World Terror 19 Flame Fiend Rak

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" Masako retreat! retreat! do not go so deep into the insect tide, we are out of Machine Cannons effective range they cannot cover our backs. even though the Insect Tide is slowing down and their number is plumating its till dangerous to fight at the edge of the Formation array. let the Corpse Puppet handle the rest. " shouted Hito helplessly, he had to agree that if it was not for the 2 western marksmen cover their backs they would not fare so well in the battle. the absolute crowd control skill of these marksmen astonished Hito, it was the were controlling the flow of the enemy advance and battle making it easier for him and Masako to go on a ramapage without caring about their flank. he was really happy that he decide to give a lift to this westerners if not for their marksmans.h.i.+p it would be very hard for them to defeat the insect tide without the help of Grandma Sukehime.

No matter how much Hito warned Masako, she did not listen to him she kept pusing the bugs to the edge of the formation array. seeing no other option Hito choose to keep up with Masako and cover for her.

When everyone thought that the insect tide had lost, the fiery dome trembled and wave's of flame started to form on the dome which convered at the center of the dome. At the center of dome as the flame waves converged a fire ball of the size of a basket ball was visible with every pa.s.sing second more and more waves stared to converge and the fire ball started to grow in size.

Seeing this everyone was alerted they felt something was wrong, even the head strong Masako knew something was not right and retreated along with Hito. The team start to panick as this fireball was not mentioned in the plan planned by James and Malinda clearly something unexpected has happened.

[ Malinda, James what is happening ? ] questioned Janet eagerly, looking at the growing fire ball.

[ Don't know this never happened in the original works, but whatever it is its not good news for us. you guys are feeling it right the oxygen level is decreasing faster with the emegence of the fire balland the air is getting more and more poluted with carbondioxide, making it more difficult for us to breath. the plot is starting to change from the original works, I am no more sure that Hito, Masako and Sukehime can break this formatio array. we have to think of some thing fast otherwise we will die of suffocation and carbon posioning even before the bugs get to use. ] replied Malinda with a solemn tone. hearing Malinda the team knew something that they did not want to take place happened, the scenario is diverting from the original works.

The only advantage in this super scary scenario was that they had preknowledge of the what was going to happen thanks to the original works and now if even that is lost their survival curve just took a deep dive. Even though no one said it James could see the look of hopelessness on their facial expressions.

[ do not worry, This change does not effect the final out come it only hastens it. you guys get ready, I think its about time the bosses behind the scenes will make the entry, be patient and alert, there is no telling what happens next. just remember doubt is the greatest weakness of the mind. ] James tried to cheer up and encourage the teams hope but he was no great leader rather he was a salted fish nerd who crossed in to this scary world so the result was a fail attempt.

But what James said was right, 'This change does not effect the final out come it only hastens it. ' cause in the original works the male and female lead are never able to break the formation in the end it was who Grandma Sukehime burns her vitality to break the formation array and defeat the enemies leading to her sacrificing herself. as long as grandma Sukehime is not dead or defeated before breaking the formation array and defeating the enemies, they still have hope.

The fire ball at the center of the dome was slowly but fast growing in size as more and more waves gathered at the the center, it looked like the extra flame from all over the dome were gathering at a point to forma huge fireball. the fireball slowly grew from10 inches wide basket ball size to 1 meter than grew to 3 meter and finally stopped reaching 10 meter wide, it looked like a small sun inside the dome. after reaching 10 meters the fire ball with the help of the earths gravitational pull dropped itself at the wagon which was at the center of the array formation. the dome was of 450 meter radius so it did not take much time for the fireball to bombard the wagan under the influnce of the gravitational pull.

Looking at the falling fireball James cusred 's.h.i.+t' and decided to abandoned the wagon, then he remembered Malinda, rushed to her, carrying Malinda on his back as James hurried out of the wagon.

Leon and the rest of the team who were standing by the wagon also ran for cover to evade the aftermath. but then Trisha and Ava again ran towards the wagon to rescue James but soon they recived a M-chat from James so they stop stop in their tracks towards the wagon

" James san, Malinda san !!! " screamed Hito as he saw the fireball bombard the wagon, even it has only been half a day since they meet Hito had formed a connection with James and his friends.

Hito felt that he was some what similar to James and his friends, After losing his master he became orphan and homeless with no place or someone to call his own, similar to how James and his friends have lost their family, friends, home and city to 'Night parade of 10,000 Yokai's ' with no place or someone to call his own. Even though he admit it but he felt a little sympathy for these kids. So, seeing the Fireball bombard the wagon with James and Malinda a little sad and unhappy.

