Tear A Path 6 The Shadow

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Noticing the shadow, Zhao Wei looked to his left and saw nothing. Turning to his book again he suddenly saw the shadow again at the corner of his eye. Turning again, he saw nothing again. He felt a chill run down his spine. "Is it because of the upheaval, did it disturb some ancient burial ground, letting out a spirit who wants revenge?"

"It's not me!" Zhao Wei shouted... No response.

"I come in peace, the upheaval was caused by a natural disaster, I didn't try to disturb your grave like those people in western movies." Zhao Wei thought that it would maybe be reasonable with his explanations... No response.

"If you won't be reasonable I'll fight it out with you!! I still have someone I need to find so I can't die here," Zhao Wei stood up from his seat challenging whatever it was.

The pen he was going to use rolled off and fell to the floor. Clack!!

"I'm sorry!!" Zhao Wei suddenly ducked into a fetal position his arms covering his face and head.

Few seconds pa.s.s and nothing happened. Opening his eyes however Zhao Wei came face to face with the shadow.

It was the status screen on his left forearm. Zhao Wei could only stare at it in disbelief. It was like wet ink coming together to form words that floated above his arm like a hologram.

[Name: w.a.n.g Zhao Wei

Age: 19

Organism type: Human male

Cla.s.s: Trapper

Status: Mental trauma detected

Strength : 5

Durability: 5

Vitality: 4

Speed: 4

Dexterity: 5

Mentality: 3


Heat: 1

Cold: 1


Electricity: 0

Light: 0

Dark: 0


Active: Wrap Trap

Pa.s.sive: Feeding]

Oh my G.o.d! it's the MC cheat!! Zhao Wei thought. If one day he met other humans and found out that everyone got one and actually had more features than his did, Zhao Wei would vow never to reveal what he thought when he first saw it.

"System, please explain the points in the status page." He said... No response. Maybe it had an on signal first, Zhao Wei thought.

"System, turn on..." Zhao Wei became perplexed, "System, begin functions."

...No response.

After 15 minutes of trying even trying to use his mind to access the system, Zhao Wei became even more misguided.

"System, I choose you!..."

"System, Destiny Draw!..."

"System, I'm all fired up!..."

Copyright laws were continually broken by Zhao Wei for another half an hour.

Zhao Wei dejectedly looked at the screen on his arm. most of the information was pretty straightforward but the skill section needed some explaining. Wrap trap had a drawing like a flower, the inner section was empty unlike feeding which looked like a mouth was completely filled out with the inky black color.

Focusing on [Wrap Trap], suddenly the words split apart like ink and came back together to form different words.

[Wrap Trap:

Detach mark from body at specific place permanently, will trigger energy vines to wrap organism in-front of it if movement is detected or contact is made. Single use.]

Once he stopped his focus the screen changed back into the main screen again. From the description he deduced his function. Looking at the screen again he tried focusing on [Feeding]. The same happened again where the screen split apart and re-converged, this time with a description of the skill.


You are what you eat. The first drop of blood of any organism killed by the user will add 0.5% of a random attribute owned by the organism to the user.]

The skills he gained were pretty straight forward. And it seemed that the build for his cla.s.s was like a jungling character in games. For Wrap Trap, basically he could set traps which only activate when stepped on even if he was not in the area. For Feeding, it was a pa.s.sive growth skill which allowed him to constantly grow all his attributes. He was a little unsatisfied with his pa.s.sive as looking at his own status he was unsure of his growth rate. If organisms were around his strength in general it would take at least 40 such organisms to raise any of his attributes by 1.

Unknown to him, his current attributes were pretty good. With the comfort of humans in their last life many people were comfortable staying at home, even just a few years before the change, people weren't even moving to look for food as they could order it online. For most people their starting attributes were around 2/3 in general. As for Zhao Wei, in the old world he loved to play sports especially basketball and boxing so his overall attributes were higher while his intelligence was average. In fact even for most professional athletes the highest points they reached in an attribute or two was 6, although some special cases had a 7 for a single attribute.

He did however lose out on the physical reformation which granted 5 points directly to cla.s.s a.s.sociated attributes as well as 10 points per level. Additionally, this growth would increase further to 20, 30 and finally 50 attributes per level with their cla.s.s's advancement at 20, 50, 100 and 120. On the day he found out about this, Zhao Wei swore that if he ever found the Voice, he would wring every benefit he had lost from the voice.

After sorting it out Zhao Wei decided to try out his skills. But he was unsure how. He tried touching the ground and saying the skill in his mind... No response.

"Maybe it needs audio confirmation... Wrap Trap!!" He said... No response.

"Wrap Trap activate!!... No Response.

"Ultimate Wrap Trap!!"... No Response.

After 15 minutes he became more misguided.

"Gomu Gomu No!"... No Response.

"Rasengan!"... No Response.

"Spirit Bomb!"... No response.

"Hulk Smas.h.!.+"... No Response.

He again continued to break copyright laws for 20 minutes.

When he was exhausted with trying and screaming to himself he figured maybe he needed to focus for sometime to activate the skill. Closing his eyes he focused on the skill itself, a feeling like his body was being drained of small amounts of energy could be felt but nothing happened yet. After 15 his head started aching and he was sweating all over yet still nothing came out.

When he couldn't take it anymore he stopped and a feeling like he was regaining the energy slowly happened. But he thought, if he didn't use the skill why was he so drained. Looking at his status screen he understood what happened. the originally empty inner section of the Wrap Trap symbol was filling up. What was originally empty was now filled up to 1/3 of it.

It took 20 minutes for the pain to subside. Feeling there was nothing wrong with his body he repeated his actions again. The same thing happened after 15 minutes and he had to stop before he could repeat the process over again.

When it was about to fill completely Zhao Wei's 15 minutes were up but he pushed to finish the mark. Once it looked full he spent another 20 seconds on it then stopped. when he saw the mark a shadow was moving around the mark like a computer loading screen. After 5 seconds it stopped, no sound came out, but being used to computers Zhao Wei imagined a Ding! in his mind.

Zhao Wei thought he could finally use it but before he could even say anything the mark became empty again. "What the heck!" he couldn't help screaming, "this is worse than a girl giving false hope to a guy!, this is a girl giving false hope and asking the guy to do her homework before rejecting him!"

Trying to figure out what was going on he went into the skill description page. When he saw what had happened he could finally sigh in relief.

[Wrap Trap 1x:

Detach mark from body at specific place permanently, will trigger energy vines to wrap organism in-front of it if movement is detected or contact is made. Single use.]

Apparently this skill was one which is charged and stored which Zhao Wei could use anytime so long as he didn't finish the count. Once he figured it out he finally rested.

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Tear A Path 6 The Shadow summary

You're reading Tear A Path. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): bcrow. Already has 361 views.

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