Kings Of The Midnight Congregations: 8 Kings Volume 2 6 Chapter 07: Konran No Yoru ? Juujika's Old Darkness Strikes

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Chapter 07: 混乱の夜 ♛ JUUJIKA's Old Darkness Strikes

Part 1

Outside the Gate of the Library of Alexandria, Alexandria, 30th of Jauary 2013 – 00:23

"That is wrong!"Camellia frantically shouted at the report of the two warriors. Agatha was vigorously nodding her head in agreement. "The warriors from Yamato attacked from the inside and with the signal from the explosion invaded the library." She continued.

"We did nothing of those sorts" Retorted the warriors from YAMATO who clearly showed their disapproval from their statements as their eyebrows inched closer between their eyes.

The two sides clearly had different versions of the same story. Who was lying? Who was telling the truth? Why did they have both share some odd inconsistencies… what was the purpose of their attacks… who are the targets to whom?

"…"The straightforward voice from Camellia made Ace in deep thought. 'Something is definitely wrong.'

Ace's thought wanted to go deeper, but the REMNATS that gathered continued to increase as if trying to cloud his judgement even more.

"Tche… Looks like they are going to keep on this hara.s.sment… Let's annihilate these guys first…" Ace directed his forefinger on the battlefield. "…then we can sort these inconsistencies."

"Yes!" For some reason all present had unilaterally agreed with Ace.

'I have a bad feeling about this, but I can't let the REMNANTS go rampant…' Ace muttered to himself as he continued to battle with the REMNANTS… 'Princess Alexia, Sakuyhime… I hope everything is normal over in your area…'

As the night battle with the REMNANTS continued… so did the battle between the two KINGS…

Library of Alexandria, Kingdom of Alexandria 30th of January 2013 – 00:38

When the battle started, Alexia and Sakuya's exchange of blades were to know each other, to come up with an understanding of the other and for those minutes both have come to a mutual understood and acknowledged each other.

Now, their blades are pointed at each other not out of spite or any misconceptions that was known prior, but to make a statement, pave their own path and gauge each other's conviction… and eventually it just becomes a pure brawl between two lovely ladies fighting for their dreams, ideals and wishes.

And the battle continues…

When it comes to pure strength and battle experience in close quarter combat, Sakuya has the advantage, she had the strength that came from her father, who had taught her the skills of the naginata, as she grew older she had incorporated some of her own skills as she learn her own weaknesses.

The Naginata's strength lies in mid-range attacks which make it difficult for enemies to enter in for a close quarter attack, spell casters would also have a problem with this since they cannot completely gauge the actual range from its attacks. And if one actually exploits the weakness of the naginata, which is when one get too close, Sakuya skillfully detaches the naginata into a 3 part nunchaku and parry any attacks. She can also use this nunchaku as attacks as form of a variant of her usual mid-range attacks making her a perfect close-quarter and mid-range combat expert.

Alexia's on the other hand has her versatility to account for: combining, both her skills she recently acquired from the training she underwent with a Knight from Albion with a two gun-daggers and incorporating to her greatest strength which is magic.

With the dual gun-dagger skills to parry those who have come to do a close-quarter or mid-range attack, use the inertia from those attacks to push her further from her attackers, then to create more distance, shoot a barrage of bullets from the same gun-daggers and finally while that distance is spanned between her and her enemies, she showcase her greatest apt.i.tude which packs more damage than any other combat skills in the Midnight Congregation: Magic. She then can have enough time to cast even the spells with longer SONGS against her enemies.

"Your battle tactics is quite peculiar… and somewhat troublesome…" Sakuya clearly stated her impression from her fight against the King of Alexandria. "Where did you learn such skills?"

"Why thank you… however I still have a long way to go…" Slightly out of breathe Alexia answers Sakuya earnestly. "As for the tactics, it was bestowed to me from my Master Ace…"

"I see the Knight from Albion… Then I must thank him for giving me an opportunity to this wonderful battle."

"I am also grateful for my master's training."