But Just when every one thought that the fireball was going to bombard the wagon burning it to dust a gray flame spoued out of the wagon and swallowing the free falling fireball, the gray flame did not stop there it spread through out the dome and completely filled the fiery dome. when the gray flame filled the entire fiery dome it some how knew to avoid Hito, Masako, James and rest of the team and even though they were standing right next to the flame they did not feel hot due to the temoreature of the gray fire, it was as if the Gray flame had its own consciousness or it was being controlled by someone with pro level pyrokinesis. when everyone was confused to what was happening a coarky voice sounded " Don't move, it will be over soon. "

Hearing this voice everyone clamed done and Masako enthusiastically screamed " grandma has shot, we will be out of here in no time. "

[ cough! ... James can you put me down.. please ] fake coughed Malinda to hide her embarra.s.sment.

[ .... sorry I forgot, you are light to carry, it did not feel like I was caring another person with me. ] James delicately placed malinda down on the ground and apologized

[ so, guys what is happening! won't all the oxygen in the dome be burnt out at this rate] asked Justin seeing how hard the gray flame was struggling to expand and break out of the fiery dome.

[ No, this is Soul Flame this doesn't burn with the same principle as the other flames. so we do not have to worry about it burning all the oxygen, it burns with soul power provided by the user instead of usiing oxygen as normal flames. ] explained James. hearing James explaination everyone sigh in relief and Mira asked [ so is it finished... ]

[ No, we are still very far from finish, we are still at the beginning. thing are just getting heated. ] said James, as the gray flame tried to break the fiery demon domain dome, but the dome did not show any sing of bludging.

The clash between the soul flame and fiery dome continued for about another 10 mins but certain parts of the fiery dome which burned with yellow red flame started to burn with blue black flame... until finally the complete dome burned with blue black flames.

As soon as the flame on the dome turn blue black a loud eerie laughter sounded inside the dome this laugh was live 10,000's of voices laughing as one completely creepy and so horrifing to listen to. this laugh rang through out the dome as it echoed with in the dome. listening to this voice mira almost yelped in fright.

Soon the source of the laugh revealed himself or themselves, This creacture was hard to describe as its frame was of a 2.5-2.7 meter tall s.h.i.+nny silver skeleton which was covered in yellow red flames which sometimes form into screaming human face and soon returned to normal flames. inside the blue black dome this yellow red creature was like a lantern and was hard to not notice.

Looking at this figure the team exclaimed together in fright " Flame Fiend!! " x9

" Flame Fiend! good t.i.tle .. um.. Flame Fiend Rak yes! from today onwards I am flame fiend Rak " said The flame covered Skeleton creature. it voice eerie and it sound like 10,000 people said the same thing at the same time.

" f.u.c.k! its never easy when it comes to you grandma and granddaughter pair. Ah! I regret letting you two travel in my steam wagon " cursed Hito looking at the flame fiend.

" Do act like you are doing this for free, we are paying you a fortune. humh! " retorted Masako

Blacklines formed on Hito's forehead as he shouted back" I am still yet to see a penny of that fortune you speak off "

" real funny you punks how dare you ignore and disrespect the almighty Flame Fiend Rak, I will burn you to dust. " shouted Flame Fiend Rak, annoyed by Hito and Masako's actions. and suddenly he sneak attacked Masako and Hito with a fire ball spell.

Even though Masako and Hito acted childishly they were still on alert and never let their guard down, so when the flame fiend attcked Masako and Hito with a fire ball spell Masako dodged it with ease and Hito slashed the fireball with his sword extinglis.h.i.+ng it from existence.

Seeing this the flame scream in disbelief " Impossible how could you cut my fire ball, it is made up of special demon flame made by the agony and suffering of 10,000 human soul, a normal sword should not be able to with stand the flame powered by agony and suffering. "

" you are right if it was normal sword I would have hard time cuting the fireball with my technique alone but this is a Demon Sword its called 'Owari no ken'(sword of the end) it puts end to everything, power agony and suffering of 10,000 souls is no big deal for it. " sneered Hito and then turned to James and asked " how do you guys know this creature ?"

" We have never seen one for ourselves but we have heard many lore of this creature. from what we heard evil warlocks summon this creature by sacrificing hundreds thousands of innocent souls to demon fire ritual. this creature is a combination of all the souls scarificed to sommon the creature and the flames on the creature is powered by the agony and suffering of the souls scarificed, more the souls scarificed stronger the flame, so it is named Flame Fiend. no known weakness for the creature are mentioned in the lores. but due to the horrible nature of this creature's flame it is very difficult to deal with it but with your demon sword I think odds are in your side. " answered James with all the information he could think off.

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World Terror 19 Flame Fiend Rak summary

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