World Terror 6 Soul Organ

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Ava walked out of James bedroom and said to the trio staring at her," James said that he will take a shower first and also to save some Pie for him "

Marie nodded, 'its been about 5 mins since James entered the room so nothing unspeakable could have happened between them' she thought.

Trisha curiously thought,' what did you guys do in there, that James would require a shower.'she totally forgot about her visit to the hospital earlier. To her side Tina was disappointed as she was hoping for something much spicier.

After Ava left the room James did not hurry to the bath but he sat on the bed and sighed. Ever since he gained consciousness he did not have s.p.a.ce to gather his thoughts, irrespective of all his doubts he had to continue the charade, maybe this was the reason he was able to accept the reality of his reincarnation faster than he thought he would. but still, it felt good to finally have some s.p.a.ce to himself.

"status" muttered James, and a window screen appeared in front of him.

Name : James Alpucci

Age : 15 year 11 months 27 days old

Pa.s.sive Ability : Moneta's Fork ( soul organ )

9Y: 11M: 27D: 20H: 26m: 35sec

Moneta's Fork : A Soul Organ with the ability to replicate the learned knowledge and skills of others through their memories, The user can gain/replicate any kind of knowledge, be it knowledge over a subject, a foreign language, or mastery of a fighting style. They can duplicate information from creatures memories or inanimate mediums of data, such as books, computers, etc.. this knowledge and skills gained can be transferred to others through the soul Organ. A soul organ has it own conscious dependent on the user's will. ( upgraded version of Linguistic a.s.similation )

Moneta's Fork is not just limited to Languages like Linguistic a.s.similation, it can also gain the knowledge and skills of creatures or inanimate mediums, be it intellectual or physical. but instead through touch, Soul Organ becomes the medium for a.s.similation between the user and victim.

" Moneta's Fork " called out James, and on his left hand wrist a eye shaped sky blue slime appeared. it seemed to be squinting at him, as if asking him why did he summon it. some how James seemed to understand it and it seemed to respond to his thoughts. this was the second time James had called upon it, first time was in the hospital, it appeared inside the palm of his hand while he was holding Trisha's hand so he or anyone else were not able to see it.

James decided to test some of its ability and limits like the one where it can replicate the knowledge of inanimate mediums, so James point it to the book on the desk and asked the organ to copy it.

James was checking to see if it is a ranged ability, soon the the eye shaped sky blue slime stretched into a rope like a USB cable and attached itself to the book. after few seconds James felt a new knowledge in his mind.

" Awesome " shouted James, then another thought appeared in James head, why has the ability upgraded so much, was it because of the cheat every reincarnated one receive in the novels.' Nah!' denied James because the cheats mentioned in the Novels were way more over powered then his current pa.s.sive ability. soon he received some info from the Organ.

According to the organ upgrade occurred due to the use of fragmented remains of the Predecessor's soul. which lead to James inheriting complete and clean memories from the Predecessor. It seems powerful souls are required to awaken Soul Organ type abilities which in case of James happened due to because of the fragmented remains of the Predecessor's soul.

According to the information he received from the predecessors memories earlier Soul Organ basically is a organ or extension of soul formed due to the Mutation of strong soul and the status window will update again when he enters the Terror Multiverse for the first time.

All the excitement of the reincarnation and soul organ came to an end, As James heart went cold allover thinking that in another 3 days he will have to enter the Terror multiverse. he had Just been reborn and started to feel the pressure of survival. According to resent statics the survival rate of the first trip to Terror multiverse is 1:20 that is one in every twenty rookie's survives their first strip, 19 other just die.

Out on the dinning table Marie, Trisha, Tina and Ava were enjoying their pie like everything was normal, to them this Graduation exam was like any other graduation exam only you pay with your life if you fail, they knew for years that this day was coming and were prepared while not letting there fear and worry affect their day to day life. But James was different he was just reborn, it is like you successfully over come a heart surgery only to hear you have another surgery in 3 days.

James was devastated, plagued with fear. he has been through the predecessors memories and knew how dangerous the Terror Multiverses can be. Even though James had played many Games, read many novels and slayed many monsters in his head, it was just a game or a novel or his imagination non of that was real. even with the complete memories, skills and talents of the predecessor, James was still a green house flower who had never left his home other than for school and tuition. suddenly asking him to literally survive a horror show with near 100 percent death rate was too much to ask of him.

Thinking past his fear's James gathered this thoughts, he began to plan for his survival in this terror infested world.

To began with James was very happy with his updated ability, it saved him lot of time and effort from gathering information and skills. He began to strategies like he would before every new game. James current body's physical capability are considered average compared to other's of his age, it was mostly because his pa.s.sive ability was not physical type.

The Predecessor had a vast library of languages in his head but when it came to combat skills there was only few, advanced combat technique, intermediate marksmans.h.i.+p, basic stick combat art. this small inventory of combat skill along with his average physic worried James. James could fill his inventory with his new ability but Moneta's Fork only replicates the knowledge and skill of other's not the force and strength behind these skills .