The two showed a smile befitting two beautiful ladies…

"But this battle has dragged on far too much… It is about time to end this."

"I agree, neither of us have the strength nor the stamina to spare for any more continuous attacks."

The two who have exhausted their strengths both physical and mentally by battling, both their minds and bodies are unable to do any more prolonged combat. As if it has been agreed from the start, the two widened their distance, and took on their respective stance.

Sakuya returns her naginata in its original form grasps it firmly by her right hand and positions it horizontally with her arms extended… and as if invoking a spell, she recites a technique, one that was taught to her by her father who had abandoned her… while adding a little spice from her own personality…


Just like rus.h.i.+ng water, Sakuya speeds her thrusts towards Alexia, the speed is super human, one which no amateur can replicate, evade nor defend against… and absolute victory was in Sakuya's grasps… But, for some reason, Sakuya was in doubt of such a.s.sured victory… "Why am I feeling this… uncertainty…?"

As she Sakuya got closer, 15 more inches and her victory would be attained… at this moment Alexia drops both her gun-daggers… which confuses Sakuya… "Did she accept her defeat…? No, something's not right… what is she …?"

And as if answering Sakuya's internal question… Sakuya heard Alexia invoke a skill of her own.


Sakuya saw it, the moment her body was about 10 inches from Alexia, to the untrained eyes it was as if she was pus.h.i.+ng both her hands in front something invisible, But Sakuya's well trained eyes saw it, what Alexia pushed was actually a type of KI. Unable to penetrate such force, Sakuya's body was pushed backwards and slammed against the wall.

"Splendid…" Sakuya lost consciousness…

"No… had I messed up in performing a skill I saw just once… it would have been my defeat…" After dragging her body near Sakuya's, Alexia drops and lost her consciousness to her exhaustion.

Part 2

Death in the Midnight Congregation is not really an actual death… No if for some they would regard the PENALTY to be worse than the actual death itself… by dying or getting killed in the Midnight Congregation will have your memories erased… all information pertaining the Midnight Congregation… everything…

For Alexia who is searching for her sister who had more connection to the Midnight Congregat'ion than she can ever think off was going to be erased… everything about her will disappear from her…

This was the truth behind the DEATHs in this night of illusions, some who have lost their memories, will have lost something precious that will render them broken. That in itself is more cruel form of death.

Library of Alexandria, Kingdom of Alexandria 30th of January 2013 – 1:43

"To think that she would win against the King of Yamato..." A lone male spoke an icy voice. "Still, you do not deserve the throne."

'A single stab to the heart would do… this sad excuse for a king would die and his true liege would be back to the throne' this was what s.h.i.+n Kafra had planted in his mind as he raised his sword towards the person he was supposed to protect.

"For King Rena…" As he was about to deliver the final blow…


A small tornado made of flames stood in between s.h.i.+n Kafra and Alexia.

"s.h.i.+n! Tell me one good reason why I should not burn you in to absolute crisp!" The female voice was heavy, anger was evident.

"…Camellia…" The icy tone in s.h.i.+n Kafra's voice remained, as if justice was siding with him.

"Princess Alexia…!" as the pillar of flames widened the distance between s.h.i.+n and Alexia, Agatha, another of Alexandria's scribe went and confirm Alexia's condition. "She seems fine, just asleep from exhaustion."

Outside the Gate of the Library of Alexandria, Alexandria, 30th of January 2013 – 1:36

The battle which have prolonged had chipped away stamina and mental stability of the CASTER type combatants… Camellia and Agatha who had exerted their most powerful spells to minimize the numbers of the REMNANTS were the ones who became targets of that exhaustion.

"You two, Camellia and Agatha right, don't push yourself too hard, go inside and take a look inside the library." Ace saw this and advised the two take a breather.

"No, we can still fight…" Even though she is clearly exhausted, but Camellia's pride refused to take that advice.

"I am a bit worried about the two princesses inside; it would also be good if we can get an update as to what is happening inside." Although, he said it so that Camellia and Agatha would quickly change their refusal, he was really worried about the two, he could not shake the feeling of uneasiness that is why some of them should head back inside to act as messengers.

