Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife Chapter 409 Needs More

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Aye master." Xiao s.h.i.+ immediately. The strong spiritual energy burst out inside her body, that immediately gives the eerie feeling of death.

Xiao s.h.i.+'s aura spread far that even reached outside the palace, affecting everything on its path. If not for Yen Mingjue's cover for Gao Lan Mei, she will also be hit by the spiritual blast.

After it spread, Xiao s.h.i.+'s death aura returned to her quickly, enveloping her with a whirlwind of fluctuating mist, slowly penetrating her skin.

Everyone can see Xiao s.h.i.+'s appearance changed. From a bloodthirsty girl, that is not yet reaching p.u.b.erty, her appearance change to a full-blossomed woman, with long red hair, eyes black that looks soulless on a pale face that cannot be used by anyone to say that she is weak.

She is now wearing a grey fitted armor that sticks like a second skin, not leaving much to the imagination.

Zhao Liwei tried to move closer but before he can even do so, Xiao s.h.i.+ already disappeared from her initial place.

"Bang!" The loud sound of the ground being hit on an explosion, dust all over the area, concealing the one who causes it. Rubles of stone even splattered all over the place.

When the dust lessens, it allowed everyone to see Xiao s.h.i.+ attacking a YinYing with a spear. The other than using his...o...b..and a sword to defend and attack.

Xiao s.h.i.+ dodged, then attacked, using her range as her advantage, pus.h.i.+ng back the YinYing.

However, she is not the only that can teleport as the moment the YinYing appeared suddenly behind her, slas.h.i.+ng her back wide. Probably, if not because of her armor, the slash could have sliced her entire upper body.

"Xiao s.h.i.+!" Zhao Liwei woke from his dazed due to confusion, and by instinct, he jumped to go next to Xiao s.h.i.+ but his foot was grabbed by Wei Jiayi before he can get even farther.

"You will just distract her!" Wei Jiayi exclaimed. Until now, he is pretty sure Zhao Liwei has still not accepted the fact that Xiao s.h.i.+, his mate is a wraith.

No one else can disturb or get close to the fight between wraiths. Not only because of the collision of spiritual energy whenever their weapons are hit, but they are also pretty sure are useless.

Xiao s.h.i.+ ignored her injury and sent a blast to the YinYing to push him away, enough for her spear's turn to draw blood. "Despicable." She stated deadly.

Wraiths are servants of G.o.ds and even they fear one thing. Death!

She is a proud wraith of a death G.o.d, even if her contract finishes, Xiao s.h.i.+ will still serve Yen Mingjue!

The wound on her back immediately closely up, but the armor did not magically fix itself, which clearly exposes the white skin of her back.

"Xiao Mei, we do not have much time. Finish the ritual!" Yen Mingjue exclaimed. It will always be an evil battle for wraiths, thus the only thing Xiao s.h.i.+ can do is to bid them time.

He is also sure that there are other YinYings outside the palace. Yen Mingjue is considering the possibility that the others may not be able to make it, regardless if they are from the Immortal Domain or the Justice Affairs.

Yinyings do not follow the hierarchy of power and is not governed by any law that requires them to use a cultivation talisman restriction.

Gao Lan Mei can clearly understand what Yen Mingjue wants to happen but it is not that easy. She is already absorbing too much spiritual energy, but she needs more!

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Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife Chapter 409 Needs More summary

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