A Love For Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 Who Dare to Harm My Companions Were Asking for Death

“You are always in my dreams. Do you have anything to tell me?”

The woman turned around to face her, but her appearance was still vague to Ronghua.

Ronghua attempted to change this to see more by stepping forward. However, her power could not work here.

“My name is Lingran….”

Ronghua interrupted her, “I know who you are. Why do you keep showing up in my dreams? Why do you show me your past constantly? What do you want me to help?”

She did not even reply a word after Ronghua had asked a lot, so Ronghua's patience vanished through waiting. The light was balled in her hand rapidly, and she could leave this place as soon as she wanted, but she expected once more to hear the response from that woman.

“My name is Lingran.” She burst in again, while this was not what Ronghua awaited.

“What's… the matter with you? Did I know you?” Ronghua calmed down because she had a hunch that Lingran might want to tell her something by repeating that, and now she needed to comprehend the meaning of it.

“My name is Lingran.”

It was the third time she said that. What the h.e.l.l did this sentence mean?

A severe headache stroke to her all of a sudden. It seemed that something in her head was eager to get out, which almost tore her head into pieces. Ronghua had no effort to spare for Lingran now and fell to the ground in a faint at last.

The man in black stared at Ronghua intently, and his hand groped her cheek. He dared not move his eyes, fearing that she would disappear within a blink.

“Dear Ronghua….” It seemed his words had contained all his love and tenderness.

“How long will you be asleep?”

He brushed away the hair on her face, and her pale face revealed. Ronghua just lay here silently. He did not know how much time had pa.s.sed, and her eyes finally had the sign to open. He cried happily, “My dear, are you awake?”

He clenched her hands and waited with expectation. After a long while, Ronghua finally woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she just saw whiteness in a trance and felt warmth around her hands. She wondered where she was.

She turned her head aside and saw the man, and then she became sober at once and sat up swiftly.

“What are you doing here?” She combed her hair with one hand and didn't show any delight for seeing him.

However, he did not mind his being unwelcome. He sat down and smiled at Ronghua, “You still have the same temper as before. Won't you make a change?”

Ronghua put down her hand and squinted at him, “It's none of your business.”

She got out of bed and pa.s.sed him to went out without a pause.

It was already dawn. Ronghua was surprised about the pa.s.sing time but accepted the fact well. She asked him in a rare calm tone, “How long have I been asleep?”

The man followed her and came out. “I have a name. Yi Laizhe.”

Ronghua glanced at him, unkindly, “What? Are you complaining?”

He smiled mildly, “Of course not. You have slept for days since I pulled you out of water. I was surprised.”

“How many days?” She asked.

Yi Laizhe walked forward to stand abreast of her, “Three days!”

Ronghua was amused, “I spent three days just sleeping.”

However, Yi Laizhe was worried, “You are a G.o.d, and G.o.ds do not need to sleep. What happened to you? Are you hurt?”

Ronghua was uptight for a second as if her secret had been revealed, “No. You worry too much.”

She looked at him and did not explain more. She wore the smile that would not be destroyed by any emotion again, “I still have my business. Pardon my leaving.”

She remembered a vital thing to do suddenly, but the time was limited. She hoped it had gone well as she expected. If so, she would definitely take that man as her subordinate.

“Are you still recruiting followers?” Yi Laizhe asked behind.

Ronghua stopped, “What if yes?”

He smiled and said, “Then take me into account!”

Ronghua said nothing but raised her lips.

She opened a portal, paused a few seconds, and looked back, “OK, if you are strong enough.”

“Then help me save a human first!” Yi Laizhe replied.

Ronghua got back to that place, but many events had occurred here, which was far from her a.s.sumption. She had underestimated the desire for revenge in humans' minds.

She sensed the tension instantly when she arrived at the town.

She went for a man and asked with a courtesy smile, “May I ask a question? Where did Xia Pumo go?” Then she put a lump of silver in his hand.

That man took the silver delightedly and grinned, “Well… don't you know that? Xia Pumo was seriously injured and was prisoned in the monster jail after he got caught.”

Ronghua's expression immediately turned dreadful. She grasped that man and lifted him, “What did you say?” The words came out one by one with anger.

That man was aghast and begged, “I beg for your mercy! Heroine, I just heard this from someone else. You could ask the imperial clan of Rosy Clouds. The people hunting for him were all dispatched by them.”

His sentences made Ronghua angrier, “It's impossible for those puny people to take him away.”

She had an approximate knowledge of Xia Pumo's competence. His physique had been improved and was much stronger than before. But now, he was caught by others. He must have some problem with himself.

Ronghua put that man back to the ground, “Where is he now?”

He pointed at one direction with his trembling finger, “The Platform of Soul Chopping!”

Ronghua looked in that direction and yelled in her mind, “Who dared to hurt my companions is asking for death!”

In a dingy dungeon, something unrecognizable was lying huddled up in the dark, motionless like a stone. Water was dripping from somewhere damp, mixed with something gluey.

Only when the suns.h.i.+ne leaked in and shone on him at noon, his figure could be seen. His hair was not bound up but was sticking to his clothes. The color of his clothes was hard to distinguish now, and his face was hidden in the shadow.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a door opening, and chains knocked on the door, making cacophony. Hearing that, the man at the corner moved a little, opening his eyes with difficulty.