"Okay, we'll see what is happening inside." As expected when it comes to their princess, the two immediately sprints towards the library.

"Are you three not going to rush inside?"

"Hahaha, no matter how many scribes you send there they will not be able to defeat our liege." The three were in agreement. "Besides, our princess has ordered us to defeat the REMNANTS, so as not to sully the duel between them; we will stay and stop them here."

"You have my thanks." Ace then continues to plow the remaining REMNANTS.

Library of Alexandria, Kingdom of Alexandria 30th of January 2013 – 1:45

Camellia and Agatha stamina and mental stability has lowered considerable due to the combat with the REMNANTS outside, should have no way in casting any magic, but the two who saw that their princess liege was about to be killed by non-other than the knight who was supposed to protect her mustered whatever remaining power they could gather and casted that FIRE PILLAR to insure Alexia's safety. As of the moment, they were bluffing…

"Now s.h.i.+n, why is a knight who has sworn to protect the princess, turning his sword against her!?" She turned her icy voice against s.h.i.+n, despite her exhaustion her voice was firmed with conviction.

"This thing is no king of mine…" Anger in his voice s.h.i.+n howls towards Camellia. "Why should this weakling become our king, Rena is far more capable than her, you agree too right Camellia, Agatha?"

He was not seeking any affirmation from both of them; he was merely stating a fact. And both of them could not agree, true Rena the previous king was capable, but she had already ascended and gave her position as king to Alexia, who both accepted not just because it was Rena who suggested it, but they really feel that she would become a good king who would materialize their ideals far better than Rena could ever do.

With range in their eyes the two were about to cast a spell but… nothing came out from their songs… the exhaustion has finally caught to them. As if to make matters worse, 6 warriors from Kingdom of Yamato made a worse declaration.

"What is it s.h.i.+n Kafra, I thought you would have finished your job, killing your own…" One of the warriors came closer to the other princess and kicked her in the stomach.

"Why you…" Agatha who was closer tried to defend Sakuya but…

With no strength, she was raised in the air, gasping for breath, two large hands was strangling her. Camellia tried also to come to Agatha's aide but, s.h.i.+n kicked her aside and pinned her to the wall. Even if the two have their conviction, they could only struggle in vain because of their weakness… they had failed, they thought…

"Stay away from them…" After what seemed like meek voice was heard, a larger pillar of flames separated both the traitor knights of Alexandria and the 6 warriors from Yamato from Camellia, Agatha, Alexia and Sakuya.

"Do not think that treason can be paid with an apology, zaku ga…" Another meek voice continued.

"Princess…" tears flowed from Agatha and Camellia's eyes.

"You…!!!" Hatred from s.h.i.+n and the other Alexandrian Knights

"Hime ga!!!" Scorn could be seen from the 6 Yamato warriors.

The two princesses who should have been unconscious finally woke up…

"I would have been woken up by a prince… but a kick in the stomach… really…"

"You would retort to that, something must be wrong with your head Sakuya."

The two princesses who should have depleted their strengths, found a new strength from the betrayal and the conviction to protect what they must protect.

"Do you still have the strength to fight these guys…"

"You better believe it."

"Here we come, you Traitor!!!" The two as if gathering up strength shouted at their new enemies.

Part 3

There are four types of weapons systems in the Midnight Congregations: BLANK SLATES, HEIRLOOMs, EMBLEMs, and REGALIAs.

Among the four weapon types, two of this weapon system has Physical existence, meaning they are not made of illusions. One is the EMBLEMs which are held by the prominent heroes of each kingdom, numbers are unknown. They amplify all aspects of combat, the magic power of any SONG MAGIC, SUMMON MAGIC, above all since they are made of real metal they pack the pain inducing damages.

