend Of The Dragon Phoenix Warrior 71 Messenger summary

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