Kings Of The Midnight Congregations: 8 Kings Volume 2 5 Chapter 06: Kensaku No Yoru ? A Family's True Essence

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Chapter 06: 検索の夜 ♛ A Family's true Essence

Part 1

House of Pendragon, Archives, Albion. 27th January 2013 – 09:37 P.M.

It is already the 11th day since Albion has given permission to one of their knights to train the Alexandrian king as a primary condition for their alliance. However, Ace has taken a day off from that very duty to investigate the source of the Kingdom of Alexandria's dilemma, the reason for the intrusion of the Kingdom of Yamato.

Albion's archive is ma.s.sive, it might be pale in comparison to the Kingdom with a library as a Castle, the kingdom of Alexandria but Albion's archive is still a place anyone would get lost to if you are a visitor for the first time.

"What do you want to know about?" A young girl approached Ace with a warm smile on her face. In the Kingdom of Albion her ROLE NAME is Morgana La Fey –one of the 3 Sages of the Midnight Congregation, but Ace knows her as Arisa Kanoyanan a young teenager whom he had personally invited to join the Midnight Congregation when the kingdom was still growing.

"Oh hi Arisa, it's good to see you." Ace greeted Arisa with enthusiasm. "How's Andres?"

"Hmmm, he's doing well, I guess." Arisa replies with pouted lips.

Ace has not personally known this teenager on a personal note, but the truth is he is a bit captivated by her intelligence, beauty and open-mindedness. But, he knew all too well that when she starts to pout her lips, it could only mean that he's involve. By him, Ace meant the person who is one of the 4 Mystic Saints (hailed as the strongest spellcasters/summoners in all of the Midnight Congregation) and 1st strongest mage in Albion, Andres Camotes also known in the congregation as 'White Wizard' Merlin.

"Let's not talk about him." She clears her head and returns to her serene and charming smile. "Let's talk about her?"

"By her, you mean the Alexia, king of Alexandria?"

"che… che… che… No silly." Arisa waves her fingers willingly from left to right. "…the one who you took on a date." Her eyes gleamed while her cheeks blushed.

In the outskirts of Albion's north-western territory lays the kingdom of the Jade Empire, a kingdom they just had a 6 days battle campaign with. And, because of Ace's knightly intervention he was able to charm the current liege to the throne, Wu Zetian, or Tao Rin (as what she wants to be called by Ace). For those who really knew about what happened during that day, it was more of a declaration of war against the powerful Tao Family than an actual date.

And just 12 days ago, Arisa (Morgana) had a face to face encounter with the said King, in their usual attempt to invade Albion only to find out that Ace who was supposed to be the one guarding the border was not there.

"It's not like that…" Ace could only smile forcefully as he recalled the scary old council of the Tao family as he and Rin a.s.saulted the Tao household, a powerful Chinese Triad living in the heart of Cebu and warned them not to touch the Midnight Congregation's so called 'PRIZE' the land known as the 'Philippines'.

Arisa just gave him another teasing smile. But Ace somehow sensed something else other than teasing from that same smile.

"I… I would like to read about the JUUJIKA Incident…" He was clearly trying to divert the topic to another, for what purpose he himself did not know. The teenager just gracefully hops to the counter and took a few parchments and hands them to Ace.

"If you need anything else just call me, 'kay." And with another silly smile she disappeared behind the bookshelves.

Ace glanced to where she disappeared to for awhile, and then revert his full attention to the file papers Arisa had given him.

The filed papers say:


Dated 22nd of August 2011

Time stamped: 01:43 A.M.

Watermarked with the word CONFIDENTIAL on all of its five pages.

The incident that happened a mere 6 days after the IUDICIUM Rebellion, the instigator: Leader of the JUUJIKA Cult, Souichirou Kohouin.

Ace then recounts the events that had occurred on the event known as the 'JUUJIKA INCIDENT' through the papers.

Zodiac Drive St., Cebu City. Base Site 01. August 21, 2011 – 10:13 P.M.

It's been 6 days after the incident in which the whole of Philippines will never know, the IUDICIUM Rebellion has ended, but tension was still on the rise within the base site where the new kingdom of Albion would be built should they finalize the proposal with the survivors of the 5 major gangs that were involve in the war. There were still a lot of things to do: Memory Modification for all the police officers and medical staffs present, and the after math of the rebellion… the unification of the battle driven gangs.

