The Rise Of Annixon Bright 69 Some Minor Planning

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DuBois extended his hand, "Deliver this super weapon of yours and we will have a deal. No strings attached, but I would suggest that you get yourself some authority. Even if you don't want it, it is very useful in this day and age. Give it some serious thought."

Annixon released the sound protection from the room. They both exchanged pleasantries and went their different ways.

Annixon made his way towards a couch that was already weighting for him. Anastacia and Sinah was both waiting inside for him.

He collapsed in the middle of Sinah and Anastacia, "These unnecessary formalities are so annoying. Why a party, and why do I need to attend."

Anastacia sighed, "Annixon, it might seem illogical to you but you can use this to make some friends."

"I am going to make enemies of all of them in the end, so why bother?"

"Don't be such a pessimist. It's simply a meet and greet. The aristocracy needs to know about you after all."

"I rather spend time working on newer inventions."

Sinah interrupted, "Plus we get a chance to dance with you. You are not going to deny us that, now are you?"

Annixon knew they got him by the b.a.l.l.s with that statement, "Fine."

Anastasia's curiosity got the better of her, "So what was the meeting between you and the Marquis."

"An alliance of sort. Truth is, he will probably backstab us as soon as our little agreement was over."

"Which was what, exactly?"

He recollected the events between him and the Marquis.

Anastacia sighed, "You want to make a Robium weapon with the four prime elemental cores? Why?"

"Don't worry. I will place a counter measure during the scripting phase that will allow me to disable the weapon on command."

"I still think it a major risk. The Marquis is rather known for his manipulation even in our lands were we originally came from."

"As I said. It a temporary alliance. One that will last long enough just so we can end this war without outside interferences. Sinah, how much information do we have in that front."

"That is the annoying bit. They have been too quiet. The information we did get was there was forces culminating but not enough to be a problem."

"A thousand I take it?"

"Less. Hence, I say it is strange."

Annixon rubbed his chin, "They must be weary of spies. Probably means that their forces are culminating somewhere else and that is just a front. Such a predictable tactic. With this information, I think our window has shortened. Better contact that gla.s.s maker, and have him work with D'verg on it."

Anastacia was busy taking notes the entire time, "On what?"

"An illusion of a physical kind."

They arrived at the party venue before long. Plenty of people were standing around the people who were busy flaunting the Robium weapons. The Marina family being one of them. Annixon couldn't be bothered less.

Matias noticed him, and went over to where Annixon was making his way towards the waiting girls that was at the buffet table. Athena was the only one who wasn't there as she was seeing to the money. The money they made in the bet was used to hire even more guards to be station in and around the mansion.

Matias intercepted him before he could reach the buffet table himself, and displayed his weapon, "A Robium falchion. A one of a kind weapon, something you could only dream to afford."

Annixon shrugged, "The falchion, isn't my weapon of choice."

He removed his short sword from its scabbard, "I prefer the short sword. Highly accurate and flamboyant. You could probably not say the same."

"A Robium short sword? How…It doesn't have the reach my weapon does."

"Good for you…but, the bow and arrow has more reach, does that make the bow superior even if they both were made from the same material? It was a rhetorical question by the way. It simply depends on the user. So brandish your weapon all you want, it's nothing special."

"It's made of Robium, you uncultured oaf."

"Name calling, really? Oh, how the mighty have fallen. You just saw mine. Tell me, what makes Robium special in your eyes?"

"It is the strongest metal known, never cracking or rusting. Never requires sharpening and is one of the material that is highly conducive to magic. Apparently someone at your level aren't even aware of."

Annixon sighed, "That is such a dumb statement to make. Why do you think I even own a Robium blade? For show? Unlike you, I am actually going to use this…especially on the field of battle. I hope your forces moves quicker than they are moving now, because my forces are more than ready for yours."

It was a bluff, but Annixon immediately saw it had the intended effect as Matias turned around and walked away without saying a word.

Matias went to stand with his now healed battle mage friend as well as Sidero was there. He sheathed his blade. Annixon clearly got under his skin, "Sidero, I need you to corrupt that man."

"You think I haven't already tried."

"Perhaps he will become more talkative and plaint as the night goes on and the drinks flow."

Annixon grabbed enough food to feed a small army as he started to chow down, "These people needs spices in their food, but I am too hungry to care."

Maania shook her head, "You think that's enough food?"

"Of course not, but I didn't want to make a pig of myself."

"Bit late for that don't you think?"

He shrugged, "Oh, and keep the drinks minimal. Sinah, Anastacia."

"Come on stop treating us like kids!"

"Let's ignore the fact that I consider that you guys are still a bit young to drink. In this environment it could potentially be dangerous."
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"We struck gold of the century. You seriously want us to hold back!?"

"Pretty much, we can properly celebrate once we are home, deal?"

The girls all sighed, as Maania spoke up, "Does that include me and Grandmother as well?"

Annixon nodded, "Yeah, pretty much."

"You know that is cruel."

Annixon playfully puts his foot down, "It is the authority as the leader of this group. I demand you seize drinking at once!"

Amara shook her head, "You seriously need to work on making that look more convincing."

"Amara!? Are you even against me? That is so mean."

Naitra smiled and shook her head, "Annixon has a point. Let's celebrate it at home and not here."

Everyone in the group agreed.

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The Rise Of Annixon Bright 69 Some Minor Planning summary

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