Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife Chapter 31 Aftermath

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On the way to the Gao Manor, they also were able pa.s.sed the brothel owned by the second prince.

The original lively establishment is now almost burned to the ground.

Feng Ji felt proud of her work. She looks forward to more.

It did not cause much commotion compared to the incident with the Medical Pavilion.

"Hehe." She giggled. The mortal domain has a lot of interesting things that she wants to try soon!

Gao Lan Mei felt the sparrow's happy mood through there connection. She patted the head of the sparrow softly, "You did well."

Feng Ji beamed. She is happy to make serve her miss." Miss! I also got Xi Ma's blood. Aren't I great?"

Gao Lan Mei smiled, "Yes."


In the s.h.i.+zi Royal Palace.

Every official from rank fourth above where summoned. Aside from someone is trying to the second price, especially the incident with the Medical Pavilion alarmed the Emperor.

Gao Qi did not speak and just listened to the report of the eunuch.

The Medical Pavilion provided their official statement regarding the incident, stating that the issue was caused initially by uncontrolled enchanted herb that attracts bird type spirit beast especially crows as a food.

Listening intently to the report, Gao Qi is concerned as he knows that Prince Wei is the owner of the Medical Pavilion. The prince is already considered a benefactor for the Gao Family.

As a prince who makes the others who fight for the throne feel threatened, the incident may cause unnecessary attention.

The report also mentioned the involvement of the Xi family young master, who is known as the close aide of Prince Wei.

It will not be surprising if some officials will start currying favor to the Xi family.

Gao Qi only feels troubled regarding Prince Wei's business as a grat.i.tude. If he learned that the may culprit of the incident is her daughter, what will he feel then?


Wei Palace

"Xi Ma! You're with the master? Is he alright? What happened?" Lao Chen asked continuously.

Wei Jiayi did not allow any guard to accompany him to the Pavilion.

When the crows started to form into a large black ma.s.s, he is ready to bring his troop to protect the Pavilion, but he cannot move without orders. Which did not come, regardless of how long he waited and how anxious he became.

Xi Ma does not want yet to talk to anyone. It was a stressful day for him. After Gao Lan Mei left, the palace representative arrived.

As a lie to fabricate, he just decided to tell the representative that the walnuts are enchanter herbs that attract crows. There is no damage of property or any hurt citizen anyway.

All the aftermath only affected the Medical Pavilion. They lost herbs to the woman and golds as well. The news of the poisonous walnuts is also needing to be controlled.

Thankfully most of the things needed are done.

The only good thing about the incident is that they have enough evidence to pin Shopkeeper Yu as a traitor. The walnuts are not from the Medical Pavilion farm.

Did not take long for his a.s.sistant to confess making his life easy.

He wants to curse the Gao Lan Mei for causing the greatest disturbance that he has seen so far.

However, the woman is still benefactor for saving lives before its too late.

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Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife Chapter 31 Aftermath summary

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