But the worst thing that has made the tension rise to new heights was about a certain rumor. A rumor that is currently baked up with information from a business tyc.o.o.n who is the most well informed person within the five gangs who had fought during the IUDICIUM Rebellion

"What is that person thinking?" the voice was from young girl on her teens. "Does he intend to follow the 'King of Illusion's footsteps."

"Calm down Stella." A young gentleman calmly speaks beside her and holds her shoulders.

"But Fabian…" She reproached as she holds Fabian's hand. "Just when we thought that we are going to have the peace treaty and build the Midnight Congregation." Clearly there was fear on her voice.

Fabian also shared the young girl --Stella's fear. It was just a mere five days since the rebellion and news of a bigger plot compared to the Dream Drive Device was brokered in.

Fabian and Stella who had just joined the war in the IUDICIUM rebellion 5 days ago as independent squad led by the mysterious person who had started calling himself as 'Arthur'. They were glad that they had joined in, but, the sight was not as pretty when they got to see how morbid the battle was, when they saw it, they got a bit tensed. True that they were just illusions created by the system known as the Dream Drive System, but the effects were as real as how they were holding their hands… the stench of blood that still lingered even tonight, made Stella want to vomit.

In that battle there was zero casualties, but a lot of people were rendered paralyzed and traumatized in fear from seeing themselves being eaten… sliced or pierced by arrows that their brains had perceived as real.

And now a more real threat greater than the Dream Drive System was reported to them.

The report came from a rumor that JUUJIKA a cult who are led by the j.a.panese by the name of Souichirou Kohouin has used live experimentation –a taboo in our society today.

"Arthur, what do you think?" Fabian raised his query to their leader who was wearing a mask on his face to fully cover his ident.i.ty, only the two knows his real ident.i.ty.

"It has already gone pa.s.sed being rumor since Mr. Lenons has confirmed the validity of the source."

The elder business tyc.o.o.n who is called Lenons was across 'Arthur' calmly smiled his business smile.

"So what will be the next step?" The tyc.o.o.n asks just as calm as his smile. "Thankfully, the only ones who has knowledge of these report are limited to you and your subordinates, me and of course members of the JUUJIKA."

Just then a visage entered without any introductions.

"Destroy them of course." the voice cruelly interjected. "And also add me to that list."

"Sylvan…" Stella jumped back and took a defensive stance towards their sudden guest.

"Stella it's alright, I was the one who called for him." The masked leader 'Arthur' calms his subordinate. Stella although reluctant at first finally lowers her guard.

"We will strike tonight to stop the spread of news about this threat… this new fear." Arthur gestures his right hand near his mask. "To insure that the rumor will die, we will bring only a small number to subjugate the JUUJIKA temple."

"Of course I will present myself to the subjugation." The confident guest named Sylvan present himself. "I will be enough."

"I too will go." The business tyc.o.o.n stands from where he is seated. "I will bring two of my trusted body guards, and don't worry about them talking I will take care of that."

"How 'bout we ask from one of the remnants of IUDICIUM for the subjugation." Sylvan raises his opinion. "That 'Ace' should be a good choice."

"No, I don't think that we should involve IUDICIUM members on this affair. They are on the process of reorganizing themselves for the upcoming congregation." It was Arthur who rejected Sylvan's proposal and Lenons agreed.

"…then only four? Or would you go yourself? I would like to see you in action myself. Especially without that mask of ours" Fabian and Stella clearly saw the killing intent fuming out of Sylvan trying to provoke their leader. But, Arthur was calm.

"No, I can't leave since I would like to focus my attention in creating the provisions for the Congregation."

"Then will those two go?" Lenons queried.

"No, I will send 'him' in my stead."

"By him you mean…" Stella, Fabian and the American Lenons broke their own sentences.

"The Emissary of Death..." Sylvan reduced his killing intent and smiled a cunning smile.

The one considered as the strongest combater who is not affiliated to any of the 5 gangs who had joined Elena's camp to fight against the King of Illusion, the one who is only known as the 'Emissary of Death', was going to join the subjugation. Even Sylvan was excited.

