Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife Chapter 32 Test Creature

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The poison found in the walnuts are cultivated. This poison smell is very faint, but the effect is quick acting.

It seems that there's a conspiracy that they are not aware of yet.

Xi Ma smiled evilly to Lao Chen, "Someone wants to offend the Wei Palace. The crows saved us."

"What?! Who dares!" Lao Chen exclaimed. He crunched his knuckles; his murder intent is noticeable in the air.

Smiling at the commander, "We will find whoever he is, then you can do the rest. The master confirms that." Xi Ma patted the brute's shoulder. Lao Chen is the strongest, just second only to the master, in the Wei Palace. He is not the smartest though.

He is a very tall and muscular man. The face could be considered handsome if not for the scary expression that is always on his face.

The glare from his sharp eyes is also always present, that even his subordinates have a hard time approaching him.

He is also the longest that serves the master and the most loyal. If the Wei Jiayi probably asked him to kill himself, he will do so with no complaint.

"Alright. I will wait! Do not take long!" The Lao Chen disappeared in a blink of an eye, going who knows where.


In the Gao Manor

After arriving, the servant of the Gao Manor helped the mute old beggar to clean up. He does not mind the servant fusing over him.

From that day onwards, he will be serving at the Gao Manor, with these people. The feeling of not being alone in the streets makes him delighted.

After cleaning up and changing to a better set of clothes, he was instructed to see Gao Lan Mei.

He was ushered to a room that he is most familiar with.

The room has herbs that are segregated per kind, the pots and the stove to create medicine is also present.

There are also different sizes of jade bottles on the shelf near the window.

The felt nostalgic due to the smell of the herbs. Even though he does not practice his knowledge of medicine, he still wants to be close to it somehow. That's why he lived in the small alley next to the Medical Pavilion.

After following Gao Lan Mie, he did not expect that he will still be closed to his pa.s.sion.

He just thought that the amount of large medicine she bought from the Medical Pavilion was for someone else.

Looking at his master, it seems she is also a doctor, this is confirmed by the experienced way of handling the herbs.

"Sit anywhere that's comfortable." Gao Lan Mei said.

The mute old beggar nodded. He sat to a chair near the herb cabinet.

Gao Lan Mei checked his pulse, then handed him a jade bottle. The liquid content inside is blackish and it smells sour. For him, the content is unfamiliar. He cannot discern what herbs are mixed to that liquid.

The mute old beggar gulped. He just hoped that his master did not accept him just to make him a test creature for new medicines.

Medical apprentice from strong families normally buys slaves as test creatures. Some use them to remove impurities for the development of cultivation.

She waved her hand, a gesture that tells him to drink it.

As soon as the liquid touched his tongue, he felt the burning pain. "Endure it. Drink everything."

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Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife Chapter 32 Test Creature summary

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