The Undead World With Sword And Magic 3 The Swordsman And The Beauty

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Stephen's father-Douglas Burg, was still young when he met a monster in the forest and survived.

He was collecting herb for the medication of his mother then he saw a monster that is eating the dead deer, ripping open its stomach and it has claws that are longer than its hands and the fur is s.h.i.+ning because its full of blood.

They are literally giant wolves, walking on their four paws and the rivals of the werewolves and Druids.

They are truly monsters breeding in the caves and are digging holes at the root of trees to be their home.

The difference is that the Lycans are humans that have a civilized tribe and these monsters are only a wild beast.

Douglas nearly panicked as he saw this wolf and walked slowly behind the tree.

Praying that the wolf will never mind him, his sweat dripped slowly and is tingling in his face.

When he looked again at the dead deer, the wolf disappeared!

"It's gone!", he said in his mind


He then almost jumped in fright to see that it is in front of him.

He draws the knife he has in his waist and the wolf jumped at him with its mouth open.

Douglas dodged but his shoulders are sc.r.a.ped by its claws.

He then jumped back to gain distance while holding the knife and covering his wounds.

The wolf dashed forward and attempted to bite.

He can't help but be frightened. But when he is frozen out of fear, the wolf is thrown mid-air after it jumped to attack.

It was intercepted by another beast!

It was standing in its two legs and the claws have blood dripping on its tips.

"A werewolf!", he exclaimed

Its fangs are glimmering in the moonlight then it let out a howl.


The giant wolf is as tall as the werewolf.

It growled showing that it is never backing itself down on its foe.

They are circling around waiting for each other's opening then the werewolf takes the initiative to attack first.

It clawed the face of the wolf but the wolf bit its arms then it jumped back.

The werewolf seemed p.i.s.sed after being bitten then it dashed forward attempting to bite the wolf on its neck but only bit the hips as the wolf evaded.

Now the wolf is staggering because its right hip is bitten.

Douglas already knows who's gonna win but the werewolf is also bitten by the wolf on its shoulders.

"So fast! I can't see the moment they clashed!", Douglas shouted in his mind.

The werewolf clearly has the advantage because it can use its arms while the giant wolf cannot, but the wolf has a large body.

imagine the werewolf is standing but they have the same height as the wolf which is standing on its paws!

The wolf is actually bigger so the werewolf is smaller, but Douglas didn't lose hope!

Douglas thought that it will become worse if he stays here any longer so he runs to the direction of his house.

Imagining the battle, fear strikes in his heart as his hairs on his skin is standing.

He runs and runs without looking back as he can hear the wolf is catching up fast, but soon fell at the ground because the werewolf jumped on its back and bite its nape.

The two fell at the ground and the werewolf faced Douglas then reverted to its human form.

There Douglas saw the face of the beautiful girl with her golden eyes s.h.i.+ning in the night.

It was a girl of the same age!

"Are you okay?" she said with a cute voice.

Douglas stared silently then nodded.

"How does this beauty have a beast side", he said in his mind.

"Don't go wandering alone in this forest with that week's body of yours. Monsters here can easily kill you", she said with a smile

"Uhm what's your name? I'm Isabella", she said then she collapsed to the ground.

She has full of wounds!

Douglas wrapped her wounds with a cloth then carried her home.

"I've actually touched her soft hands! and I'm carrying her home! a beautiful girl like her!" he said in his head.

Douglas hurriedly went home and he put her on his bed.

His father helped him then explained to him.

"Don't worry, Lycans have high regenerative abilities and she will be okay after she wakes up", His father said to him

Douglas slept beside her sitting on the floor and when he wakes up he stared at her face.

She has long eyelashes and pink lips that are s.h.i.+ning, her face has a color of a pearl and when Douglas takes a closer look, she opened her eyes slapping his face.

"Ouch! why?", he questioned her.

He was never slapped before by his parents but slapped by his crush or just a person he admires (either of the two)

"Why? because you're gonna kiss me!", she said

"No! Of course, you are beautiful but I'm not that kind of person!?"

"I'm just jealous of your...he paused a little and said "eyelashes! right and your s.h.i.+mmering golden eyes", he said

"What a stupid excuse! You think I'm gonna believe you?", she said while firmly touching her breast


"You molested me! You carried me to your house and touched my body! I'm the princess and now I became degenerated like this?", She yelled and said it to him

"No!!!! I didn't touch your flower!? I just carried you to our home because I thought that you're on death's door but I regretted after I know that you Lycans have regenerative abilities."

"By the way, I'm sorry if you think that I molested you but Thanks for saving me", He bows down to her with sincerity

"I'm gonna thank you also for carrying me. I don't know if I can survive there lying on the ground", she hesitantly said then she chuckled.

"I was just teasing you no hard feelings", she said to him while smiling

"This girl has a few screws loose in her head!", Douglas said in his mind as he trembled earlier after imagining the consequences of angering the Lycans".

"She can easily kill me if she wanted to but she saved me."


He said as he let out a sigh.

And that's how they met.

Isabella is always playing with him at his farmhouse every vacation time until in their teens.

But one day Isabella said that "I might not return beginning this day".

Douglas then felt worried

"Why? your father said that?", Douglas asked her.

"Yes", she replied

"He is the clan head and we are prohibited to get outside our territory."

"I've been followed, they reported to the village head by the scout Lycans, they have a keen sense of smell that can identify the lingering smell of mine, few miles from our village."

"I will not become the next village head of our clan but there will be a tournament on whom I'm gonna marry."

"They will fight for my hand, specifically I'm the princess."

"So I need to be away for a long time until it's decided whom I'll marry, I still can't leave the village."

"It will happen five years from now until I turn twenty years old.", she explained to Douglas

"I will join the tournament!", Douglas exclaimed as he punched his left hand with confidence.

He then said goodbye with weeping, tears flowing In his face as he held hands with her.

In their last moments, she said, "Don't find me-for your life will be In danger, If you go to the forest they will hunt you. Promise me!"

"I will try but my life will be bitter if we're gonna be apart."

"If you're gonna marry other fellow Lycan then I can be happy if you're happy also, but If you want me to be your husband then I will fight till death to them who will challenge me!", Douglas said with a bitter voice.

"No! I don't want you to perish in their hands that's why I'm telling you not to find me", then she said goodbye.

As tears began to flow in her cheeks she then transforms and runs to the woods.

Douglas shouted her name but she left without a noise.

After those heartbreaking memories, Douglas swears in his heart to win the compet.i.tion and take the hand of his beloved.

"Is her father a terrifying person? Will, he let me join the tournament? Can I win over those terrifying beast?"

It was the questions in Douglas' head that keeps repeating, doubting his self

"By getting stronger than the Lycans will I be victorious!", he said to himself

He entered Glory academy and is practicing magic because his father is a mage teacher at the academy and at the same time training his swordsmans.h.i.+p from knights.

He practiced Holy Knights' heal and buffs until he mastered his skills.
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He is a magic swordsman with some holy knights' skills at hand.

At the last test, he has to gain real experience of killing monsters.

Five years have pa.s.sed in his life while training in the academy.

Then he decided to go to the pinewood forest.

He went alone in the pinewood forest to train and to kill monsters to gain more experience.

"I will hunt monsters to become stronger for the time of the awaited tournament has come.", He said as he entered the forest.

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The Undead World With Sword And Magic 3 The Swordsman And The Beauty summary

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