The Undead World With Sword And Magic 2 First Day Of School

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He just arrived at the school gate then suddenly .....


Someone punched at him and then he felt pain strike his shoulder

He heard him say "BOO!"

As Stephen turned around, someone said: "Hey men how are you?"

He was surprised that it was his best friend.

"Patrick! It's been a long time!", Stephen said to him

He always remembers that he always beat him at mock sword fights using practice sword. Well, Stephen is only not being harsh with his friend.

He is his childhood n.o.ble friend Patrick Wallace, Son of Robert Wallace owning a small land given by the king because his grandfather has contributed helping the king fending off the undead and the master of his uncle who is a paladin.

"We haven't met a few years! Is it 3 years or 4? I can't remember but how are you?

I've been training at your uncle and now I can beat you easier like in 3 moves!"

Patrick boastfully said as he crossed hands

"Well like I can defeat you anyway so let's go!", Stephen hurriedly grabbed him to the school grounds then they take a vacant seat beside it.

"I am still honing my sword skills so I can't beat you yet", Stephen said in a joyful voice to him


While they gathered at the school grounds for the announcement in the meantime.

The speaker said in a loud voice using sound magic to heighten his voice.

"Attention everyone! may I have your attention!"

"I am the of the school I am pleased to see that there are many enrollees this year and I hope many will graduate this time. I ensure that you will receive quality teachings from your teachers . We will designate you in your cla.s.srooms afterward. I will then announce the numbers of our students!"

"648 freshmen! 473 soph.o.m.ores! and 389 juniors! and 314 seniors!

all hail glory academy!"

"All hail! All hail!", the students replied

"You must carve in your hearts our mission: To fight and conquer !"

"Now dismiss!", the ended his speech

"It was the signal! now it's time to find my cla.s.smates", Stephen said in his self

"Freshmen Stephen Burg", the teacher said with a loud voice at the stage

As they called his name, he knew it was his section.

As for their homeroom teacher he is Sir Maldous Ernstine, he has a good body build and an ex-captain of the army, a very strict one.

He is also their PE teacher!

At the start of the cla.s.s, without further introductions, he made a great speech with a loud voice.

"Everybody will do as I say for this training will save your life! on our first lesson is it's called body enhancement."

"If you are good at killing twerps that are slow and sluggish then congrats! but if you have short stamina you still can't kill hundreds."

"As for me I can at least kill two folds, now change your clothes and go to the training field!"

Stephen observed everyone, while others are excited and some are already sweating.

He changed his uniform to a sweats.h.i.+rt and jogging pants and hurriedly went outside.

They're gonna exercise and play games for the day.

10 km. jogging, 100 push-ups, sit-ups, and curl-ups.

Dodging the ball while having weights at arms and legs when playing Dodge ball and some military exercises.

"This is sure as h.e.l.l! like I'm gonna do this forever for 4 years?", Stephen felt worried

Many students collapse halfway and many n.o.bles are complaining.

"Quit the academy if you want! For the strong can only survive the battlefield!", Sir Maldous shouted to the students.

"I'm on the verge of giving up but I'm barely hanging on", Stephen exclaimed to himself

It was afternoon when his teacher stopped them on their training for it is bad to overexert themselves.

This is what they called Spartan-like training like the stories they heard from their parents.

After their exhausting exercise, they changed their uniform drenched in sweat then said goodbye to their newly formed friends and got back home.

While walking back home, Stephen never felt so tired before.

He happened to meet a farmer that is carrying hay to feed his livestock and it's actually his neighbor grandpa Billy.

They talked about their experiences today as he sits beside him.

It was sunset at the time he entered their house beside the road and he entered the gate made of wood.

Stephen's home is near the pinewood forest which is home to the Lycans and Druids.

They settled here since the establishment of the kingdom Almeria.


A huge creaking sound echoed the place as he opened the gate

"Mom I'm so tired today, I want to rest", Stephen said to his mom bitterly

"Just take warm bath honey and let's eat dinner first", his mom said as she prepares grilled chicken for dinner.

As for his dad, he arrived earlier than him.

He is one of the patrols at the outside of the walls and is tired from this week's patrol.

"So how's your day son?", he said to him.

Only one word came out of Stephen



"That's only a trial son and you have a lot of trials to succeed to"

"What do you want to become in your life?"
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"Your father which is a magic swordsman (a combination of mage and fighter that is a sword wielder and also a holy knight) or like your mom which is a Lycan", his father hesitantly said

"Huh seriously? A Lycan ?", Stephen blurted out in shock because he didn't know that her mother is a Lycan.

"Oh dear! I'm sorry for hiding the truth but you will not transform into a beast because of an accident or at the full moon, rest a.s.sured you will know the true worth of your power in due time", said her mother with a.s.surance.

"Now let's prepare for dinner", said her mother Isabella

"By the way mom how did you meet Dad?", asked Stephen curiously

Her mom chuckled

"Finish your meal first darling for I'm gonna tell you at bedtime.", her mom said to him

Stephen Burg was excited to know that he has a Lycan blood flowing in his veins but didn't know yet to transform.

He helped her mother to clean the dishes and wash them before sleep.

At his bed, her mother accompanied him to make him sleep.

"Tell me, mom... do you know how to be a strong lycan?", Stephen asked

Her mom laughed.

"Why? is it funny?" Stephen felt concerned as he asked.

"You will know someday soon, I will teach you someday how your grandpa thought me to be a strong Lycan.", her mother said as she patted his head.

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The Undead World With Sword And Magic 2 First Day Of School summary

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