Secret Love Of The Ceo 50 Pas

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"Mom, have you ever done something to them ?" Dolly asked her mother at night. Mrs. Angel was not speaking to anyone after left Zinu's house. She sat silently and thinking.

'I could not remembered anything, by which John or his family hurts. Then why he would tell me such a thing!? He is not a teenager to say anything rubbish. There must be something. But what is it? Is there anything which I don't know. Are my nightmares related to this? Did I hurt them unknowingly on the part of my life, which I could not remember?Oh G.o.d! Now what will I do? Zinu had just married to the family. If that family would thrown her out for my mistakes!'Mrs.Angel thought to herself.

"Mom! Please say something.I am worried."Dolly hugged her and said.

" Dolly, I am sorry, But today mom want to say something. Actually I forgot my life before your birth. "Dolly shocked.

" Mom, What are you saying? You can not remember anything? But you said a lot of things before my birth. "Dolly asked.

" Yes. I told you a lot of things, but that was only my imagination.I didn't want you to know anything which could have stressed you. I am sorry dear. "Mrs.Angel said.

" That means John and his grandmother know you and your previous life.That's why they reacted like this."Dolly said.

"Yes.I think so. I also want to remember my past. It is painful for me to remain blank. I always have same nightmare. I think that's also related to my past life. " Mrs. Angel said.

"Nightmares? Which type of nightmares? " Dolly asked curiously.

"I.. I saw a blurred image of a manor. And a car and water. I always suffocated when I found myself in water." Mrs. Angel said.

"Ok.Mom ! You don't worry. I will find a way to know about your past life. I have to meet John and his grandmother. Now tell me what you remembered about you. Can you not remember my father also." Dolly said.

"Yes.I lied you that your father died in an accident. I can not remembered him also."Mrs.Angel sighed and said.She explained everything to Dolly what she could remember.

Twenty four years ago. After the car hit by a truck, it directly thrown to the high current river.Victor saw Alicia got hurt.He too got hit on his head and losing consciousness.Alicia's head too got hit by the car and bleeding .She was half conscious . Victor first tried to freed himself from the car seat to help Alicia, but he stuck there.The car was smashed by his side.So,he could not move. Then he realised that the car was sinking. He knew if he the car sinks, then they both could not escape. So, he tried hard again to get free. After his two-three unsuccessful attempts, he let it go.But he wanted to save his wife and their unborn child.He remembered, that day he was so happy to know about her pregnancy. They decided to inform his mother about it after reaching home. But, there is no flying from fat.The fate decided something else for them.

He tried to open her seatbelt. It works in a second.He stretched himself with lots of energy and opened the door of car from Alicia's side, and pushed her out.Before pus.h.i.+ng he kissed her and said. "Darling in this life we can not be together.I would be waiting for you in next life. Be alive."After that he fainted.

The car sinked and she was carried away by strong current of river.It carried her to far away from her city. Two days later a woman named Ruby James, found her lying in the river bank in unconscious state and immediately called the embulance.She followed her to hospital. After checkup doctor said that, she got hurt on her head and need an emergency surgery and for the consent paper signed,they need her family. They also informed her that, she is pregnant.

Ruby signed on the consent form as her mother and the surgery starts.She waited in the hospital during the surgery. The surgery was successful,but the doctors could not applied strong medicines as she was pregnant.Three days after the surgery, Alicia opened her eyes. But she could not remember anything.

"Where am I? And who are you? What's my name? " Alicia asked Ruby.

"Your name is Angel. I am your mother. You had an accident. " Alicia nodded and closed her eyes.

Ruby remembered what doctor adviced her. So, she lied her.

"For the major injury in her head, she may not remember anything now. It's normal in this case. You should not stress her to remember anything. It can be fatal to her. Try to calm down her.Gradually she would remember everything. " Ruby sighed.

'This poor girl. '

After one week, Alicia was fit to go home.Mrs.Ruby took her home. She was happy to find someone to live with her. Alicia was silent almost for three months. She always had some nightmares.Ruby tried to speak with her, but she got no response.Alicia did not liked the blankness of her memory.She tried to remember, but failed.

After three months, Alicia slowly opened up to Ruby .It was her sixth month of pregnancy when Ruby told her everything which she knew about her past. Alicia was stressed.Due to stress, she gave early birth.Dolly was very weak during her birth. But, she gradually turned to a healthy kid.

Ruby adopted Alicia as her daughter. She was a rich woman. She helped Alicia to raise Dolly as her own grandmother. Alicia accepted Ruby as her mother and she is known as Angel.After graduation, Ruby helped Dolly and Alicia to settle down in the city D, as Dolly wanted to do job in the city. For two years Alicia ran a music school at her home, but later closed it when Dolly got a job. Dolly did not liked her mother to to do anything for livelihood.She wanted to earn herself.

"Mom!You got tired after school.So,you should close the school.I got a good job now. "Dolly one day said.

" But,I love music."Alicia protested.

"Mom, you can practice at home.From,next month no school.ok?"

"Ok dear! " Alicia did not want to make unhappy.

Although they were in city D, but they often visited Mrs. Ruby and other relatives.They are like their own relatives.

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Secret Love Of The Ceo 50 Pas summary

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