Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect Volume 45, Chapter 614.2: You Dare!

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The commanders, especially the legion commanders from the different soul engineer legions, had originally wanted to question Ju Zi's orders. After all, the soul engineer legions had lost many soul engineers in yesterday's battle.

However, after seeing how Elder Kong had nodded in agreement with her proposal, no one dared to raise any objections.

Because the War G.o.d Empress had the support of Elder Kong, no one dared to challenge Ju Zi's decision. It was also precisely because of Kong Deming that Ju Zi was able to rule the entire Sun Moon Empire comfortably.

“Spread the War G.o.d Empress' orders! The great Sun Moon Empire has decided to show mercy on the innocent lives within the Star Luo Empire. As long as the Star Luo Empire surrenders the White Tiger Duke, Dai Hao, the Sun Moon Empire will allow the Star Luo Empire to surrender. If the Star Luo Empire dares to show any form of resistance, we will ma.s.sacre every single person within the city!”

The orders were projected by a sound amplifying soul tool in the direction of Star Luo City. Very quickly, the entire city learned what the Sun Moon Empire had proposed.

Xu Jiawei, who was standing above the...

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Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect Volume 45, Chapter 614.2: You Dare! summary

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