The next few hours the a.s.sault on the Juujika 3rd Secret Temple had begun, they did not stop until they had razed the temple on the ground. And in another few hours the fire had finally submerged --Sylvan, Mr. Lenons, and the Emissary of Death had made sure not to cut some corners so that evidences of what happened there were completely destroyed.

House of Pendragon Archives, Albion. 27th January 2013 – 11:57 P.M.

That was how it was accounted in 5 pages doc.u.ment that Ace had read. At the end of the report, at the fifth page the final a.s.sessment and report was shown.

Final a.s.sessment and report:

•t100 JUUJIKA Experimental Subjects known as CHIMAERAs;

•t99 cages of different sizes accounted;

•t89 dead experiments accounted;

•t11 experiments unaccounted;

•t1 Cage unaccounted; and

•tKohouin Souichirou: missing.


[Marked with a Seal]

Emissary of Death

Ace finally sighs as he finished the report.

The cult known as JUUJIKA, even though they had performed those taboo experiments, all blame was directed to their leader and instead they were allowed to join the congregation. The kingdom of Yamato is the successor of that very cult.

"What do they plan to accomplish by vandalizing the Library of Alexandria?"

"Do they plan to recreate the monsters that they created?"

These questions keep repeating inside Ace. But in reality, the only thing he can truly do is prepare the king of Alexandria for the upcoming battle.

Part 2

Library of Alexandria, Kingdom of Alexandria, 30th of January 2013 – 00:03

A few minutes had just elapsed since the start of the battle between the kings of Alexandria and Yamato, and now another event had just raised its flag.


"Not again…" Ace unconsciously let out his thoughts. 'Is this Jin's intention? Or is it Elena's?' as he composed himself and returned to his words to his thoughts.

"Well, it does not matter… REMNANTs will have to be executed on site." After he glanced at the two kings locked in a deadly battle, he then sets outside the Library of Alexandria and confronts the emerging REMNANTs.

Thankfully for some reason REMNANTs cannot enter enclosed houses, therefore as long as the houses are closed in the night, these creatures of the Midnight Congregation cannot enter unwelcomed. And therefore, spare unwanted civilian attention and or perhaps unnecessary casualties, however when day comes and the REMNANTs who are already outside will attack any civilians who are outside the enclosure, that is why they needed to be dealt with the soonest possible.

"Close the doors of the library!" some of the scribes who had responded to the alert ringing from their cellphones immediately took action.

"What about the princess?" one of the scribes asked the others.

"Leave the protection of the princess to the knights, ours is to protect the princess's home." The other scribes immediately agreed and went outside the confines of the library to battle against the REMNANTs.

"s.h.i.+n we leave the protection of the princess to you." The scribes who had given their support the Alexia then entrusted their will.

Outside the Gate of the Library of Alexandria, Alexandria, 30th of January 2013 – 00:06

With great pride the scribes who have wished to protect their place… the place they call home from attacks coming from REMNANTs. They then place their right hands to their left chests as if to commit a promise… an oath.


"To protect…"

"For Alexandria…"

… … …

"For the princess…"

The scribes of Alexandria had great respect of Alexia, not only because, she was entrusted to them by Rena, their former liege but, because she took care of them and their hobbies with respects. Most of those who joined after the establishment of the Kingdom of Alexandria were one who ridiculed as bookworms; this was despite their former liege lord being not a fan of reading books. But Alexia was different, she loved books more than they do, and treasured the pursuit of knowledge. That is why when Rena had crowned Alexia, who was a merely visiting the Library of Alexandria and sometime help with scribing of books inside the Dream Drive System through their DDDs, they were more than thrilled. And, before this war even happened, she had helped in their training towards becoming good spellcasters.

…And now…

"Camelia, with only this much pressure, it won't be long before we can go back inside the library and aide the knights in repelling the Samurais from Yamato." The girl with shoulder length hair with beryl eyes wittily smiled at her friend.

"Hmm. Your right, Agatha" The girl named Camelia addressed the girl beside her with the same witty and energetic smile.