The other is, the REGALIAs, there are only 8 of them… and they are held by their respective kings, kings, who were chosen by the system, those who have the most apt.i.tude to wield them, control themselves and not to commit murder using them. Just like with the EMBLEMs, the REGALIAs, has amplification in all its aspect in combat, the only difference is that not just anyone can hold these weapons, the REGALIAs after all chooses its wielder.

Library of Alexandria, Kingdom of Alexandria 30th of January 2013 – 1:47

The two princesses who had been fighting against the other earlier were now lending their backs. Their enemies: 1 Alexandrian Traitor Knights and 6 Traitor Warriors from Yamato.

The combination from a CASTER and FIGHTER is troublesome pair…

Sakuya who focused herself in defending Alexia and attacking the traitors who gets too close to her, although at a weakened state none of them who gets too close to her range were spared from her attacks, with her 'REGALIA' in a shape of naginata which she had named 'Amenonuhoko' she can hit critically and instill painful physically damage and while they are harmed physically, Alexia who can insure that the enemies are kept at a distance from the two of them by shooting bullets from her twin gun-dagger EMBLEMs Artemis and Diana, then cast powerful magic amplified by her REGALIA: Asclepius, Alexia can then harm the mind –the mental stability of her targets.

And the two are actually one of the strongest in their fields. Sakuya Ranked 5th in 7 Sword Saints and Alexia Ranked 2nd in 7 Mystic Saints, those who have thought they can defeat any Kings from any of the Kingdoms were dreaming a painful nightmare.

Camellia and Agatha wanted to support the two princesses, but they have depleted their mental stability and lost the power to cast any support or attack spells. As of the moment they are looking out for any ambushes from the other traitor knights who had gone missing after s.h.i.+n Kafra decided to join the warriors from Yamato.

'Should we go look for them?' Camellia ponders to herself. After a few minutes collecting her thoughts, she then grasped Agatha's hands and… "Let's go Agatha…"

The two exited the main library and decided to do what they can do for the two princesses…

Meanwhile the battle between the traitors and the target of their betrayals continued.

"I think you have underestimated my skills, have you forgotten… I am the daughter of the Divine Souichirou!, One hailed as the Divine Child" To think the day would come for me to use my father's name like this… and that t.i.tle… as I though its embarra.s.sing… Alexia please… I hope you are not laughing there…

Alexia knew that Sakuya was merely bluffing, both of them were already past their limits, but still really 'The Daughter of the Divine Souichirou…', 'Divine Child…'Alexia wanted to retort but saw the hesitance in the warriors' movement… 'Do they even believe that… bluff', Alexia was dumb founded… 'I guess there are still a lot of things I have to learn from this girl…' and smiles to herself.

s.h.i.+n was confused at the others actions… 'What the h.e.l.l! It is clearly a bluff… is it some type of joke?' Why were they hesitating for some joke, he did not know, and did not want to know.

"If you want something done you got to do it yourself!" and launched an enraged attack against the two.

In any battle , coolness of the mind is a virtue one must always observe, Alexia and Sakuya clearly dominated these fields the moment Sakuya presented her bluff, not wasting any time, the two did a coordinated attack and a.s.saulted their enemies.

s.h.i.+n who has lost to rage and the warriors who bought the bluff leaving them confused and hesitant, were now at the mercy of the two princesses.

With a beautiful flow, like a river running downhill, the two's attack flowed effortlessly, Alexia with her twin gun-daggers Artemis and Diana shoot bullets to out-balance them and while they are that state Sakuya's naginata: Amenonuhoko finishes them off rendering them unconscious.

"双子(SOUs.h.i.+) 鬼(ONI) 爪牙(SOUGA)" [Twin Demon Fangs]

"竜(RYUU) 水(SUI) 槍(SOU)" [Dragon Water Lance]

And then there was silence, with the traitors lying unconscious the two finally slumps their bodies on floor breathing hardly…

"Demon… Really, that's what you name your attacks…" Sakuya faces the girl with the angelic smile.

"It can't be help, my master is a pract.i.tioner of the 千鬼道流 (Techniques of a Thousand Demons Ways)" Alexia muttered while pouting, Sakuya found it cute.

