Secret Love Of The Ceo 60 John Is Your Son

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Next day, Smith Enterprise

"What?Is your information correct?... Ok. Let me handle this. Now you can turn to the next case. " John hang up the call.

It was from an investigator he hired for Mrs. Angel's case.After the phone call , John thought for sometime and called his grandmother.

"Grandma, please get ready . We have to go somewhere after three hours. I will pick up Ronnie on the way. I already informed the driver. "

"But where are we going?" Mrs. Smith asked.

"You will know. Now, I have a meeting to attend. See you on time." John hung up the phone and hurriedly left for meeting. After meeting he called Zinu. "Zinu, we have to go somewhere now. Dolly will go with us. Get ready both of you."


After half an hour they were all rode on the car.

"Boss where are we going?" Zinu asked.

"You will know." John replied and took the driver's seat.

They picked up Ronnie on the way and reached their destination. Both Zinu and Dolly surprised to see their home.

"Why we are here? I mean I am happy to be here, but, why do you suddenly brought us here? " Zinu asked . She was confused to see that John had brought them here.

"Please come out. You will know soon." John said with a smile. As they came out another car arrived there. Zinu was again surprised to see Mrs. Smith in the car. Ronnie was very happy to see his old home. He ran and entered the house.

"John, what is this? Why we all are here?" Mrs. Smith asked impatiently.

"Grandma, let's go. You will know. " John told to Mrs. Smith.

He looked at Dolly and said, "My dear sister. Will not you welcome us?"

Dolly's mouth agape in surprise. 'sister? '

"Wh.. what did you say just now? " Dolly asked.

John smiled at her and hold her hand and pulled her to the house.Zinu shocked. 'So, are they siblings? Oh my G.o.d! That's means Aunt Angel is John's mother. If she is John's mother, then she is my mother -in -law too and Dolly is my sister -in -law. Oh G.o.d! I could not think more."

John saw Zinu's confused state. So, he stopped and took her hand and entered the house. Mrs. Smith was not so much surprised.She knew John would get positive reports about Alicia.She did not murdered Victor.Alicia was very good girl. How could she harm Victor? But she was confused about Dolly.She sighed and thought,'Let's see what happens'. and entered the house.

When Zinu entered the living room of Aunt Angel, Ronnie, her mother and aunt Angel were waiting for them. After got down from the car,Ronnie went to Sofia and pulled her here. When everyone was there, she said, "I think I should leave.It's your family matter. " She tried to freed the grip of Ronnie.

"You are too our family member. Please don't go. You sit with us. " Mrs. Smith said in firm voice. So she again sat down.

"Why are all here? I am sorry,for what happened that day." Mrs. Angel said.

John looked at her and sighed.With slow steps he reached her and kneel down in front of her and took her one hand and said, "I am sorry mom. I am unworthy son of yours. I insulted you that day. You can punish me now. "

Mrs. Angel shocked. She sat down with a thud.No sound came out of her mouth.

John hurriedly caught her and let her sit on the couch.

"Zinu please bring a gla.s.s of water for mom. "

"Ok."Zinu hurriedly went and bring a gla.s.s of water for Mrs. Angel.John took the gla.s.s and offered it to his mother.She took the gla.s.s and drank it in one go.Mrs. Smith came near and took Angel's hand on her and said, "Alicia, we missed you." Her eyes dampened.

"Dad, granny what are you saying?Dad, second granny is your mom? Oh my G.o.d! So, Aunt Dolly is my real aunt. I am so happy." He ran to Dolly and hugged her.

Dolly was in a daze.She did not react to Ronnie.She only staring John with wide eyes.

"Y... you are my son?Tell me you are not joking. How can you be my son? I.... I could not remember anything.I only know Dolly is my only child. How, is it possible that I have another child and I.... I forgot him? " Mrs. Angel said. She could not believe that she had another child.

"Yes, Alicia, he is correct. John is your son. We lost you after a car accident. John was three years old then.You and my son Victor both was in the car. After two days we found his dead body in the river, but you lost in the river. Can't you remember anything? " Mrs. Smith said.

"Victor? No, I.... I can't remember anything. All I remember what happened after my recovery from my brain operation. I was pregnant that time.The lady who saved me said that she found me in the bank of river in unconscious state." Angel c.u.m Alicia said.

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Secret Love Of The Ceo 60 John Is Your Son summary

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