The two then sung in unison:

Wheels of Fate Begins to Turn♫♪

Long wait predicted by the NORNS♩♫♩

In a village of a G.o.d reborn♫♪♩

A tempest in making about to sp.a.w.n♩♪♫

– Tempestuous Winds of Chaos –

A verse from one of the forbidden melodies, the song ent.i.tled 'RAGNAROK'; this verse cast the 'Tempestuous Winds of Chaos' a strong gust of winds is summoned and whirl on multiple targets to the air.

Hollowed spirits engulf me with your divine sizzles♪♩♫

Shower me with your absolute holiness♪♫

– Reverend's Cross –

With another unison, Camelia and Agatha sung a short chorus from the song 'Beginning's End' and cast the spell known as 'Reverends Cross' inside the holy darkness light s.h.i.+nes and brings eternal d.a.m.nation to the targets which have been hurled in the skies.

"It's so easy. Even I can do it alone if I put my mind into it." The energetic Agatha pulls more spirit while raising her right fist in the air.

Although, she did not want to over-estimate her power in spell casting, she herself found it easy dealing with the appearing REMNANTs, Camelia herself felt that very non-strained environment… but somehow she could not bring herself to celebrate unlike Agatha.

'Why is it…?' She thought to herself.

"It must because of our crest right, Camelia." Agatha and the others show off their crest embedded in their right chest --"The Enigmatic Wise Tortoise(CROWNED GRIMOIRE)", crest of the "Land of Great Knowledge and Kingdom of Wisdom: kingdom of Alexandria".

The crest was glowing, it glow a brilliant green and somewhat alluring, and power was definitely flowing within their bodies.

'What is this unnerving feeling?' Camelia continues to doubt herself. That was when she remembered it.

"The crest of each kingdom is not just a symbol to identify ones affiliation. It is a seal… a reminder not to wage unnecessary battle outside their territory. For example: If the battle is inside our territory, Alexandria, we grow stronger by 10 folds. But if fought outside, it limits your strength by 10 weights." These were their former liege-- Rena's words.

That was when she noticed it: the thing that was struck within her ever since they were attacked by the first a.s.sailants, the second attack and even now. She stretched her view farther as if to search for something.

And to her far left she found them: two male Samurais and one female dressed warrior who had joined them with the subjugation of the REMNANTs.

Their fight seemed flawless, even with just the three of them, but it was neither their fighting style nor their fighting techniques that awed Camelia, it was the fact that they had fought equally in a territory that is not even theirs.

If the battle is inside our territory, Alexandria, we grow stronger by 10 folds. But if fought outside it limits your strength, by 10 weights.

"…Just how weak are we…?" Camelia unknowingly voiced her regret.

"Hmmm, did you say something Camelia." Agatha queried to her seemingly petrified friend.

"No nothing…" She replied with a curt smile. 'No, they don't have to bother for it now…'

"Let's focus on the enemies in front of us." Camelia wanted to cry but she could not let her tears flow just yet, instead she buried her regrets for now.

"Ohhhhhh!" Agatha and the other scribes replied with greater energy.


Library of Alexandria, Kingdom of Alexandria, 30th of January 2013 – 00:10

"This prolonged battle was quite unexpected." A smile was again painted in those red rose lips from Sakuya, one hailed as the King Yamato. "Did you train with 'that' knight?"

Alexia wanted to reply but her breathes were drowning her.

True she had trained extensively for this purpose, but still her forte from the start is spell casting, even though she had trained her body to surpa.s.s her physical limits, a true battle still wears it off.

Alexia's breathes were getting harder and harder, and Sakuya has finally caught up to Alexia's pace.

"This time it my turn to be in the offensive."

Part 3

Mitamiyajou, Elders' Chamber, Kingdom of Yamato. August 21, 2011 – 09:21 P.M.

"Akagi!!! …where have you been all this time!?" a crossed elderly man raged at Akagi who had entered the fully packed chamber late.

The room was full of anxiety, chattering noises could be heard even if you do not strain you ears. The cause of the anxiety was clearly because of their former liege's absence –their leader Souichiro. But his absence but a precursor to the real problem they have to deal with.

"What seems to be the problem, Adachi?" Akagi poised his query with a strict tone. "Isn't the case of the 3rd JUUJIKA temple resolved with only Souichiro's name to blame?"