The person entering was the young master of the imperial clan of Sword, Xu Xin. He was very insolent but not well cultivated. He just reached a mediocre grade relying on the elixirs from his family. He liked to bully the weak but feared to provoke the strong, whether in the imperial clan or not. He nearly committed all manners of crimes and hated to meet people who had a higher cultivation than him. Otherwise, he would catch and torture that person to death.

Xia Pumo was the one he had long since detested, and he took this opportunity, which was about his news with the demon, Murong Zhe, to command all his followers to hunt for Xia Pumo. He had always failed but succeeded this time. Owing to Murong Zhe, Xia Pumo's dearest brother had broken his legs; his favorite junior fellow apprentice sacrificed herself for him; all his best friends abandoned him. He had nowhere to go, so Xu Xin got him easily.

The door opened, and Xu Xin stepped in.

“How is he? Is he still alive?” He greeted unconcernedly. Someone beside him flattered at once, “Of course! As you commanded, we just keep him breathing.”

After that, Xu Xin was more complacent, “If you had listened to my orders, you wouldn't have to suffer here.”

He looked at Xia Pumo as if he was prey.

“Now, you still have the chance to change your mind, or I will send you to the nether world to see your dear Murong Zhe, and you can't get your zither back.”

The man who had been silent for a long time finally had reactions after that. Xia Pumo shouted with a husky voice, “How dare you!”

Xu Xin was satisfied with his response and laughed loudly, “How dare I? Who do you think you are now? Do you think you are still the famous second young master of the imperial clan of Zither that is revered by others? You are just a poor homeless dog now, Xia Pumo. Those people would have killed you if you hadn't met me.”

Xia Pumo raised his head, glaring at him. His grey eyes looked terrible in the darkness. “If you dared do that, I would haunt you even if I became a ghost.”

Xu Xin kicked him away, “p.i.s.s off! Do you think you can beat me now? Take him to the platform. He won't regret until he faces his death.”

Then someone came to pull him and felt the blood when the hand touched him. Xia Pumo groaned in a whisper, but he still closed his mouth tightly and stared at Xu Xin with hatred.

Xu Xin was upset by his expression, so he drew a dagger and scratched his eyes.

Blood soon bestrewed Xia Pumo's face, and it was hard to see his bare skin. Xia Pumo kept silent even though he was going through such pain, which did show an impressive endurance and perseverance.

Xu Xin scolded, “Bring this vile man away quickly! You already lost your eyes. How dare you show a fierce look to me? You will suffer for this later!”

Someone was dragging Xia Pumo along the aisle. He felt bleak when he heard Xu Xin's sentences. He had already foreseen his end and did not regret his choice. The only thing he was still worried about was the zither. It wasn't with him now, so he did not know whether Murong Zhe was awake or not. Xia Pumo hoped he was safe now.

He was covered in his blood, and now his face was no longer the exception after his eyes were hurt. His image was quite bloodcurdling.

He could not see the path he pa.s.sed but could guess the location. He thought he was already outside because he felt the long-lost suns.h.i.+ne and comforting warmth. It would be a solace to die in such a warm place!

He was taken to a high platform, and the crowd beneath were pointing at him and discussing.

“Was he the second young master of the imperial clan of Zither?”

“Yes, he should be! Look at him! What a ragged and tragic man!”

“That's his retribution for saving the demon Murong Zhe!”

“Yes! You're right! He deserves it!”

“I'm so delighted to see him get caught. Why did he give up his former cultivation and change to cultivate as a demon? He was so foolish to destroy his bright future!”

“I heard he was a b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

“No wonder!”

Xia Pumo was worn out, but he still paid attention to listen to people's comments. He wore a bitter smile for their unchanged cynical opinions. Did his fatal death come to him this time? It was said that humans could see the one they missed the most when death came. Who would he see?

It was Ronghua!

Why would he see her? Did he have a hallucination?

Had not she gone? Or she came back to save me? Then Xia Pumo denied himself. How could she rush here to rescue him? He must have been addlepated.

Xu Xin pretended that he was acting for justice and announced with a loud voice, “Xia Pumo fornicated with a demon and even tried to resurrect him. He has unforgivable sins, and today, I sentence him to death by the fire with your witness.”

Then he thrust a sword into Xia Pumo's hand.

Xia Pumo distorted his face with pain, tremulously touching the sword. Even the crowd under the platform felt this was so cruel.

Xu Xin found a deceptive reason to defend his action, “This sword is a spiritual weapon to trap him, in case that he wants to escape.”

However, this method was too b.l.o.o.d.y in their common sense.

After that, Xu Xin took out a paper spell. It should be a fire spell according to its pattern.

He turned to look at Xia Pumo, using a voice that only both of them could hear, “Take a look at how you lose your life in my hand.” Then he laughed.

Xia Pumo did not say a word. He could feel the end of his life and had no regrets. Hence, he closed his eyes and waited for death quietly.

A familiar and arbitrary voice came below the platform, “I give you three seconds to let Xia Pumo go!”

Xu Xin had not used his fire spell yet and turned to find the fool who looked for trouble, but he only saw a fireball lunging at him straightforwardly, and then he was crashed far away.

The attack came so fast that he was. .h.i.t before he could see the attacker.

Xia Pumo opened his eyes and wanted to see what happened, and then he felt someone supported him to stand up. The salubrious spiritual power went through his whole body from a hand, so he knew the person was Ronghua. She came back!

He spoke hard due to his dry throat, “… Ronghua, are you back?”

Ronghua did not answer him but spoke loudly to all the people around, “Everyone needs to be prepared to pay the price for hurting my friends.”

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A Love For Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me Chapter 32 summary

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