Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife Chapter 420 Good Job

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Fa Liwei watched with narrowed eyes as the bright lights continued to surround the s.h.i.+zi Empire. It was coming from the ground, as it brightens the previously dark place due to the black smoke.

Then the lights started breaking into white threads that slowly forms, interlocking, as it builds itself into a large defense wall to cover the s.h.i.+zi Empire!

His brows furrowed deeply as Fa Liwei watched the black smoke slowly being absorbed as well by the light and just like what it did earlier when it touched her spiritual energy, the thread also absorbs the impurities it touched making it stronger!

In his mind, calculating the delay they need to encounter because of Gao Lan Mei's magic.

Looking at the woman on a male disguise that is confidently challenging him with bright red eyes, no one would ever consider that she can produce such difficult magic single-handedly.

Her face showing signs of impending Impurity Madness as well as her unquestionable low spiritual energy. Even if she devoured all black smoke, it is still impossible.

Gao Lan Mei looked so disheveled that anyone can quickly state that she is already at her limit, but her eyes show determination.

He has lived for so long, as a normal cultivator as well as a wraith that has traveled to another universe as well as realms and it has been a while that an ant-like being like Gao Lan Mei would show something interesting.

Too bad, even if Gao Lan Mei can use this large magic to stop them, regardless of her method she must die as soon as possible!

He also cannot remove the fact that Gao Lan Mei is being a.s.sisted by a death G.o.d that is also hindering their plans.

Fa Liwei already felt Fa Yuan trying to reach out to him with urgency the moment the death G.o.d's wraith appeared.

However, he needs to remove the hindrance before they work on their back up plan!

Not wasting more time, Fa Liwei concentrated all his attack on Gao Lan Mei on the magical circle. His only goal, to make the caster of the defense wall, lose control!

Of course, it is impossible to not see his intention, thus as the only who can fight Fa Liwei head-on, Xiao s.h.i.+ made sure to protect Gao Lan Mei.

"You are too late." Xiao s.h.i.+ uttered with mockery as she stopped Fa Liwei's sword with her own spear.

"Your smile is bothering me." Fa Liwei commented to Xiao s.h.i.+'s grin before another sword appeared on his other hand, that originally held his...o...b..before he stabbed Xiao s.h.i.+ at the heart!

Xiao s.h.i.+ coughed blood as she ignored the pain and used the back of her spear to push Fa Liwei away. She will not die, but the more the damage she gets, the slower her reflexes will be.

The end of the spear almost reached Fa Liwei but he only deflected it using his other sword before he stabbed Xiao s.h.i.+ hard at the, for her to fell, her back touching the ground, before embedding her with a spell.

"Stay there." Fa Liwei muttered as he looked down at Xiao s.h.i.+ that is currently on the ground, glaring at him as the wraith tried her best to remove herself from the swords hold. The spell won't keep Xiao s.h.i.+ but enough for him to finish his goal.

Wraiths don't die but their weakest point is still the most important mortal organ, the heart.

Fa Liwei then produced another sword, then teleport to the weakest part of the magic circle to attacked Gao Lan Mei with all his strength.

Every attack causes Gao Lan Mei injury and the way the blood flows on the side of her mouth confirms this.

With the way he is moving now with his full strenght, it means that Fa Liwei does not look down at Gao Lan Mei anymore and she knows it.

Gao Lan Mei looked around tiredly, as she already gave all to her last magic. 'Should be good to be able to raise a rank at least…' Her inner thought as she looked at the Liqi clan members that benefited from devour.

Despite the increase with the rank, YinYings are still attacking full force suppressing even the Liqi clan that had originally on par with them are starting to be pushed back.

Gao Lan Mei is still confident that no one can stop the defense wall that will continue getting stronger as it absorbs the black smoke.

She then grins at Fa Liwei tauntingly, "You are too late. You failed." Gao Lan Mei feels so much pain, but she will not show are suffering to the enemy.

Gao Lan Mei then looked to beings around her especially those that are still fighting, trying to protect her and stop the YinYings. "Everyone, good job."

"Mother, father, second uncle, I am glad you are all alive." She murmured as she feels the thread of their life, "Jiayi, I want chocolate cookies… and hugs too..." Gao Lan Mei added tiredly with a warm smile before closing her eyes and fell unconscious on the ground of the magical circle.


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Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife Chapter 420 Good Job summary

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