Then as a solution James thought of many combat skills which do not require strong physic but just the skillful mastery of the combat art while neutralizing the opponent using his own strength against him, like Advanced Judo, Advanced Jujitsu etc..

Next was to gather as much movie, fictional, anime etc data as possible in this three days. even though Leon has said that they already hired a tier 3 guide for the scenario but it doesn't hurt to be prepared, especially for some one with his pa.s.sive ability. Guide is someone who mainly focuses on on learning and memorizing all the scenario like movies, fictions, etc instead of combat. someone chooses to be Guide mainly because of the nature of their Pa.s.sive ability, for example Annie Keller considered as No 1 Guide because of her pa.s.sive ability Library.

Next James had to choose the direction of his future development, there are many directions to choose from Tank, Damage dealer, pathfinder, support, healer, mage, strength type, agility type etc..

If it was a game, James would definitely choose a Damage dealer path like Knight or a mage. but its not a game this is reality, James doesn't want to get his hands dirty unless it is absolute necessary. so, he decided to choose one of the following paths, Beast Tamer, Summoner, Necromancer, Cybermancer, Slavemancer, plague doctor, witch doctor, Arachnid lord, Lich or any other similar occupations. maybe not Lich he would prefer something human.

Choosing any one of the before mentioned jobs would be somewhat similar to controlling a character in game, James really did not want to fight himself but have p.a.w.ns fight for him similar to playing a game. but the problem with these occupations was that they require huge funding, strong people of this occupation either have a rich and strong guild or organisation supporting them or born with golden spoon in their mouth.

Thanks to James new updated ability money wasn't a problem for him. only problem was that, would he be able to redeem any one of these occupation from World Terror. Occupation would be one of the new features obtained through upgradation of the status screen. to redeem something from World Terror one should have enough T-coins and related exploration rate.

Shaking his head James decide to complete the first two step for now instead of dwelling about something he did not have control over. After taking a quick shower and changing into something comfortable James went to the dinning table," where's my slice of pie ? " he said

" here brother " said Tina pointing to the plate adjacent to her.

" why is my slice so thin " asked James, looking at the pie infront of him.

" Big sis Trisha cut half of your slice " said Tina.

" hey!, I only too 1/3 of the slice, it was too delicious I could not help it. " protested Trisha.

" Took 1/3, more like you left 1/3rd. " mumbled Tina.

" no fights on the dinning Table " said Marie, " James Trisha told that you upgraded you ability and it is very useful. "

" yes! brother. can you really teach others any language with a touch. " asked eager Tina.

" yes, I can " said James.

" yesss! big bro, I know you like Key Lime pie very much so you can have my share here I was saving it for you. Just remember that I am your most well behaved and loyal sister." said Tina while adding her share of pie to James's plate.

" Tina O' my sly little sister, I forgot to tell you that he can only use his ability once a day, and today's chance he has used it on me and the upcoming quota's are already booked for Leon. so there is no way he can help you with your language quiz tomorrow " sneered Trisha.

" what! is it true bro " exclaimed Tina, James just nodded looking at her exaggerated expression

" why did you not tell me this earlier", asked Tina looking at Trisha.

" because you refused to share your slice of the Pie with me. " said Trisha, eyeing the Pie on James's plate. she now regrets eating her pie so fast.

" Trisha have you decided on the rest of the members for your team. " asked James

'' yes, Ava's Twin cousins will be joining us. " replied Trisha.

" And another one ... " asked James

" what another one? " Trisha gave James a puzzled look

" last person in your 5 member team. " asked James with annoyance.

" that's you, did you forget it " said Trisha with a questioning gaze.

" you got to be kidding me I already told you I am going with Leon's team... Trisha why are you so stubborn" exclaimed James.

" let me me clear the misunderstanding " said Ava," Our captain has decide to enter the graduation exam with only 4 member team. "

" what?!.. why!" exclaimed Marie, James and Tina.

" yes according to captain, she does not like the idea of replacing comrade James. she would clear the scenario with 4 member team rather then replace James. " said Ava

" what about you? " questioned James

" my thoughts are the same as my captain." replied Ava.

" and what about the Twins, do they even know about this. " asked James.

" they do not know and do not need to know, I think they will also have same thoughts my captain. " said Ava with a carefree face.

" why do you keep calling her captain, you are just fueling her stubbornness. " said James " and you shorty, you better enlist a fifth member soon or .."

" who are you calling shorty do you want your a.s.s kicked again " shouted Trisha, " Ava tell him this is my team and until he does not return we will continue with just 4 member team"

" Comrade James , my captain told me to ... " Ava was about repeat Trisha's words again to James but was interrupted by Marie.

" you three little piggy's, how many time do I have to tell you not to fight on the dinning table. "

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World Terror 6 Soul Organ summary

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