"Sorry about that Divine Child."

"Waaaa…. That's playing dirty… to retort with that embarra.s.sing t.i.tle..." Sakuya was now embarra.s.sed with Alexia's teasing tone.

The two pouted for a little while and then started laughed heartily…

But their laughter was short lived, the battle they were sure was already over started anew. Sakuya felt a sudden chill. She did not know why but she could feel that what she's sensing something like an alarm… 'Something's coming…' it was telling her…

"Alexia…! We need to get out of here…" Sakuya frantically stood up, her head constantly beaming everywhere.

"What's wrong Sakuya?" Alarmed Alexia asks Sakuya.

"I don't know but I feel a strange air flowing in… I can't explain it well but… we really need to get out of here���" Sakuya did not know it yet but she is very familiar with the new threat that they are about to face… after all, she had seen them once in her life…

As they were slowly dragging their bodies away from the main library, something rattled right behind them

…And it peeked at them

The two moving only on instinct, immediately unsheathed their weapons and made a combat stance. They were sure that they did not have the stamina, mental stability to fight this monster but for some reason it would seem that it was not about to let them go anywhere else, they have no choice but fight it here and now.

"How much do they hate for them to bring out this monster?!" Sakuya unfiltered her discontent.

"Do you know anything about it?" Alexia slide simple query, not to probe on Sakuya's involvement, rather to know more about the monster and Sakuya herself.

"I'll tell you more about it at a later time, but for the now all I can say is that it is something my father had once experimented on."

Alexia could not only doubt her ears, as soon as she heard Sakuya's words… experimented… She realizes for the first time that the Dark side of the Midnight Congregation runs quite deep than she ever imagine. 'Ate Elena…'

Part 4

During the creation of the Midnight Congregation, to ensure that no more tragedies like the King of Illusion monster rampage during the JUDICIUM REBELLION come out, further development on certain weapons were abolished. With the establishment of the 8 kingdoms the REGALIA were fixed to the amount to 8 and a restriction where the weapons themselves choose their owners. EMBLEMs limited also to a certain numbers and picking of its wielder scrutinized. HEIRLOOMS and BLANK SLATES can only be used by people with the kingdoms insignia. Magic is further restricted by singing songs or performing a dance, summoning needs a contract or taming which are harder than wielding weapons themselves.

These restrictions were created so that the Midnight Congregation can co-exist under a veil of secrecy, to live only in the night. Any further development of weapons, especially those which creates widespread chaos that would lead to a leak of information to the local government and will in turn give the government to cease these technologies will destroy any plans to create that ideal world.

This was the reason why the former JUUJIKA's demonic chimaera experiments were destroyed by the Midnight Congregation when it was still in its final creation phase… all 89 chimaeras killed albeit the cruelty of killing the innocent creations, then again being tortured by and turn into something else by that experiment, death might have been the ideal choice… or so at least this was how everyone who handled the death of the 89 chimaeras felt.

And now, one of the 11 Missing chimaeras has reared its deathly head once more.

Library of Alexandria, Kingdom of Alexandria 30th of January 2013 – 2:03

The battles against the beast prove to be more troublesome for the two. Not only were they exhausted, but the CHIMAERA itself was extremely strong.

"Alexia, this is beyond us… in our current state… We have to get out… of the library as… soon as possible." Sakuya who was out of breath was unable to speak in succession.

Alexia nodded in confirmation, however agreeing about that statement and doing it was going to be hard. After all for the first three minutes since they had battled the chimaera it has caught wind of their presence like it could see wherever they went. But they needed to do it… should they die here not only will their dreams and wishes end; it would also end the dreams and wishes of their subjects (the ones who are loyal to them at least).


Alexia fell down her body which should have collapse since a while ago has finally caught up to her. She was breathing hard and her sides hurt as h.e.l.l, she could not even speak.


Library of Alexandria, Kingdom of Alexandria 30th of January 2013 – 1:51

"Agatha we need to hurry and inform Sir Ace and the others of the rebellion taking place inside…" Camellia was frantic and out of breath.

