Reincarnation Of A Living God 144 To Kill An Emperor 6

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"I-Info? who's that?"

"oh right it's only me that call her Info, her real name is Information I think?"

Mars shrugged and walked over to the crystal ball and put his hand on it


Mary shudder from the unfeeling voice that suddenly appeared in her head but before she had a chance to say anything Mars spoke




Mars was a little intrigued by the so called smite but decided not to test it on Mary


while they waited Mary suddenly shuddered before she grabbed Mars' arm and asked with a trace of panic in her voice

"isn't Information one of the 13?"

Mars gave a nod

"yeah of course she is, what are you scared?"

"n-no I'm not scared of anything! I'm just a little nervous..."

"don't worry Info is basically my parent she won't hurt you"

"y-your parent!? what are you..?"

Mars gave a grin under the bandages

"a living G.o.d"


"here she comes"

Mars gestured over to the avatar that lay on the altar but then he noticed Mary had trouble breathing as the spreading divine pressure got heavier and heavier soon her knees went weak before she collapsed with Mars just barely managing to catch her at this point the descend was luckily complete and the formless pressure lessened making it so Mary could breathe again, Mars gave a sigh and looked over at the avatar that sat up and opened it's emerald eyes and looked over at Mars with a grin on its face before it asked

"what the f.u.c.k is it you have on your face Mars?"

Mars froze, he had not expected Info's first dignified words to contain profanity and hurriedly removed the bandages that covered his face, meanwhile Info had risen from the altar and walked over to them

"my oh my that sure is a cute mortal you found Mars"


Info gave a sigh

"so why did you summon me?"

Mars looked up from Mary and looked at Info and noticed she had a frown on her face and asked

"is something wrong?"

Info gave yet another sigh and waved her hand and made a table and some chairs appear before she sat down and leaned her chin on the table, Mars sat Mary in one of the chairs and sat down next to her, then Info finally spoke

"it's just I have been busy cleaning up the cycle of reincarnation the last 15.000 of your years so I'm a little grumpy"

Mars gave a nod, he vaguely remembered something about an older sibling messing around with the cycle of reincarnation last time they spoke

" there anything I can do for you Info?"

" I'm fine and due for a long holiday soon anyways so what's up?"

Mars looked over at Mary as she was being unnaturally quiet and saw she was pale and hyperventilating

"sorry Info could you tune down the divine pressure? Mary can't take it"

Info closed her eyes for a moment and suddenly her perssense weakened substantially making it so May could finally catch her breath and breathe normally again, then she lowered her head

"thank you lady Information"

Info opened her eyes again and gave a smile as she looked over at Mary

"you're Mars' guest, just call me Info"

"o-okay lady Info"

"...well it's better... so what is it you wanted Mars?"

"well I wanted to catch up a little and receive some help"

Info gave a sweet motherly smile and gave a nod

"then let's hear what you have been up to since we saw each other last"

Mars began telling Info about what he had been doing since they had met last without leaving anything out, Mary sat on the side and listened in with great interest soon about 15 minutes had pa.s.sed and Mars was finis.h.i.+ng his story

"---and that my simple plan"

Mary quickly spoke up before Info had a change to

"wait wait! are you planning on killing the emperor because there's a bounty on your head!?"

Mars gave a small innocent nod

"yeah that was the plan, besides he put that dragon weakening collar on Varvei and that is more than enough for him to die"

"b-but he's the emperor!"

Mars gave a frown and slightly narrowed his eyes

"and I'm the living G.o.d of energy, one of 5 living G.o.ds currently on Alfan... When I say someone should die, they die"

Mary gave a nod

"I get that but isn't there a simpler way?"

Info gave a sigh and spoke to Mary

"that's how Mars is... he's always been oddly simple in his problem solving, besides I'm no fan of that emperor myself..."

Mary gave a nod

"is it because he's a otherworlder lady Info?"

"no, it's because of the policies he is implementing..."

Mars looked over at Info and asked

"what policies?"

Info gave a sigh

"human supremacy policies" Info looked over at Mary and pointed to her ears and said "soon you won't be able to walk on the streets without being killed"


Info gave a slightly sinister smile as she spoke

"there's a reason there's 4 major races in Alfan and now one mortal dares to try and change the balance of Alfan? I say it's better for Mars to handle this before one of us 13 get involved and have to smite the entire empire for violating the rules set down by the administrator..."

Mary paled but Mars just gave a nod before he asked

"so I take it I have your permission to destabilize the empire by the emperor?"

Info let out a sweet laugh before she spoke with a wild fury in her eyes

"sure! and please go wild while you do it!"

Mars' eyes lit up as he gave a nod, now that he had Info's permission to go wild he certainly was going to go all in

"well now that topic is over and done with, I take it you brought this mortal for something?"

Mars gave a slight frown when Info referred to Mary as 'this mortal' after all they had been quite close the last few days but he decided to ignore it

"she's cursed and I hoped you could help with it"

Mary's eyes widened a little before she looked over at Mars, unknown emotions flashed through her eyes briefly before her eyes became calm again, Info gave a nod and looked over at Mary for a few moments before she gave another nod

"she sure is... can you tell us why you're cursed first?"

"well... I would rather not... but..."

Mary gave a shy glance in Mars' direction before she continued speaking

"if mister shady Shad--- I mean if Mars wants to know"

"hmm.... not really~"



Mars suddenly revived to pair of death stares from the two girls in the room, Info gave a sigh

"you have always been strangely dense Mars..."

"hmm..? really I mean I don't really care why she was cursed, Mary is Mary anyways right? a silly thing such as a curse isn't going to change that"

Mary's face lit up and Info gave another sigh and mumbled

"how can someone be so dense and so sharp at the same time...?"

Info gave yet another sigh meanwhile Mary's face approached max redness

"well in that case I won't ask... hold still girl"

the emerald eyes on the avatar glowed extra bright for a moment before she gave a nod



"I said it's done girl"


"you don't feel pain anywhere right?"

"n-no it's gone?"

"that means your curse is gone"


"what is this, a loop? I. SAID. YOUR. CURSE. IS. GONE."


Info gave yet another sigh and stood up from her chair, walked back to the altar and laid down

"I'm done, see you Mars"

"....see you Info"

Mars gave a small wave to Info as she laid down on the altar and the avatar closed its eyes


"and that's that... hey Mary can you help me with my bandages again Mary?"


Mary still not quite sure how to feel helped Mars with putting his bandages back on his face and soon the two of them was ready to leave the prayer room, Mars gave a smile under his bandages and offered his hand to Mary that was still lost in thought

"let's go"

but Mary just stood and looked at him and suddenly tears slowly formed in her eyes

"Mary? what's wrong?"

"am I really cured?"

Mars gave a nod







Mars stopped Mary by pulling her into his arms and quietly whispered into her ear

"it's okay now"

it was quiet at first but soon her crying was so loud Mars doubted she would ever stop

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Reincarnation Of A Living God 144 To Kill An Emperor 6 summary

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