"Che" There was definitely malice in the elderly man named Adachi who clearly scorned Akagi for calling their liege without honorific. "It is true that Souicirou-SAMA was the only one held liable… but that is not the real issue here…"

Yes, the issue regarding the cult's insanity for creating the abominable creatures known as CHIMAERAs where resolve by pinning the blame in its leader Souichirou, and his disappearance has placed a stake on the cult's current standing. But, the current problem lies with how to deal with the Midnight Congregation who has beckon the cult to justify their acts and would easily be monitored by Congregation.

"Why has Souichirou-sama forsaken us? …now of all time?"

"Those fools do not know what awaits them for having fought a true G.o.d!"

"It was by this council that lead the First Generation Kings to attack the 3rd JUUJIKA Temple, was it not!?" Akagi showed his utmost rage against the endless bickering of the current elders. "It was us who had informed the Midnight Congregation what Souichirou has done in that temple… So why are you now playing the victim!?"

Yes… The real reason why the information was made credible for the attack at the temple was indeed made through by the Elder's Council, and because of that act, the Midnight Congregation has made these proposals for the current cult:

1.tThe blame was to be placed on the leader alone –thus Souichirou will be held all accountability for the events in the 3rd JUUJIKA Temple; granting however that

2.tThe cult (JUUJIKA) will relinquish their old name, change it and join the Midnight Congregation as the 8th Kingdom.

The elders then lower their heads in shame at Akagi's words. Akagi was enraged by the fact that elders showed hypocrisy only now… truthfully he was disgusted.

But his emotion aside it is true that if they do not respond to the Midnight Congregation's call, JUUJIKA will be annihilated with the combine forces of the 7 Kingdoms who have bonded after the IUDICIUM Rebellion.

"Sigh… well it can't be help if Souichirou is missing…" Akagi lowers his voice. "The fault lies with the congregation, since they are the ones who had let him go."

The Elders finally regains their stance with Akagi's words. There was indeed truth to them. As long as they convene with the Congregation's calling they will be saved from any persecutions.

"Now… all we need is someone who will lead us."

With those words a new topic has become the new hype for the elders chatter.

"Should it be Adachi…?"

"No, it should be Kagamine… no wait he's no good…"

"How about Gotou-san?"

"Looks like no one wants to nominate you…" The voice was Hattori's whose presence could not be seen. Akagi could only shrug at Hottori's comment.

Clearly no one wants to have their necks so close to the stake, but they are also allured by the power and authority that is carried by the t.i.tle 'KING' under the Midnight Congregation.

With the endless nomination, rejections and withdrawals, Akagi then clears his throat so as to call their attention towards him.

"Then I would like to nominate someone who has the qualification to lead us." Akagi then moves aside so that the one behind him would become visible. "Her name is…"

"My name is Sakuya… everyone head my call." The firm voice came from a young girl in her teens who was clearly unknown to the elders present herself to them.

"Akagi who is this girl!?"

"She is…"

"Kohouin Sakuy, the great founder's --Kohouin Souichirou's daughter." Sakuya reaffirms her standing by moving closer to the council of elders.

"ohhhhh… the G.o.d's messenger's daughter…"

"Did Souichirou-sama ever have a daughter?"

Some of the elders were prostrating themselves to her… while others seem to have questions about the legitimacy of her and Akagi's claim.

"I, Akagi s.h.i.+nosuke temporary head of JUUJIKA attest that she is indeed Kohouin Souichiro's blood."

And with only those words, Sakuya was crowned king under the name KIYOHIME of the newly created kingdom with its new name –YAMATO.

The 'REGALIA' was then given to her 4 days from her ascension which was forged into a naginata under her request and named it –AMENONUHOKO, this was then made proof that she and no one else is liege to the 'Land of Solidarity and Kingdom of True Power ', the kingdom of 'YAMATO'.

Tsukis.h.i.+ro, Elders' Chamber, Kingdom of Yamato. August 22, 2011 – 04:28 A.M.

"Hmmm, Adachi what do you think of that girl?"

"Her brazen and bold approach to the council might have won her some of the elder's confidence but… there is no place for a woman in this organization.