When Camellia decided to leave the two princesses to fend off for themselves against the 6 warriors from Yamato and s.h.i.+n Kafra the treacherous Alexandrian knight, she had decided to seek help from Ace who was still fighting REMNANTs outside the Library. She did not know if the two warriors are friend or foe but Ace was different, he was mentoring their liege, a complete third party and should have no hand in this rebellion, that is how she feels and she knows Ace would answer to that feeling.

But as soon as they got to a certain corner they got wrapped up with the remaining treacherous Alexandrian Knights, they were unloading some heavy box like thing and once they had fixed it on the floor, they somehow found out about Camellia and Agatha's whereabouts and immediately launched an attack against the two…

Camellia knew that she neither have the energy nor the strength to fend them so all she could do was run away and headed for another path leading to the outside… a longer path… 'I need to call for reinforcement, princess please be safe'

"Camellia… It too late for me go…" not an outgoing person and has not stamina for longer running Agatha succ.u.mb to fatigue. "Leave me and head for the others, the princess need them…"

Camellia knew Agatha was right but… "You know I could never leave you …" Tears was running on her cheeks. 'If I have to die at least I will die protecting this idiot…' the two collapsed on the floor in exhaustion.

A few minutes later the two came into consciousness as a healing light engulfed them. The knights who were supposed to be killing them were now lying flat on the ground.

"You two awake?" Greeted a girl in a j.a.panese clothing with concern, she had a cute smile her hands were glowing, which indicates that she was the one who casted healing magic on both of them. "Looks like something that should not have happened, happened inside."

Camellia and Agatha looked at each other and for some reason they felt that these two are allies if not to them, at least to the YAMATO princess. So without even taking any breather the two accounted what they saw inside.

"Those… treacherous b.a.s.t.a.r.ds…" Anger could be felt from the female warrior.

"Is the princess safe!?" Said a bear like man, concern could be seen and felt in his actions and words.

"You two, can you walk on your own!" Although it was a rude remark, Camellia and Agatha knew where it was coming from, so they nodded and picked themselves up…

They needed to get back to the main library; they needed to protect their liege.

Library of Alexandria, Kingdom of Alexandria 30th of January 2013 – 2:07

"Alexia!!!" Sakuya could not restrain her voice as she was about to see a terrible site of losing a friend she had finally met, tears flowed from her eyes she could even taste rusted iron mixed in on her tears…

When the smoke faded from the debris created by the impact from the chimaera, Alexia was nowhere to be found, only the confused chimaera remained.

"Where's Alexia…" Sakuya muttered loudly to herself. Trailing far from the chimaera she saw a man in black overall holding Alexia, Sakuya sighed a relieved breath. She was about to call to him but, there was something that stopped her, she herself did not know why, but the moment she look straight the man's eye she felt nostalgic… 'Where have I seen those eyes…?"

"Lady Sakuya, how are your wounds?" The gentle voice said.

"They are fine, how is Alexi… the Alexandrian Princess?" she immediately corrected herself. Then for some reason the cold sad eyes were gone, replace by a gentle smile.

"The princess is safe, probably just exhausted." His smile continues. "Leave everything to me and res for a bit… I will take care of this."

And with that he laid the Alexandrian princess in a safe corner and readied it stance…

"I will erase your existence here…" Ace C. Bloodforte, a Knight serving the strongest kingdom, filled his voice with anger but a certain sad element mixed in it. Ace took a stance; Sakuya knows this stance all too well after all she has seen it countless times when she is training together with her troops… 'IAJUTSU'

'似てる' Sakuya felt it.

*Niteiru - looks familiar


It was just an instant, a singular horizontal slash flashed and reaching the chimaera, and then it was sliced in half and as if nothing had happened Ace sheathed his blade.

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Kings Of The Midnight Congregations: 8 Kings Volume 2 6 Chapter 07: Konran No Yoru ? Juujika's Old Darkness Strikes summary

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