"Should we…?"

"There is no need for us to use such barbaric acts…. She's just a little girl… she should be fairly easy to manipulate."

"hahahahaha" the Elders who have sworn their fealty only to Souichirou then contain their thought with how to manipulate her… only to find out later that she was someone they could not just touch.

Her combat skills in the naginata, a j.a.panese halberg type weapon, which she inherited from her father was quite unparalleled within the kingdom of Yamato… no in the whole Midnight Congregation; even earning a place in 'The 7 Sword Saints', which in turn earned her respect from many of the inhabitants of Yamato.

Her ever growing popularity however has become a nuisance to the council of elders who are still clinging to the old cult's traditions and practices, and this split the power of YAMATO between their Sakuya's reign and the council of elders.

Old JUUJIKA 2nd Secret Temple, Asturias, Cebu. January 19, 2013 – 21:04

Adachi and the other council of elders found themselves quite in a predicament. Their motive was clear from the beginning. They wanted to retain the traditions and practices of the cult known as JUUJIKA by incorporating it to the kingdom under the Midnight Congregation under the name if YAMATO.

However, what they could not have predicted was the fact that they were unable to control a young girl (who was only 14 at that time, now 16). Even after 2 years, they still had no direct control to the issues that was concerning them and the kingdom. Whether, the issues being the declaration to wage a defensive war against the other kingdoms of the Midnight Congregation or the fact that Sakuya, have considered a plan to formulate an alliance with one of the kingdoms.

"Adachi, what are we to do with that girl?"

"We should have taken care of that imposter from the start."

"Why did Akagi even considered nominating her… is she really the daughter of Souichirou-sama?"

"That should not be the case; Souichirou-sama should have informed us about his child if he had one."

The endless bickering of what they should have done back then and the empty arguments of Sakuya's lineage was getting them more and more impatient. But as of the moment they have lost the momentum and it was clear to them that resorting to underhand tactics now were not going to be easy for them.

It was then that they had found out about the turmoil in ALEXANDRIA where YAMATO is held as culprit for desecrating their library. With further investigation, they had also found out that the knights were somewhat dissatisfied with their current liege which was also a young girl.

"s.h.i.+n Kafra, was it?" Adachi asked the librarian knight clad in white. "I heard that we share the same dilemma?"

"If you allow me, I might have a solution to both our problems." The young librarian knight gave off a cunning smile.

Part 4

Outside the Gate of the Library of Alexandria, Alexandria, 30th of January 2013 – 00:15

"Argh!" a strained voice came from one of the two male samurai from 'YAMATO'. "…Looks like the CREST is starting to toll on us."

The pain stemmed on the CREST inscribe on their left chest: 'Crowned Magatama', from the 'Land of Solidarity and Kingdom of True Power', the kingdom of YAMATO. Since they are fighting outside their territory, a stinging effect starts to pierce on their chest, this limits their movements… and to top it all, while the body is shot with a painful sting from the crest, while the crest glows outside their territory it also reduces the durability of the summoned weapons, magic efficiency and reduces overall stats of their summoned beings…

It was a bit easy when they were still fighting with the Knights of Alexandria and the REMNANTs earlier, but as the battle of attrition starts to span, their stamina started to plummet.

"Well provide cover and support." Camellia together with her friend Agatha, and the scribes from the kingdom YAMATO had just defended against one they had just fought earnestly earlier and had casted soothing healing spells on all three warriors.

The three warriors were glad with the healing support from their enemies, but also showed confused some gazes.

"It would be bad if you fall and were left with no vanguards." Agatha energetically intrudes which somehow lightened the atmosphere between them.

"Besides…" Camellia pointed her gaze towards the knight who had trained their liege. "Sir Ace has instructed us to focus on support and recovery."

Ace had slaughtered a number of REMNANTs before turning and moving towards their direction. The sight was spectacular even to the battle veteran warriors from YAMATO, it was as if the REMNANTs purposely took his blade.

"Now is not the time to be squabbling, if the Blue Moon wanes and the REMNANTs are not defeated, they might attack civilians." Ace calmly smiled on both sides. "Now then, while it might be taxing to fight and talk at the same time, I would like to get the details on YAMATO's purpose for intruding Alexandria…?"

The warriors of Yamato and the scribes of Alexandria nod in agreement.

Library of Alexandria, Kingdom of Alexandria, 30th of January 2013 – 19:43

It was a few minutes before the battle inside the Library of Alexandria.

"s.h.i.+n!" Camellia was out of breath and called out to the First Alexandrian Knight. "We have visitors…"

"Make your report shorter and please catch your breath first." s.h.i.+n shot a glance to the out-of-breath young girl who had frantically ran from the hallways just to get to him.

"Who is this you called 'visitors'?"

"YAMATO!" Camellia shouted the words. "Emissaries from YAMATO have come to ask to have a word with Princess Alexandria."

"YAMATO, you say…?" s.h.i.+n looked calm. "Has the princess returned yet?" he gave a query to the girl.

"No… I was about to call her when I spotted you."

"I see, hmmm, good… I will be the one to call and report to her highness. Just make sure that all of you scribes are prepared for anything."

"I got it."

s.h.i.+n then proceeded to the gates of the Library of Alexandria and meet up with the emissary sent by the kingdom in the north. In front of the gates were the emissaries of the YAMATO. One stood out among the 10 emissaries --while all wore plain dark black kimono coated with dark blue haoris, and black hakamas, she was wearing a white kimono and a red hakama.

"Your Highness, Princess Kiyohime, It is such an honor to have you here visit our Library." Full of egotistical pleasantries, s.h.i.+n bowed at head of YAMATO.

"I would leave the pleasantries when I meet up with your liege lord." One hailed as the sovereign king of Yamato cut s.h.i.+n's introductions.

"…but of course. Her highness will meet up with you at the library's conference room."

"I will only bring two of my guards, would that be alright, s.h.i.+n Kafra?" with tone of authority and elegance the one hailed as Kiyohime seek approval from the knight in front of her.

"yes… yes you may your highness." s.h.i.+n found himself gulping some of his saliva upon the request of the king.

s.h.i.+n then led them to the room only the liege lord of Alexandria was nowhere to be found. "….hmmm, her highness should have been here… I apologize but maybe she is still in her quarters. I will come and get her." once again s.h.i.+n bowed his head and left the room.


"There is no point in doubting them. You may leave the room and guard the door."

"…By your words."

The time went from one minute to ten, but the liege lord of Alexandria has still arrived.

"How long will they make Kiyohime-sama wait?"

It was then that an explosion was heard inside the room and Kiyohime jumped out of the room without even a graze.

"姫!" One of the warriors guarding the door exclaimed.

*'hime' - princes


*kore ha wana da! Deruzo' – This is a trap! Were getting out!

"はい!" The two guards in unison.

*'hai' – affirmative/yes

On their way out in the just a few meters from where the main doors were located the remaining seven warriors who were supposedly left outside had rushed inside to rescue their liege lord. But their escape route had been cut off, by the time they had rendezvous the knights of Alexandria and scribes had completely surrounded them.

This was when all h.e.l.l broke out.

s.h.i.+n, together with the other knights have started to attack claiming that Yamato had searched the library for the rumoured 'book' that was target a few days ago.

"Protect the Library in the name of the princess Alexandria." s.h.i.+n shouted at the INHABITANTs of the Alexandria.


And thus the clash began.

Library of Alexandria, Kingdom of Alexandria 30th of February 2013 – 00:37

In the heat of battle communication continues to flow.

They say that the master swordsman can talk with their opponent through the sword, as one of the '7 Sword Saints' whose mastery with skills and techniques with her naginata, Sakuya harmonize with Alexia's longing.

With each of Alexia's strikes with the blade honest, surfacing a wish Alexia is searching, a treasure she, with her own hands wants to grab…

A treasure with which Sakuya herself wants to possess… a jewel that which is she calls family.

'Ahhh… she is like me…' both Alexia and Sakuya thought as their eyes met.

And their battled continued… but this time the pride of their country was left out. It was as if they were just fighting to have a chat… one simple girls chat.

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Kings Of The Midnight Congregations: 8 Kings Volume 2 5 Chapter 06: Kensaku No Yoru ? A Family's True Essence summary

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